This issue is complex and extensive, many aspects remain unfulfilled, it really is a constructive discussion topic very good for a "storming" .
predisposition for this condition begins in the womb, when our mother, sensitive to her pregnancy, suffering from fears and insecurities common in pregnant women, not realizing that these feelings were transmitted to the child (the Greeks used to isolate the Women pregnant and only allowed him to listen to poetry and music). The unborn child to feel the change in the heartbeat of the mother, who is the fingerprint by which recognize it when you breastfeed in their lap, will share the insecurity and fear. If the mother suffered from "bad stomach" and is not well fed, it is worse for the baby since you may have nervous system instability due to malnutrition.
Then comes the invisible worm of destruction, when the child is exposed to start interacting with the environment and other children. For this example we
Let's talk about Ricky (fictitious name, invented character) his mother was a girl Young sexual curiosity got pregnant, her family rejection and became a single mother. All that time to consider abortion and hit his belly, fearing the future. Did not have much to hold, so do not eat well, also not be charged any way. By giving birth does not want to breastfeed was not dropping the chest, he wants to get intimate, as a result of this the child is fed with "formulas" (that is material to a separate book) these formulas are not in anything approaching what is breast milk and the child can grow fat but with many nutritional deficiencies.
As the child grew it began to incorporate as a member of the family of the mother who then forgive and as a member of the family of the father, obviously the more likely it is that there is a conflict of harmony between the two families.
Everyone has some basic needs of belonging (to know who is a member of a family, a nationality, religion etc), acceptance and recognition ("I accept you as a member of the family", "I accept you as a friend "" You're smart, "" are working "as an example), along with the need to love and be loved the image and likeness of God who is love. Also needs to imitate, usually the child imitates the parent and the child's mother.
In this case, Ricky 'every time I was with the family of the mother said, "you do not copy your father is a ...." And each time I was in with the father's family told him "your mother ... that's a ...." and there start a conflict in the self-image of the child, who does not know who to copy, but worse still do not know where it belongs. And if you say "you're just like your family to pay" in a derogatory way worsen the situation. And conflicts not only have already mentioned, but also have social maladjustment.
What Ricky thought of himself in his subconscious? What frame of mind will be made for himself a way of salvation? What expectations and goals will have the child in life? Well I say that if these goals and expectations are not met, may be a being depressed and anxious, that the most likely to find people with similar mindsets and their core of friends (birds of a feather flock together) of those who absorb new conflicts.
I have taken this case as an example of how external factors can influence our mental programming and give us standard of living as a depressed and anxious.
still in external factors should be noted that occurs whenever a person is watching television models clean and attractive people get together and seek each other, they have cars fabulous homes and understands that he does not belong to this group ..! but that would be so cute!
When human beings are full of expectations and goals and these are not met, is likely to be depressed and the reality is that most people are unaware that expectations and goals have shaped his subconscious.
These expectations and goals, the subconscious form of self-image of the individual (who thinks the same as it is) which has been shaped by the circumstances and individuals that have surrounded him in life.
Consider a possible accident that could happen without anyone noticing its significance: this is a person who gets to sing in front of someone you respect and which in turn is a very polite and considerate. Our friend the singer really bray, but the other person to give it a good deal to be polite, being a good host says, "You sing very nice, I like your voice." What I do not know is that our friend singer will take very seriously and that comment closes a gap in expectations and became a target of illusion and from then on everyone who does not want to hear your song or you will not be criticized because its friend, which can lead to feeling rejected. What seems like science fiction? You have no idea how small flame can start a fire. Happiness is a state of mind if we understand that our goals become achievements.
All these assumptions are by way of example of a every situation that might affect from the outside. And sexual dissatisfaction, loneliness, misunderstanding, indifference among others.
Happiness is also a condition and a mental state
Consider other aspects, people with heart conditions such as "puffs" (this occurs when a valve does not close properly and produces a sound like air) enlarged heart (cardiomegaly), weak heart muscle, the left kidney was affected and in turn affecting the heart, tend to be depressed. This is because the heart is a gland that releases hormones that affect our sense happiness and welfare.
The malfunctioning of the thyroid also cause depression and this could be healthy without any problem, this is because the body's organs are interconnected, they stimulate and regulate each other, and share nerves, energy and nutrients . It's a shame when a person gives drugs to the thyroid being the same in good condition, because all of them as side effects affecting the heart (read the PDR)
The lack of B vitamins, which nourish the nervous system will cause nervousness, insomnia, depression, anxiety. The refined food, pesticide spraying, as well as heat when it is overcooked food destroys vitamins B. Alcohol in our body destroys the B vitamins powerful way
A healthy diet, not a strict diet based on individual needs is essential to combat depression. Sunbathing are a wonderful source of antidepressant. To occupy the mind on positive thoughts as well as helping others is a good balm. Free of any expression of selfishness is rewarding.
As natural resource as an aid can be used:
1-B complex (natural not synthetic)
2 - The herb St. John
3 - Kava Kava
4 - Theanine
But using natural substances allopathic approach (treating symptoms and not causes) is not the best option. Natural medicine in a holistic and structured may provide greater and better results.
Mr. Luis A. Sepulveda NL
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