GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT There are many diseases that occur only as a delay in knowledge or behavior, most of them detected early are cured by treatment or a diet appropriate. Some diseases that are not apparent until school age when the child is not learning or adapting to the environment. School failure can commonly be due to a small organic defect that has gone unnoticed for quite some time, unable to continue as his fellow teacher's explanations and falling behind in class, develops a pattern of inhibition and rejection that can affect other aspects of social life. These problems require the child a greater concentration than their colleagues, so it tires easily and tend to be distracted by games and hobbies but still incommunicado. Should not be alarmed by school failure or abnormal behavior. It is important to find out what the cause of this is happening, there are many possibilities, so it can perform some basic tests to detect abnormalities or deficiencies, mineral deficiency may be sufficient, or the presence of nuisance organisms in the body.
With these data we can find some parameters to expect, although there are variations in perfectly normal children.
- A normal child weighed at birth twice at 5 months and triple at 12.
must gain weight, eat and rest properly, smile and continue to view an object or finger. A baby who receives adequate stimulation was developed in all aspects better than one whose parents did not devote sufficient time. The newborn has the ability to capture environmental situations, emotions and hostile feelings, and this will greatly affect both mental and physical development. It should take a few moments each day, after meals and it is clean to play with, observing their gestures and reactions. We look at movements eye, head and limbs and expressions of his face against new and unknown things, and establish an emotional relationship between parents and children.
During the first 4 weeks you can move the head from side to side and gaze at objects in his line of sight, the head must be held if it is loaded face up in the air, as it still is not strong enough in the neck muscles to endure.
1st month:
tends to stretch your legs, you can start attempts to lift head when lying face down, notes and stared at people and can follow a moving object.
2nd month:
continues to strengthen these skills, and hold your head in the plane of the body. You can follow an object in a plane approximately 180 º.
3rd month:
You should hold your head and lift the chest leaning on his outstretched arms upside down if this is a good exercise to put a padded mat on the floor and lie face down or in your crib, do not leave the baby in parents' bed, tables, countertops as a reflex action may cause you to fall in an instant even when the one on his side. It must be very careful even the area of \u200b\u200bthe skull, and not touch the top, which is still in formation.
If you feel your head will go back to the early days, still not quite strong spine, the back will be something hunched and began to lean forward if something catches your attention.
4th month:
can grasp objects with their hands and mouthing. to sit keeps your head steady, you can laugh loud and show displeasure if left alone, begins to get excited if you see food or a spoon and could begin to be interested in some foods, although it is still early to introduce them, after talking to your Doctor may be introducing some watery fruit such as pears or mashed pisadita. You should not leave it sitting alone may still fall to the side, but it is a good exercise to help him, putting lots of cushions around on a soft blanket and padded. If it stands, give pushes with his feet, and exercising the thighs and legs.
6th month:
and should sit up though still hunched back (not all do, some babies take a little more about their weight or texture), and can give a bath tub lying on the mouth arrives with very little water that is more than 2cm or 1 inch of warm water since some will be as great for baby baths. You can start to crawl and stand with the help of furniture. Explore the house crawling or dragging his belly. Take care that no wires that can pull or bite, tablecloths, sharp edges, glass, etc. You can designate a play area or yard and will be entertained for a while, TV is not recommended at such a young age, although there are excellent videos for babies, it is too early to expose to the sun.
7th month:
Do not leave any elevated surface, changing tables, car, bed, etc. You can now move and could fall, must constantly monitor. There changers with adjustable straps for a second is enough.
Place locks on doors, closets, toilets, plugs, cables tie it all and keep or put in elevated areas ornaments or glassware, for it began to dabble and play and poke. He liked to open the kitchen cabinets and remove everything, cleaning should be placed in areas away from areas preferably high, eat a detergent can cause harmful damage.
10 months:
now sits, crawls and prefers to stand. He knows his name and makes sounds like mama, papa, given garlic.
12 months:
walks and runs from side to side leaning on furniture, gives an object if requested. Play with the ball, started to dress collaborative movement. Some have already given their steps by themselves without help others may take 2 weeks to 2 more months. If a year and 2 months did not walk alone, it is good to help you holding hands, encouraging him to achieve objects moving away to take those first steps. You should not hurry to achieve it the baby but if it's good help. Using old ways can slow motor skills, besides being risky drop offs and stairs.
24 months:
runs with ease. up and down stairs. Open doors climbing furniture. He begins his first full sentences, you can learn to count to 3 with ease. Grab a spoon with skill and help with dressing, some foods can be eaten alone, but not be very clean when it can put a washable plastic on the floor under his chair to eat, to facilitate cleaning, but should let them do it but then need to clean, so they develop their motor skills more easily.
36 months:
Climb stairs, you can learn to ride a tricycle, a tower of cubes, copy a circle or a cross. Known age and sex. It entertains with games and would like to be with other children. Puts on shoes and washes his hands. Also with their help, and there will be out of diapers, but toilet training is individual to each and not all do at the same time only it is a task in which family members should participate ... although extensive material for another chapter ...
The time of feeding should be nice and pleasant. Maternal feelings are transmitted to the child if the mother is tense, anxious or irritable is no doubt that the child will develop problems with feeding, probably does not want food, eating too fast and want to play, thus leaving much of the food, it is advisable that members of the family are eating at the table, that way may imitate adults.
during the first 6 months:
is recommended only breast milk and water to drink.
6 months: Enter
porridge, fruit in the form of porridge, some non-citrus fruit juice or strawberries, honey, peanuts (for their allergenic properties, it is advisable to wait for the elderly),
7 months:
Place a serving of cereal: oatmeal, rice, soft corn flour.
1 meal of cereal, 1 fruit, 1 vegetable porridge (green vegetable smoothies, pumpkin, carrots). 1 juice as a snack. Continue to breastfeed at least 3 times a day.
9 months
put food in small portions (finger food) that can grab in your hand and carry in their mouths, no fruit with seeds still to prevent people from drowning.
12 months:
and may eat most foods, introducing them slowly and one at a time without too much seasoning.
If you notice any reaction to any food should be consulted. View
care area to shock, or emergencies.
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