El dichoso pañuelito
goes without saying that this is an issue that strikes a chord with me, so first I pull for the emotional, and you then try to be more objective .
First, the rules are fine, but in my four years as a teacher in one of the most dysfunctional of Madrid, recently I have used. Without flexibility, little can be taught children like these. I do not know, maybe in a private school with affluent children are useful, but where I am, if applied to the force, are not.
In these four years I had the pleasure of teaching several Moroccan girls (one born in Madrid, some not, but this had nothing to do, because they are also in Madrid and I have always insisted that, in that English because it will be less "berries" as they themselves say, and they have two nationalities is a treasure rather to many, and that would be foolish to reject either.) Of these girls, none has brought scarf to class, because they use it. (And take the opportunity to advance that I refuse to call it jihad or hijab or how the hell is, because the name, which was initially hosted by politically correct, it now appears that is used to produce estrangement, and is well , pussy. Furthermore, it is the girls that Moroccans call it that: handkerchief, because it is a handkerchief, a handkerchief! not a missile or a bomb of mass destruction!). As I said, the girls who've never been tissue class, but in my own school that there are a few of the modules that are professional and has never happened. (And that what the cap if it is forbidden.)
why I thought more than once about what would happen if suddenly, one of those students to whom I lecturing for several years, appeared in class with the tissue in the head. And they would respond if anyone told me they could no longer teach. And I have very clear, send everyone to take the ass. Let's see who dares to tell myself that I can not teach that child. I repeat: to see who dares. Because that
that come from outside have to adapt it sounds good. But what I never believed in the process of adaptation, or education, as something of a day. As much as I strive, as much as they want to show other worlds through literature, my students do not stop being chonis or slumdogs or quinquis, or sexist or xenophobic in one day. As much as I try to instill a secular model, my students Moroccan illuminate not left overnight by the glare of agnosticism. No, they are believers. Very religious. And abide by the rules of Islam. The ones we like and do not (and that's always from our point of view).
But just about any other religion today, a girl, of English life, I looked ojiplática when I said that Adam and Eve is just a metaphor. Have I convinced? Probably no. First you need to know what a metaphor. You will then need to learn about current catolicosmo official position with respect to our "primitive parents." Then you will have to build their own critical framework. And that, gentlemen, is the educational process. A process that takes more than a day of class, and of course more than a standard distorted and applied without regard to distance those who cause us discomfort.
an example. A Moroccan-born but as she says proudly, La Paz (Madrid hospital) and I have been lecturing three consecutive years, refused to enter a church on a trip to Italy. Teachers had to telephone his mother, and this, from Madrid, was the only one who could convince her to come in with their peers. What was a tourist, and that's it. That was two years ago. Well, the girl is uncomfortable with the topic, but less and less. Anda Well I have not entered into mosques!, I say. And she is smiling, because deep down you realize that it was a ridiculous attitude.
But we are not children, are adults. Adults also boasts of us raised in a secular environment, and these supposed freedoms seems that the Western world has given us. I do not understand why this toniquete revenge that "if I go to their countries abide by their rules, "if I respect myself to respect me," if I visit their mosques I do I wear the scarf, "I was in a school in Afghanistan would force me to wear a burka." Very well. Because they are so, let us be, too. But then we can no longer claim to be advanced people more open or more or whatever. It's as if every time a student teachers lack respect (and this happens hundreds of times every day, I assure you), we could (or even, arguably, we should) also disrespecting them, returning to the same coin. what would that be education. (And so, that the headscarf ban is given in a school, not in court or in a hospital or any other public place, it seems even more amazing, and as you check out all the debris every day we take in the educational process.)
If a child appears with a handkerchief in my class, I will keep teaching the same literature. I keep trying to open their eyes to life and the full range of options (which from my perspective is also limited), so that when playing, she decides what to do without being told what to wear or what to believe. Neither their parents nor their teachers, and absurd bureaucracy.
And as the post has left me very long, the rational perspective leave it to Mariano Fernández Enguita, with which I agree on everything. Read, read .
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Is Lorazepam Bad To Take When Drinking?
The more read a more ignorant you feel, but gains in experience (security, see evolution of various treatments, arise and seeks to answer questions, they test new methodologies, etc etc) .
As you have posted in the comments of previous posts, in which Javier appreciate the information provided, it appears that when you think you know something, it's because you have not read what contradicts or as recent.
I think it's time information that the blog of a leap in quality and that information is published on quality, based on evidence, even if it takes longer to prepare entries.
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In today's post I talk about antibacterial treatment in the diabetic foot.
As we all know, we can prescribe, recognized by law and all liability involves an obligation.
the last 2 decades, there has been a considerable increase in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus due to misuse of antimicrobials.
Today encourages rational use of these medications, but many times we can see that for good measure, we prescription defensive guns kill flies because if we have questions and truthful security ....... ..
because I speak of Staphylococcus aureus is the microorganism present in the flora of the skin and has been isolated in cultures at a higher rate in infections and foot ulcers.
Moreover we have the diabetes, which is more harmful to health when coupled with obesity, "Diabesity" as Luke said Ciccinelli during Gijón Dermatology.
Hyperglycemia maintained causes damage to motor nerves, sensory and sist. autonomic nervous.
- Damage motoneurons affecting the intrinsic muscles of the foot, which can lead to foot deformities that contribute to increased local pressure in the tissues and bones resulting in repetitive injuries can lead to ulcers .
- When the skin is broken, allowing the passage of colonies into the body. Our defenses are impaired due to involvement in the autonomic nervous system decreases the blood supply to the area. The secretions of sweat are also welcome producing dryness, breakage of the skin which causes increased susceptibility to infections.
- Damage of sensory neurons causes a loss of sensory protection that tells us when we are injured or damaged.
On the other hand we have vascular abnormalities: macroangiopathy and microangiopathy.
A diabetic vascular aggravated his picture when combined with dyslipidemia, smoking, hypertension, etc because it increases the risk of atherosclerosis (most common form of arteriosclerosis. There is a thickening of the vessels and decreased light).
The worse the artery, increased risk of thrombosis, ischemia and consequently amputation.
Other factors that enhance infection in diabetic patients are usually:
- lower limb edema
- Angiopathy
- Hyperglycemia related to the deterioration of the immune system.
The role of leukocytes and cell-mediated immunity is compromised. Correct
hyperglycemia has been shown to improve chemotaxis (movement that made the cells, in this case defensive, according to certain chemicals in the environment, in this case, chemical signals sent by macrophages presenting leukocytes, the leukocytes to receive these signals go to the tissues indicated to combat pathogens).
