As we said in the 3rd month of pregnancy appears colostrum, a liquid that can be drawn from the breasts / nipples by pressure, extremely sweet and light-colored, not white as milk and in postpartum. In the 2 or 3 days after delivery the breasts secrete colostrum in increasing numbers, breasts become engorged, stiff, tense, and sometimes painful. Shortly after milk secret, these sensations usually disappear within 36 hours, it is important to breastfeed the baby immediately after birth or within a few hours. Once the milk secretion is essential to the encouragement of breastfeeding so that this continues. during the first period if there is no milk secretion must leave the baby in the chest for a few minutes every four hours, 12 minutes, alternating breasts every 3 hours. when milk is abundant and start aunmenta weight, you can extend the interval to four hours. and then skip one for the night which would be 5 times a day that would be nursing, this happens after the 2nd month. The first few nights are more difficult, because the mother is practically built around the really short periods of time sleeping, do not be impatient, it only takes 3 to 4 days. This effort really worth it, and reap the fruits, because the baby will grow strong and immune to many diseases because of it, besides having greater emotional stability. The stage of full breastfeeding pregnancy. ********
Breast milk is completely sterile. ********
1. Your milk is ready at all times, sterilized, suitable temperature, heating need not prepare it clean or sterilize bottles or equipment when your baby cries because of hunger just prepare yourself in a comfortable position for you if you're in a public place can take a cloth for privacy, you put the baby in the womb and in a few minutes and there will sated his hunger and you can continue your activities. If you're shopping at that moment you can apply to use the tester for a while to get comfortable. You
stimulate the baby while breast feeding if you see that and very soon fell asleep, tickle the sole of the foot, caressing her face, or press your finger in the foot, sometimes seem to suck but really are asleep and a reflex action as if using a pacifier / sucker.
If this is your first baby, you'll irritability in the breast that can cause pain, do not worry this happens in a few days, placed between weaned calendula cream to keep moisture and wash the nipple with a little water just before taking the baby, do not use soap or liquid as the baby could eat them. You get the baby opens his mouth and have all the nipple inside, because it'll hurt, a practical way is by placing your thumb on baby's mouth to fit well, and then replace your finger making room for change breast and lay him down without suction hurts you, so you open the air gap produced by the suction. The pain that occurs the first few days is completely normal and all the first-pass through it, just keep nursing your drink, breathe deeply when you start to suck and within seconds the feeling is anger. Try to keep the nipple outdoors, and remember to use underwear, preferably cotton, comfortable and soft, white or cream.
2. Another great advantage!
lose weight faster if you use nursing bottle.
The baby will be much more intelligent and healthy. This is scientifically proven, the baby's brain development and immune system.
If you had inflammation, may be that your milk production is greater than what your baby eats, can relieve putting warm cloths with hot water, using a breast pump machine, rest a lot and taking relaxing baths and warm. Then apply cold compresses, alternating. It is best that you extract the milk and not give the baby as it can become contaminated due to inflammation, if you have no machinery can make pressure on the breast and nipple and let out the milk in the bathroom. It is very important to rest, and in the early days, sleeping with the baby, do not try to go immediately to an endless task, during these first few days you dedicate to your baby and rest is a necessary process, and you will have time after to resume your activities.
If you already have other children who must attend, you can seek help from a relative, if possible, but trying to coordinate times to rest, bring your other child to bed with you to make part union of the family and allow you to interact with the new family member.
3. Diet:
You should consume around 2400 calories a day, lots of water, fruits, increased consumption of protein and calcium.
If you need to produce more milk you can use orchatas sesame, honey, milk, fenugreek.
Remember, tranquility and rest, try to avoid worries and emotional disturbances decrease as lactation and sometimes the interrupt.
can maintain a diet similar to the pregnancy, but you should eat every 2 hours to stay strong and stable as you are producing food for your baby. If you feel cramps
need more calcium.
4. To avoid back pain or neck using a cushion to support your arm and the rest so the tension produced by supporting the baby. If possible at the time of feeding your baby puts pleasant music and prepares the environment, watch out for example if you are watching TV and see something that will emotionally affect the baby can feel it at this time those connected to it.
These efforts you make today, comforted you in the future, when you see your child healthy, strong, intelligent, emotionally stable, socially adjusted, and loved.
Your uterus returns to its size more quickly. You
intestinal discomfort or gas after delivery, this happens until it settles into its normal size throughout the body. Now if you can use bands or truz / Girdles elastic to strengthen and sustain these organs.
bottle-fed children may suffer from constipation and other ailments.
should not drink alcohol or snuff during breastfeeding either.
The duration of breastfeeding up to you and the baby. There is no maximum time to breastfeed your child We recommend a minimum of 6 months, but this will not be enough, however after 7 months and baby begin to eat other foods and will decrease the consumption of milk. Gradually decreasing the amount you can go to gradually introduce the food. For example at lunch can make a porridge pumpkin / pumpkin without salt or oil, and you can have a little breast milk, and milk dessert. Then to gradually introduce the new food you decrease the milk. And can also be introducing neutral water and juices especially in times of heat that needs to be more moisture, as if it is very cold. Watch their droppings constantly evacuate usually drink each time you breastfeed, practically immediately. We
in another chapter. Success!
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