Pregnancy occurs when a male sperm fertilizes the female oval, resulting in an embryo. During a normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks to several changes in the female body, these changes vary greatly in different women and this depends on many factors. 1st month
Final: Final
Amenorrhea 6th week: Some nausea and vomiting especially in the mornings. They usually disappear by the end of the third month.
The uterus begins to increase in size compressing the bladder, which increases the desire to urinate. Breasts can start growing and you may feel numbness or itching in the area. Final
2nd month:
1. The vomiting / morning sickness increase in intensity.
2. constant urge to urinate
3. Sense of breast fullness.
4. Changes peculiar taste and smell. (Some smells are disgusting)
5. Emotional instability, with periods of depression and excitability. Final
3rd month:
1. Disappear vomiting / nausea.
2. Bladder irritability disappears.
3. The woman begins to feel much better already.
4. The baby can be fully formed in a sonogram or ultrasound.
5. It usually occurs colostrum.
End of 4th month:
1. Begin to hear fetal heart sounds.
2. The mother notices the baby's movements.
3. The uterus begins to gradually increase in size as the breasts. Final
5th month:
There is a change in the breast in the areola pigmentation peripheral primary. Color change as a mottled appearance. Final
6th month:
1. Usually resolves the collapse of the navel. and see a line called "black line" in the area below the navel and the pubis. Final
7th month:
the abdomen is distended and torn the deep layers of the skin, resulting in some cases marks or striae, are recommended oils and creams as a lubricant to prevent itching and trademarks.
End of 8th month:
gastric discomfort may occur constipation, difficulty getting good blood flow to the legs, so it may appear varices and / or swelling.
Final of the 9th month:
navel protrudes and could increase the number of grooves as the uterus has increased considerably in size thus seen as a major change in the woman's body. You should practice relaxation exercises of the lumbar spine, sit cross-legged position on the floor every 30 days' twice a day, to relieve discomfort and stretching the muscles in the area. Light daily walks are recommended at least 40 'to strengthen these muscles, using proper footwear, foot size may also increase, there may be feeling unable to breathe properly and discomfort during sleep, or insomnia.
In these days will feel a lightning power, be careful not to consume it completely, because it will need much of it at birth and subsequent days. The abdomen appear to diminish but what happens is that the baby and is embedding tract for birth, head down.
Prenatal care is the best way to ensure the health of the mother and baby. Regular visits to a specialist to discover and treat any problems that may arise. In order to prevent here are some tips:
1. Diet.
* Very important to control weight. During pregnancy increases the appetite and therefore no danger of sobrealimentaciony overweight.
should not miss in your day:
a) 1 liter of milk (preferably sesame / sesame very very high in calcium)
b) 1 glass of fruit juice
c) 2 raw fruits
d) 2 vegetables ( plants) or steam slightly cooked.
e) 1 protein ration
f) 2 snacks (nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, cereal bar, toast bread, cereals)
g) Many, but plenty of water.
2. ***** Caution
teeth caries can occur, consult your dentist. During pregnancy can cause bleeding and swelling of the gums, in its normal state, however should be aware if very abundant, the consumption of plant iron and antibacterial mouthwash can reduce this discomfort. NATURAL MOUTHWASH
: Soak fennel and mint leaves in water and swish with it without swallowing.
Clothing should be loose and comfortable, do not use belts or bands tight. Avoid pressure on the breasts, and bra / bra / underwear hard wire or elastic. Comfortable shoes and low heel.
4. Exercise is highly recommended
being outdoors, breathing fresh air, sunbathing (soft and suitable time), walk all day without becoming fatigued.
5. Travel
can travel by plane, but not recommended the first few months due to natural and nausea of \u200b\u200bpregnancy could increase due to travel, as well as by boat.
6. Rest
A minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Avoid
influences depressed or excited, and naturally increases as emotional instability.
7. Defecation
Constipation often due to pressure of the uterus on the large intestine. You can avoid taking fruits and vegetables. Avoiding meat or fish, or limitations on this case to 2 to 3 servings a week for people whose diet needed.
tobacco smoking can cause uterine irritability, bronchial congestion, risk of preterm infants and small size, etc.. Nor should you be in places where smoking nearby.
Be aware of the changes developed in the body and emotions. VIDEO
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