Several antibacterial agents have been shown to have immunomodulatory effects in addition to their properties to eliminate bacteria.
The microorganisms that cause most big infections are Staphylococcus aureus and to a lesser extent B-hemolytic Streptococcus can also cause other infections such as Streptococcus agalactiae although more in patients with severe immunodeficiency.
When an ulcer is chronic, it creates a polymicrobial flora in which there are several causes infection. Usually gram - as Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and anaerobes.
anaerobic microorganisms often occur in patients with ischemia or gangrene.
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------------------ Before the use of antibacterials in patients with diabetes should be a quick summary of existing antibacterial more frequent and efficient use of these:
must always start by the narrower spectrum antibiotic possible, it is clear that it will go based on age, type of infection, etc.
First penicillins:
- The Cloxacillin be the first choice in treating mild to moderate bacterial infections. This antibacterial is effective against methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and other Gram + and some gram -.
- Amoxicillin is a broader spectrum antibiotic that apart from the above is more effective against some gram -
- Amoxicillin - clavulanate is prescribed as the clavulanic an inhibitor of the b-lactamase, an enzyme that confers resistance to some bacteria.
Following the B-lactam antibiotics have the Cephalosporins. There are several generations, the first generation have a very similar spectrum to cloxacillin.
broader spectrum penicillins (spread spectrum) and piperacillin, as well as inhibitors such as tazobactan but are usually suitable for hospital use.
other hand there is another group of quinolones is also according to the present generation more or less spectrum. They are very active against gram - (Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae). Ciprofloxacin is the most common.
A broad-spectrum quinolone would Levofloxacin is active against gram + and -.
The problem of quinolones they can cause rupture of the Achilles tendon, so that eye at the time of giving it to people who play sports or have a history that discouraged.
For those allergic to penicillin, quinolones besides, we have other families of antibacterials such as macrolides, clindacimina, etc.
Clindamycin and erythromycin are treatment of choice in patients allergic to penicillin with gram + infections. There
large number and variety of antibacterial but for our use podiatry in the day with those we cover the majority.
It is worth mentioning that with a diabetic ulcer should be performed culture and sensitivity testing and in the meantime seek to establish empirical treatment.
(For visually see a comprehensive list of antibacterials can see the link below. see page ) ------------------
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After this summary .........
The problem of diabetes and infection is not only the immunological or predisposing to infection, but also the antibacterial action of the drug used.
In diabetic patients, according to the antibacterial provided (via both oral and IV) have a pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics in the case of these patients will be altered.
In studies, a high-dose intravenous administration (600-900 mg) of clindamycin, it was found that the concentration in tissues was minimal.
oral treatment also has been shown that the alteration reduced by 26% the absorption of ampicillin treatment in patients with diabetes compared with non-diabetics.
Therefore, we must know the tissue concentration of each antibiotic that we use for infections in diabetics.
The treatments used in these patients and having strengths are varied:
- Vancomycin in diabetics have a lower concentration in tissues and blood plasma, and in recent years have met with resistance.
- The Linezolid is a treatment of choice in complicated skin infections in both diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Also in osteomyelitis infections.
The Linezolid is active against MRSA and has good tissue penetration.
In patients with poor blood supply to the foot, also gets a more than acceptable concentration in serum and tissues in the area of \u200b\u200binfection, as well as in the perinecrotic ulcer.
B-lactams (penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems): useful for the treatment of mild to moderate infections of the foot.
- cephalosporins 1 generation are effective against gram +, active against some gram-
(Cefazolin, cephalexin)
2 nd generation, are more effective than before against gram - and some are covered against some anaerobes.
3 rd and 4 th generation: more effective against gram - than the previous generation, with activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
5th generation: Ceftobiprole: active against MRSA.
- Piperacillin-Tazobactam: B-lactam inhibits the B-lactamase combined with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against most gram + and gram-aerobic and anaerobic. MRSA are resistant to this drug is administered intravenously.
Widely used in moderate to severe infections in diabetic patients.
- Carbapenems: Imipenem-Cilastatin, Meropenem, Ertapenem. The latter is approved for use in the treatment of infections of the skin with moderate to severe diabetic foot without osteomyelitis.
are broad spectrum antibacterial activity against gram + and gram-but with little activity against MRSA and enterococci.
Tetracycline and Doxycycline are antibacterial bacteriostatic effect against gram + and gram-Doxycycline has been used effectively in the treatment of MRSA infections of skin and soft tissue.
- Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin are drugs belonging to each generation.
The Ciprofloxacin is effective against gram-and has been used as first-line treatment against pseudomonas aeruginosa, but is also used in infections of the diabetic foot caused by various microorganisms, associated with clindamycin (active gram +)
have been reported cases of rupture of the Achilles tendon and tenosynovitis with the use of fluoroquinolones and cause hypoglycemia in some patients.
- Levofloxacin and moxifloxacin have better coverage against gram + than ciprofloxacin and are more suitable for use in complicated skin infections and soft tissue.
- Moxifloxacin also provides coverage against Gram-anaerobic and is considered as effective as extended-spectrum penicillins for treatment skin and soft tissue.
The Levofloxacin has excellent tissue penetration reaching high concentrations in serum and lesions (diabetic patients with ulcers).
There are many more antibacterial but basically these are the most commonly used in diabetic patients to treat infections of the skin and soft tissue from the mildest to the most severe. Also synergistic partnerships are usually made when a moderate to severe polymicrobial infection.
The treatment of diabetic foot infections is not only to the drug but a good cleaning of necrotic tissue, drainage of abscesses, downloads, clearing the area, etc are as important as the choice of drug, on the other hand, we must be aware that it is very useful and necessary in most cases a culture, with subsequent susceptibility to perform a more causative and to use a narrower spectrum antibiotic in order to preserve the broad spectrum or spectrum extended to more serious cases or avoid resistance in the upper echelons of the ladder.
References consulted:
JAPMA Medimecum
Various pages scientific internet (Medline, Finisterre, etc)
Wikipedia (link to table of antibacterials)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How To Install Topfin Powerhead
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT There are many diseases that occur only as a delay in knowledge or behavior, most of them detected early are cured by treatment or a diet appropriate. Some diseases that are not apparent until school age when the child is not learning or adapting to the environment. School failure can commonly be due to a small organic defect that has gone unnoticed for quite some time, unable to continue as his fellow teacher's explanations and falling behind in class, develops a pattern of inhibition and rejection that can affect other aspects of social life. These problems require the child a greater concentration than their colleagues, so it tires easily and tend to be distracted by games and hobbies but still incommunicado. Should not be alarmed by school failure or abnormal behavior. It is important to find out what the cause of this is happening, there are many possibilities, so it can perform some basic tests to detect abnormalities or deficiencies, mineral deficiency may be sufficient, or the presence of nuisance organisms in the body.
With these data we can find some parameters to expect, although there are variations in perfectly normal children.
- A normal child weighed at birth twice at 5 months and triple at 12.
must gain weight, eat and rest properly, smile and continue to view an object or finger. A baby who receives adequate stimulation was developed in all aspects better than one whose parents did not devote sufficient time. The newborn has the ability to capture environmental situations, emotions and hostile feelings, and this will greatly affect both mental and physical development. It should take a few moments each day, after meals and it is clean to play with, observing their gestures and reactions. We look at movements eye, head and limbs and expressions of his face against new and unknown things, and establish an emotional relationship between parents and children.
During the first 4 weeks you can move the head from side to side and gaze at objects in his line of sight, the head must be held if it is loaded face up in the air, as it still is not strong enough in the neck muscles to endure.
1st month:
tends to stretch your legs, you can start attempts to lift head when lying face down, notes and stared at people and can follow a moving object.
2nd month:
continues to strengthen these skills, and hold your head in the plane of the body. You can follow an object in a plane approximately 180 º.
3rd month:
You should hold your head and lift the chest leaning on his outstretched arms upside down if this is a good exercise to put a padded mat on the floor and lie face down or in your crib, do not leave the baby in parents' bed, tables, countertops as a reflex action may cause you to fall in an instant even when the one on his side. It must be very careful even the area of \u200b\u200bthe skull, and not touch the top, which is still in formation.
If you feel your head will go back to the early days, still not quite strong spine, the back will be something hunched and began to lean forward if something catches your attention.
4th month:
can grasp objects with their hands and mouthing. to sit keeps your head steady, you can laugh loud and show displeasure if left alone, begins to get excited if you see food or a spoon and could begin to be interested in some foods, although it is still early to introduce them, after talking to your Doctor may be introducing some watery fruit such as pears or mashed pisadita. You should not leave it sitting alone may still fall to the side, but it is a good exercise to help him, putting lots of cushions around on a soft blanket and padded. If it stands, give pushes with his feet, and exercising the thighs and legs.
6th month:
and should sit up though still hunched back (not all do, some babies take a little more about their weight or texture), and can give a bath tub lying on the mouth arrives with very little water that is more than 2cm or 1 inch of warm water since some will be as great for baby baths. You can start to crawl and stand with the help of furniture. Explore the house crawling or dragging his belly. Take care that no wires that can pull or bite, tablecloths, sharp edges, glass, etc. You can designate a play area or yard and will be entertained for a while, TV is not recommended at such a young age, although there are excellent videos for babies, it is too early to expose to the sun.
7th month:
Do not leave any elevated surface, changing tables, car, bed, etc. You can now move and could fall, must constantly monitor. There changers with adjustable straps for a second is enough.
Place locks on doors, closets, toilets, plugs, cables tie it all and keep or put in elevated areas ornaments or glassware, for it began to dabble and play and poke. He liked to open the kitchen cabinets and remove everything, cleaning should be placed in areas away from areas preferably high, eat a detergent can cause harmful damage.
10 months:
now sits, crawls and prefers to stand. He knows his name and makes sounds like mama, papa, given garlic.
12 months:
walks and runs from side to side leaning on furniture, gives an object if requested. Play with the ball, started to dress collaborative movement. Some have already given their steps by themselves without help others may take 2 weeks to 2 more months. If a year and 2 months did not walk alone, it is good to help you holding hands, encouraging him to achieve objects moving away to take those first steps. You should not hurry to achieve it the baby but if it's good help. Using old ways can slow motor skills, besides being risky drop offs and stairs.
24 months:
runs with ease. up and down stairs. Open doors climbing furniture. He begins his first full sentences, you can learn to count to 3 with ease. Grab a spoon with skill and help with dressing, some foods can be eaten alone, but not be very clean when it can put a washable plastic on the floor under his chair to eat, to facilitate cleaning, but should let them do it but then need to clean, so they develop their motor skills more easily.
36 months:
Climb stairs, you can learn to ride a tricycle, a tower of cubes, copy a circle or a cross. Known age and sex. It entertains with games and would like to be with other children. Puts on shoes and washes his hands. Also with their help, and there will be out of diapers, but toilet training is individual to each and not all do at the same time only it is a task in which family members should participate ... although extensive material for another chapter ...
The time of feeding should be nice and pleasant. Maternal feelings are transmitted to the child if the mother is tense, anxious or irritable is no doubt that the child will develop problems with feeding, probably does not want food, eating too fast and want to play, thus leaving much of the food, it is advisable that members of the family are eating at the table, that way may imitate adults.
during the first 6 months:
is recommended only breast milk and water to drink.
6 months: Enter
porridge, fruit in the form of porridge, some non-citrus fruit juice or strawberries, honey, peanuts (for their allergenic properties, it is advisable to wait for the elderly),
7 months:
Place a serving of cereal: oatmeal, rice, soft corn flour.
1 meal of cereal, 1 fruit, 1 vegetable porridge (green vegetable smoothies, pumpkin, carrots). 1 juice as a snack. Continue to breastfeed at least 3 times a day.
9 months
put food in small portions (finger food) that can grab in your hand and carry in their mouths, no fruit with seeds still to prevent people from drowning.
12 months:
and may eat most foods, introducing them slowly and one at a time without too much seasoning.
If you notice any reaction to any food should be consulted. View
care area to shock, or emergencies.

GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT There are many diseases that occur only as a delay in knowledge or behavior, most of them detected early are cured by treatment or a diet appropriate. Some diseases that are not apparent until school age when the child is not learning or adapting to the environment. School failure can commonly be due to a small organic defect that has gone unnoticed for quite some time, unable to continue as his fellow teacher's explanations and falling behind in class, develops a pattern of inhibition and rejection that can affect other aspects of social life. These problems require the child a greater concentration than their colleagues, so it tires easily and tend to be distracted by games and hobbies but still incommunicado. Should not be alarmed by school failure or abnormal behavior. It is important to find out what the cause of this is happening, there are many possibilities, so it can perform some basic tests to detect abnormalities or deficiencies, mineral deficiency may be sufficient, or the presence of nuisance organisms in the body.
With these data we can find some parameters to expect, although there are variations in perfectly normal children.
- A normal child weighed at birth twice at 5 months and triple at 12.
must gain weight, eat and rest properly, smile and continue to view an object or finger. A baby who receives adequate stimulation was developed in all aspects better than one whose parents did not devote sufficient time. The newborn has the ability to capture environmental situations, emotions and hostile feelings, and this will greatly affect both mental and physical development. It should take a few moments each day, after meals and it is clean to play with, observing their gestures and reactions. We look at movements eye, head and limbs and expressions of his face against new and unknown things, and establish an emotional relationship between parents and children.
During the first 4 weeks you can move the head from side to side and gaze at objects in his line of sight, the head must be held if it is loaded face up in the air, as it still is not strong enough in the neck muscles to endure.
1st month:
tends to stretch your legs, you can start attempts to lift head when lying face down, notes and stared at people and can follow a moving object.
2nd month:
continues to strengthen these skills, and hold your head in the plane of the body. You can follow an object in a plane approximately 180 º.
3rd month:
You should hold your head and lift the chest leaning on his outstretched arms upside down if this is a good exercise to put a padded mat on the floor and lie face down or in your crib, do not leave the baby in parents' bed, tables, countertops as a reflex action may cause you to fall in an instant even when the one on his side. It must be very careful even the area of \u200b\u200bthe skull, and not touch the top, which is still in formation.
If you feel your head will go back to the early days, still not quite strong spine, the back will be something hunched and began to lean forward if something catches your attention.
4th month:
can grasp objects with their hands and mouthing. to sit keeps your head steady, you can laugh loud and show displeasure if left alone, begins to get excited if you see food or a spoon and could begin to be interested in some foods, although it is still early to introduce them, after talking to your Doctor may be introducing some watery fruit such as pears or mashed pisadita. You should not leave it sitting alone may still fall to the side, but it is a good exercise to help him, putting lots of cushions around on a soft blanket and padded. If it stands, give pushes with his feet, and exercising the thighs and legs.
6th month:
and should sit up though still hunched back (not all do, some babies take a little more about their weight or texture), and can give a bath tub lying on the mouth arrives with very little water that is more than 2cm or 1 inch of warm water since some will be as great for baby baths. You can start to crawl and stand with the help of furniture. Explore the house crawling or dragging his belly. Take care that no wires that can pull or bite, tablecloths, sharp edges, glass, etc. You can designate a play area or yard and will be entertained for a while, TV is not recommended at such a young age, although there are excellent videos for babies, it is too early to expose to the sun.
7th month:
Do not leave any elevated surface, changing tables, car, bed, etc. You can now move and could fall, must constantly monitor. There changers with adjustable straps for a second is enough.
Place locks on doors, closets, toilets, plugs, cables tie it all and keep or put in elevated areas ornaments or glassware, for it began to dabble and play and poke. He liked to open the kitchen cabinets and remove everything, cleaning should be placed in areas away from areas preferably high, eat a detergent can cause harmful damage.
10 months:
now sits, crawls and prefers to stand. He knows his name and makes sounds like mama, papa, given garlic.
12 months:
walks and runs from side to side leaning on furniture, gives an object if requested. Play with the ball, started to dress collaborative movement. Some have already given their steps by themselves without help others may take 2 weeks to 2 more months. If a year and 2 months did not walk alone, it is good to help you holding hands, encouraging him to achieve objects moving away to take those first steps. You should not hurry to achieve it the baby but if it's good help. Using old ways can slow motor skills, besides being risky drop offs and stairs.
24 months:
runs with ease. up and down stairs. Open doors climbing furniture. He begins his first full sentences, you can learn to count to 3 with ease. Grab a spoon with skill and help with dressing, some foods can be eaten alone, but not be very clean when it can put a washable plastic on the floor under his chair to eat, to facilitate cleaning, but should let them do it but then need to clean, so they develop their motor skills more easily.
36 months:
Climb stairs, you can learn to ride a tricycle, a tower of cubes, copy a circle or a cross. Known age and sex. It entertains with games and would like to be with other children. Puts on shoes and washes his hands. Also with their help, and there will be out of diapers, but toilet training is individual to each and not all do at the same time only it is a task in which family members should participate ... although extensive material for another chapter ...
The time of feeding should be nice and pleasant. Maternal feelings are transmitted to the child if the mother is tense, anxious or irritable is no doubt that the child will develop problems with feeding, probably does not want food, eating too fast and want to play, thus leaving much of the food, it is advisable that members of the family are eating at the table, that way may imitate adults.
during the first 6 months:
is recommended only breast milk and water to drink.
6 months: Enter
porridge, fruit in the form of porridge, some non-citrus fruit juice or strawberries, honey, peanuts (for their allergenic properties, it is advisable to wait for the elderly),
7 months:
Place a serving of cereal: oatmeal, rice, soft corn flour.
1 meal of cereal, 1 fruit, 1 vegetable porridge (green vegetable smoothies, pumpkin, carrots). 1 juice as a snack. Continue to breastfeed at least 3 times a day.
9 months
put food in small portions (finger food) that can grab in your hand and carry in their mouths, no fruit with seeds still to prevent people from drowning.
12 months:
and may eat most foods, introducing them slowly and one at a time without too much seasoning.
If you notice any reaction to any food should be consulted. View
care area to shock, or emergencies.
My Cat's Tummy Caves In
Sciences is naturopathic medicine naturopathic
Sciences is naturopathic medicine naturopathic
View more documents from JORGE CARMEN COLON.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
5 Beautiful Agony Daily Motion
As we said in the 3rd month of pregnancy appears colostrum, a liquid that can be drawn from the breasts / nipples by pressure, extremely sweet and light-colored, not white as milk and in postpartum. In the 2 or 3 days after delivery the breasts secrete colostrum in increasing numbers, breasts become engorged, stiff, tense, and sometimes painful. Shortly after milk secret, these sensations usually disappear within 36 hours, it is important to breastfeed the baby immediately after birth or within a few hours. Once the milk secretion is essential to the encouragement of breastfeeding so that this continues. during the first period if there is no milk secretion must leave the baby in the chest for a few minutes every four hours, 12 minutes, alternating breasts every 3 hours. when milk is abundant and start aunmenta weight, you can extend the interval to four hours. and then skip one for the night which would be 5 times a day that would be nursing, this happens after the 2nd month. The first few nights are more difficult, because the mother is practically built around the really short periods of time sleeping, do not be impatient, it only takes 3 to 4 days. This effort really worth it, and reap the fruits, because the baby will grow strong and immune to many diseases because of it, besides having greater emotional stability. The stage of full breastfeeding pregnancy. ********
Breast milk is completely sterile. ********
1. Your milk is ready at all times, sterilized, suitable temperature, heating need not prepare it clean or sterilize bottles or equipment when your baby cries because of hunger just prepare yourself in a comfortable position for you if you're in a public place can take a cloth for privacy, you put the baby in the womb and in a few minutes and there will sated his hunger and you can continue your activities. If you're shopping at that moment you can apply to use the tester for a while to get comfortable. You
stimulate the baby while breast feeding if you see that and very soon fell asleep, tickle the sole of the foot, caressing her face, or press your finger in the foot, sometimes seem to suck but really are asleep and a reflex action as if using a pacifier / sucker.
If this is your first baby, you'll irritability in the breast that can cause pain, do not worry this happens in a few days, placed between weaned calendula cream to keep moisture and wash the nipple with a little water just before taking the baby, do not use soap or liquid as the baby could eat them. You get the baby opens his mouth and have all the nipple inside, because it'll hurt, a practical way is by placing your thumb on baby's mouth to fit well, and then replace your finger making room for change breast and lay him down without suction hurts you, so you open the air gap produced by the suction. The pain that occurs the first few days is completely normal and all the first-pass through it, just keep nursing your drink, breathe deeply when you start to suck and within seconds the feeling is anger. Try to keep the nipple outdoors, and remember to use underwear, preferably cotton, comfortable and soft, white or cream.
2. Another great advantage!
lose weight faster if you use nursing bottle.
The baby will be much more intelligent and healthy. This is scientifically proven, the baby's brain development and immune system.
If you had inflammation, may be that your milk production is greater than what your baby eats, can relieve putting warm cloths with hot water, using a breast pump machine, rest a lot and taking relaxing baths and warm. Then apply cold compresses, alternating. It is best that you extract the milk and not give the baby as it can become contaminated due to inflammation, if you have no machinery can make pressure on the breast and nipple and let out the milk in the bathroom. It is very important to rest, and in the early days, sleeping with the baby, do not try to go immediately to an endless task, during these first few days you dedicate to your baby and rest is a necessary process, and you will have time after to resume your activities.
If you already have other children who must attend, you can seek help from a relative, if possible, but trying to coordinate times to rest, bring your other child to bed with you to make part union of the family and allow you to interact with the new family member.
3. Diet:
You should consume around 2400 calories a day, lots of water, fruits, increased consumption of protein and calcium.
If you need to produce more milk you can use orchatas sesame, honey, milk, fenugreek.
Remember, tranquility and rest, try to avoid worries and emotional disturbances decrease as lactation and sometimes the interrupt.
can maintain a diet similar to the pregnancy, but you should eat every 2 hours to stay strong and stable as you are producing food for your baby. If you feel cramps
need more calcium.
4. To avoid back pain or neck using a cushion to support your arm and the rest so the tension produced by supporting the baby. If possible at the time of feeding your baby puts pleasant music and prepares the environment, watch out for example if you are watching TV and see something that will emotionally affect the baby can feel it at this time those connected to it.
These efforts you make today, comforted you in the future, when you see your child healthy, strong, intelligent, emotionally stable, socially adjusted, and loved.
Your uterus returns to its size more quickly. You
intestinal discomfort or gas after delivery, this happens until it settles into its normal size throughout the body. Now if you can use bands or truz / Girdles elastic to strengthen and sustain these organs.
bottle-fed children may suffer from constipation and other ailments.
should not drink alcohol or snuff during breastfeeding either.
The duration of breastfeeding up to you and the baby. There is no maximum time to breastfeed your child We recommend a minimum of 6 months, but this will not be enough, however after 7 months and baby begin to eat other foods and will decrease the consumption of milk. Gradually decreasing the amount you can go to gradually introduce the food. For example at lunch can make a porridge pumpkin / pumpkin without salt or oil, and you can have a little breast milk, and milk dessert. Then to gradually introduce the new food you decrease the milk. And can also be introducing neutral water and juices especially in times of heat that needs to be more moisture, as if it is very cold. Watch their droppings constantly evacuate usually drink each time you breastfeed, practically immediately. We
in another chapter. Success!

As we said in the 3rd month of pregnancy appears colostrum, a liquid that can be drawn from the breasts / nipples by pressure, extremely sweet and light-colored, not white as milk and in postpartum. In the 2 or 3 days after delivery the breasts secrete colostrum in increasing numbers, breasts become engorged, stiff, tense, and sometimes painful. Shortly after milk secret, these sensations usually disappear within 36 hours, it is important to breastfeed the baby immediately after birth or within a few hours. Once the milk secretion is essential to the encouragement of breastfeeding so that this continues. during the first period if there is no milk secretion must leave the baby in the chest for a few minutes every four hours, 12 minutes, alternating breasts every 3 hours. when milk is abundant and start aunmenta weight, you can extend the interval to four hours. and then skip one for the night which would be 5 times a day that would be nursing, this happens after the 2nd month. The first few nights are more difficult, because the mother is practically built around the really short periods of time sleeping, do not be impatient, it only takes 3 to 4 days. This effort really worth it, and reap the fruits, because the baby will grow strong and immune to many diseases because of it, besides having greater emotional stability. The stage of full breastfeeding pregnancy. ********
Breast milk is completely sterile. ********
1. Your milk is ready at all times, sterilized, suitable temperature, heating need not prepare it clean or sterilize bottles or equipment when your baby cries because of hunger just prepare yourself in a comfortable position for you if you're in a public place can take a cloth for privacy, you put the baby in the womb and in a few minutes and there will sated his hunger and you can continue your activities. If you're shopping at that moment you can apply to use the tester for a while to get comfortable. You
stimulate the baby while breast feeding if you see that and very soon fell asleep, tickle the sole of the foot, caressing her face, or press your finger in the foot, sometimes seem to suck but really are asleep and a reflex action as if using a pacifier / sucker.
If this is your first baby, you'll irritability in the breast that can cause pain, do not worry this happens in a few days, placed between weaned calendula cream to keep moisture and wash the nipple with a little water just before taking the baby, do not use soap or liquid as the baby could eat them. You get the baby opens his mouth and have all the nipple inside, because it'll hurt, a practical way is by placing your thumb on baby's mouth to fit well, and then replace your finger making room for change breast and lay him down without suction hurts you, so you open the air gap produced by the suction. The pain that occurs the first few days is completely normal and all the first-pass through it, just keep nursing your drink, breathe deeply when you start to suck and within seconds the feeling is anger. Try to keep the nipple outdoors, and remember to use underwear, preferably cotton, comfortable and soft, white or cream.
2. Another great advantage!
lose weight faster if you use nursing bottle.
The baby will be much more intelligent and healthy. This is scientifically proven, the baby's brain development and immune system.
If you had inflammation, may be that your milk production is greater than what your baby eats, can relieve putting warm cloths with hot water, using a breast pump machine, rest a lot and taking relaxing baths and warm. Then apply cold compresses, alternating. It is best that you extract the milk and not give the baby as it can become contaminated due to inflammation, if you have no machinery can make pressure on the breast and nipple and let out the milk in the bathroom. It is very important to rest, and in the early days, sleeping with the baby, do not try to go immediately to an endless task, during these first few days you dedicate to your baby and rest is a necessary process, and you will have time after to resume your activities.
If you already have other children who must attend, you can seek help from a relative, if possible, but trying to coordinate times to rest, bring your other child to bed with you to make part union of the family and allow you to interact with the new family member.
3. Diet:
You should consume around 2400 calories a day, lots of water, fruits, increased consumption of protein and calcium.
If you need to produce more milk you can use orchatas sesame, honey, milk, fenugreek.
Remember, tranquility and rest, try to avoid worries and emotional disturbances decrease as lactation and sometimes the interrupt.
can maintain a diet similar to the pregnancy, but you should eat every 2 hours to stay strong and stable as you are producing food for your baby. If you feel cramps
need more calcium.
4. To avoid back pain or neck using a cushion to support your arm and the rest so the tension produced by supporting the baby. If possible at the time of feeding your baby puts pleasant music and prepares the environment, watch out for example if you are watching TV and see something that will emotionally affect the baby can feel it at this time those connected to it.
These efforts you make today, comforted you in the future, when you see your child healthy, strong, intelligent, emotionally stable, socially adjusted, and loved.
Your uterus returns to its size more quickly. You
intestinal discomfort or gas after delivery, this happens until it settles into its normal size throughout the body. Now if you can use bands or truz / Girdles elastic to strengthen and sustain these organs.
bottle-fed children may suffer from constipation and other ailments.
should not drink alcohol or snuff during breastfeeding either.
The duration of breastfeeding up to you and the baby. There is no maximum time to breastfeed your child We recommend a minimum of 6 months, but this will not be enough, however after 7 months and baby begin to eat other foods and will decrease the consumption of milk. Gradually decreasing the amount you can go to gradually introduce the food. For example at lunch can make a porridge pumpkin / pumpkin without salt or oil, and you can have a little breast milk, and milk dessert. Then to gradually introduce the new food you decrease the milk. And can also be introducing neutral water and juices especially in times of heat that needs to be more moisture, as if it is very cold. Watch their droppings constantly evacuate usually drink each time you breastfeed, practically immediately. We
in another chapter. Success!
Breast Tenderness In Pms Vs Pregnancy

Pregnancy occurs when a male sperm fertilizes the female oval, resulting in an embryo. During a normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks to several changes in the female body, these changes vary greatly in different women and this depends on many factors. 1st month
Final: Final
Amenorrhea 6th week: Some nausea and vomiting especially in the mornings. They usually disappear by the end of the third month.
The uterus begins to increase in size compressing the bladder, which increases the desire to urinate. Breasts can start growing and you may feel numbness or itching in the area. Final
2nd month:
1. The vomiting / morning sickness increase in intensity.
2. constant urge to urinate
3. Sense of breast fullness.
4. Changes peculiar taste and smell. (Some smells are disgusting)
5. Emotional instability, with periods of depression and excitability. Final
3rd month:
1. Disappear vomiting / nausea.
2. Bladder irritability disappears.
3. The woman begins to feel much better already.
4. The baby can be fully formed in a sonogram or ultrasound.
5. It usually occurs colostrum.
End of 4th month:
1. Begin to hear fetal heart sounds.
2. The mother notices the baby's movements.
3. The uterus begins to gradually increase in size as the breasts. Final
5th month:
There is a change in the breast in the areola pigmentation peripheral primary. Color change as a mottled appearance. Final
6th month:
1. Usually resolves the collapse of the navel. and see a line called "black line" in the area below the navel and the pubis. Final
7th month:
the abdomen is distended and torn the deep layers of the skin, resulting in some cases marks or striae, are recommended oils and creams as a lubricant to prevent itching and trademarks.
End of 8th month:
gastric discomfort may occur constipation, difficulty getting good blood flow to the legs, so it may appear varices and / or swelling.
Final of the 9th month:
navel protrudes and could increase the number of grooves as the uterus has increased considerably in size thus seen as a major change in the woman's body. You should practice relaxation exercises of the lumbar spine, sit cross-legged position on the floor every 30 days' twice a day, to relieve discomfort and stretching the muscles in the area. Light daily walks are recommended at least 40 'to strengthen these muscles, using proper footwear, foot size may also increase, there may be feeling unable to breathe properly and discomfort during sleep, or insomnia.
In these days will feel a lightning power, be careful not to consume it completely, because it will need much of it at birth and subsequent days. The abdomen appear to diminish but what happens is that the baby and is embedding tract for birth, head down.
Prenatal care is the best way to ensure the health of the mother and baby. Regular visits to a specialist to discover and treat any problems that may arise. In order to prevent here are some tips:
1. Diet.
* Very important to control weight. During pregnancy increases the appetite and therefore no danger of sobrealimentaciony overweight.
should not miss in your day:
a) 1 liter of milk (preferably sesame / sesame very very high in calcium)
b) 1 glass of fruit juice
c) 2 raw fruits
d) 2 vegetables ( plants) or steam slightly cooked.
e) 1 protein ration
f) 2 snacks (nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, cereal bar, toast bread, cereals)
g) Many, but plenty of water.
2. ***** Caution
teeth caries can occur, consult your dentist. During pregnancy can cause bleeding and swelling of the gums, in its normal state, however should be aware if very abundant, the consumption of plant iron and antibacterial mouthwash can reduce this discomfort. NATURAL MOUTHWASH
: Soak fennel and mint leaves in water and swish with it without swallowing.
Clothing should be loose and comfortable, do not use belts or bands tight. Avoid pressure on the breasts, and bra / bra / underwear hard wire or elastic. Comfortable shoes and low heel.
4. Exercise is highly recommended
being outdoors, breathing fresh air, sunbathing (soft and suitable time), walk all day without becoming fatigued.
5. Travel
can travel by plane, but not recommended the first few months due to natural and nausea of \u200b\u200bpregnancy could increase due to travel, as well as by boat.
6. Rest
A minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Avoid
influences depressed or excited, and naturally increases as emotional instability.
7. Defecation
Constipation often due to pressure of the uterus on the large intestine. You can avoid taking fruits and vegetables. Avoiding meat or fish, or limitations on this case to 2 to 3 servings a week for people whose diet needed.
tobacco smoking can cause uterine irritability, bronchial congestion, risk of preterm infants and small size, etc.. Nor should you be in places where smoking nearby.
Be aware of the changes developed in the body and emotions. VIDEO
Monday, April 19, 2010
Polystrein Concrete Blocks
Alien o el cine en familia
of young when my mother took us to the movies to my sister and me on their expertise to choose movies was anything but orthodox. I remember at my communion, after the meal with the family at home (not the time or celebrations banquet rooms restaurants), we went to see the four Aliens, the second part of Alien , none, indeed, had ever seen. What a movie for a fellowship, you say! The result was that I, with eight years and when the first alien an infected breast, I had to leave the bar of the film, and I stayed for the rest of the projection with the lady of the popcorn, because vision of this beautiful animal his way through blood and guts beat me. But my sister, smaller and more unconscious, was swallowed whole.
To me, however, the thing I had to leave very traumatized. Or maybe is that the trauma had its own catharsis, because years later, when the preteen saw the first part, and then we complete the second the two films became part of my favorite horror films, along with the saga of Shark. The continuously watched, mesmerized by that monster and this Sigourney Weaver had more cojones powerful even than the monster itself. And when they put on TV, the whole family came back to us to swallow again and again, as those who see a Disney classic.
Years later, with just 14 years, I saw Alien 3 in film, and left me cold cold. Too much intellectual baggage that I had then. I bought it, and saw several more times, some of them in the living room couch with my parents and sister. And if only to see Ripley again in action, we swallow it back together, closing his eyes when Ripley committed suicide to wrap up the series and the time of astral conjunction family. Because after the death of Ripley also died that way to see movies together everyone in the room, my sister and I were entering an age in which we began to shelter, especially me, in our own rooms, back to our parents.
So true milestone came with the fourth. When it looked like the trilogy was going to stay in that, in a trilogy, and after I was 19, was released Alien Resurrection. Which could wipe out all the frustration caused by this third rare rare, but today is considered a cult movie, no or glue stuck to the other two. The movie in which Ripley revived, and he did resuscitate a moment of mystical communion for the whole family.
I do not know how we agreed or why, but we still remember sitting in a row four in the film, my mother and my father aside, my sister the other, watching the credits of a film, that of Jean Pierre Jeunet , not only did not disappoint, but we did leave the theater, especially my mother and me, with a taste in my mouth and a twinkle in his eye like few other movies have managed. The film from Jeunet could also be visually different, the best and worst sense of the word, but the script was very well geared, and even now, with hindsight, you know is not up to the first two, and never become a cult film and the third, at least be honest that is a movie I keep seeing again and again and catapult me \u200b\u200bto that moment of communion with my family at a time, that of my 19 years, in which it was very difficult to get together, let most agree, the whole family.
of young when my mother took us to the movies to my sister and me on their expertise to choose movies was anything but orthodox. I remember at my communion, after the meal with the family at home (not the time or celebrations banquet rooms restaurants), we went to see the four Aliens, the second part of Alien , none, indeed, had ever seen. What a movie for a fellowship, you say! The result was that I, with eight years and when the first alien an infected breast, I had to leave the bar of the film, and I stayed for the rest of the projection with the lady of the popcorn, because vision of this beautiful animal his way through blood and guts beat me. But my sister, smaller and more unconscious, was swallowed whole.
So true milestone came with the fourth. When it looked like the trilogy was going to stay in that, in a trilogy, and after I was 19, was released Alien Resurrection. Which could wipe out all the frustration caused by this third rare rare, but today is considered a cult movie, no or glue stuck to the other two. The movie in which Ripley revived, and he did resuscitate a moment of mystical communion for the whole family.
I do not know how we agreed or why, but we still remember sitting in a row four in the film, my mother and my father aside, my sister the other, watching the credits of a film, that of Jean Pierre Jeunet , not only did not disappoint, but we did leave the theater, especially my mother and me, with a taste in my mouth and a twinkle in his eye like few other movies have managed. The film from Jeunet could also be visually different, the best and worst sense of the word, but the script was very well geared, and even now, with hindsight, you know is not up to the first two, and never become a cult film and the third, at least be honest that is a movie I keep seeing again and again and catapult me \u200b\u200bto that moment of communion with my family at a time, that of my 19 years, in which it was very difficult to get together, let most agree, the whole family.
Men Prefer Dark Nipples?by Big Boobs
I just added a new blog to the list, at the request of the author. Thomas Urien.
I just added a new blog to the list, at the request of the author. Thomas Urien.
The Blog: http://turienb28.scoom.com, which I have consulted in recent months, has interesting references to the history of podiatry.
In the latest echoes of our president, Virginia Novel is Madrid Honors College.
dismissal I'm a thousand.
medium I have a draft done on a grand entry will take even days to get out more because I have a home computer crashed.
Greetings to all.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Figure Skating Shoe Covers
The ideal breakfast consists of a banquet fruit, seasonal fruit of the country, fresh and flavorful, are the best food to start the day, offers not only the energy required, but will also help to eliminate toxins that are accumulated otherwise in the body.
can prepare squeezed fruit such as oranges, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, grapes, or even a great and quick breakfast can be prepared a fruit smoothie to go.
Prepared: banana or banana (a) soy milk or fresh squeezed citrus juice, 1 / 2 apple, 3 strawberries, stir and enjoy!
The ideal breakfast consists of a banquet fruit, seasonal fruit of the country, fresh and flavorful, are the best food to start the day, offers not only the energy required, but will also help to eliminate toxins that are accumulated otherwise in the body.
can prepare squeezed fruit such as oranges, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, grapes, or even a great and quick breakfast can be prepared a fruit smoothie to go.
Prepared: banana or banana (a) soy milk or fresh squeezed citrus juice, 1 / 2 apple, 3 strawberries, stir and enjoy!
Women Sitting On Dog Belly
Aloe Vera or Aloe
The Aloevera has several medicinal or therapeutic uses.
Use the inside of the leaf, consult your naturopath to explain how to use it in what quantities and prepare that way. Cross cutting to remove the gel, cut the thorny Remember when handling the sheet.
burns or scrapes
Apply Aloe Vera gel over the area to be treated, do not rinse.
Repeat several times daily. It works on sunburn, insect bites, and wounds that need healing.
What to do if a child is hit?
Immediately apply cold compress (bag of ice or cold gel) to prevent edema. Maybe not immediately relieve the pain, but avoid further bruising and swelling in the area. Especially for blows to the face or head, not allowing the child to sleep for a minimum period of 2 hours. Monitor.

Aloe Vera or Aloe
The Aloevera has several medicinal or therapeutic uses.
Use the inside of the leaf, consult your naturopath to explain how to use it in what quantities and prepare that way. Cross cutting to remove the gel, cut the thorny Remember when handling the sheet.
burns or scrapes
Apply Aloe Vera gel over the area to be treated, do not rinse.
Repeat several times daily. It works on sunburn, insect bites, and wounds that need healing.
What to do if a child is hit?
Immediately apply cold compress (bag of ice or cold gel) to prevent edema. Maybe not immediately relieve the pain, but avoid further bruising and swelling in the area. Especially for blows to the face or head, not allowing the child to sleep for a minimum period of 2 hours. Monitor.
Tip Of My Tongue Has Red Spots
Moxibustion: Moxibustion is
an oriental medicine therapy utilizing the crushed root of the plant mugwort or mugwort which is given a cigarette or cigar called moxa.
thermal stimulation of various areas of the skin surface produces a proven increased synthesis of endorphins, as well as an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema spasmodic that helps unblock energy channels removes aches, pains from surgery (internal scarring from an operation eg caesarean section) also helps in lung pains.
Cromoterapia is a method of harmonization, which helps to heal, naturally, certain diseases through the colors, they correspond to vibrations that have speeds, lengths and rhythms of different waves, and that influence physical, mental and emotional which man is not conscious.
eyes are naturally sensitized according to the frequency of vibration of light, which produces the brain the sensation of color. From this principle, the use of color began to be considered as an effective remedy for curing diseases. In short, it uses color as a healing, antidepressant, stimulating, regenerative and maintainer of balance and organic harmony.
Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is called a form of alternative medicine that uses essential oils and plant extracts for the treatment of certain diseases. Is mainly based on applying, inhaling or ingesting certain extracts of the plant world.
then named some of the effects of fragrances may cause emotional changes:
relaxants: amaro, cypress, carnation, juniper, galbanum, ylang-ylang, cedar, tangerine, chamomile, marjoram, myrrh, neroli, rose, sandalwood and vetiver.
balancers: basil, bergamot, geranium, frankincense and lavender.
Stimulants: angelica, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, elemi, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, lime, mint, orange, palmarosa, petit grain, black pepper, pine, grapefruit and rosemary.
Antidepressants: basil, amaro, bergamot, carnation, geranium, ylang-ylang, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lime, tangerine, chamomile, orange, neroli, patchouli, palmarosa, petitgrain, grapefruit, rose and sandalwood.
Aphrodisiacs: amaro, angelica, cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, carnation, cloves, galbanum, ylang-ylang, jasmine, ginger, cedarwood, neroli, patchouli, rosemary, rose, sandalwood and vetiver.
Stimulating the mind: basil, cardamom, coriander, eucalyptus, peppermint, pine and rosemary.
Therapy How Does Water?
potable water consumption by this method purifies human body. This gives the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as "Haematopaises." The folds of the mucosa of the colon and intestines are activated by this method is a proven fact.
Al cleanse the colon, the nutrients from food taken during the day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucosal folds, will be turned into fresh blood. Blood is the primary means in curing ailments and restoring health. It is important that if the water is not purified, boil or filter, preferably use distilled water.
Therapy Enemas
Bowel Clean
This practice solves many health problems to detoxify and cleanse the colon. Colon hydrotherapy cleanse and dilute the toxin load in the large intestine, resulting in a lower toxic burden to the liver. Also restore the internal balance (homeostasis) and improve the overall health of the individual, to strengthen the various organs predatory and rejuvenate the immune system.
The tank is filled with liquid recommended on warm (not hot) and it hangs so that the higher the body lying down. This opens the valve on the tube to expel the air in the tube. Cannula is then inserted into the rectum with care, while lying on the left side. Is first applied an enema of about three quarts then sitting on the toilet is ejected. It is recommended then apply a second enema up pints. After holding a few minutes, is evacuated. There implant enemas such positive bacteria to improve bacterial flora also refreshing for irritable bowel enemas.
This is what the naturopath, and that as the case may apply different content (eg coffee, anamu, etc)
Phytotherapy Plants have been used to alleviate the ills of mankind since ancient times. Phytotherapy is a recovery of nature and susrecursos, including medicinal plants are found. Today we find extracts medicinal plants in the form of capsules, tablets and other ways unknown to our ancestors.
also used infusions, poultices, application to the skin, etc.

an oriental medicine therapy utilizing the crushed root of the plant mugwort or mugwort which is given a cigarette or cigar called moxa.
thermal stimulation of various areas of the skin surface produces a proven increased synthesis of endorphins, as well as an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema spasmodic that helps unblock energy channels removes aches, pains from surgery (internal scarring from an operation eg caesarean section) also helps in lung pains.

eyes are naturally sensitized according to the frequency of vibration of light, which produces the brain the sensation of color. From this principle, the use of color began to be considered as an effective remedy for curing diseases. In short, it uses color as a healing, antidepressant, stimulating, regenerative and maintainer of balance and organic harmony.
Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is called a form of alternative medicine that uses essential oils and plant extracts for the treatment of certain diseases. Is mainly based on applying, inhaling or ingesting certain extracts of the plant world.
then named some of the effects of fragrances may cause emotional changes:

relaxants: amaro, cypress, carnation, juniper, galbanum, ylang-ylang, cedar, tangerine, chamomile, marjoram, myrrh, neroli, rose, sandalwood and vetiver.
balancers: basil, bergamot, geranium, frankincense and lavender.
Stimulants: angelica, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, elemi, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, lime, mint, orange, palmarosa, petit grain, black pepper, pine, grapefruit and rosemary.
Antidepressants: basil, amaro, bergamot, carnation, geranium, ylang-ylang, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lime, tangerine, chamomile, orange, neroli, patchouli, palmarosa, petitgrain, grapefruit, rose and sandalwood.
Aphrodisiacs: amaro, angelica, cinnamon, cardamom, coriander, carnation, cloves, galbanum, ylang-ylang, jasmine, ginger, cedarwood, neroli, patchouli, rosemary, rose, sandalwood and vetiver.
Stimulating the mind: basil, cardamom, coriander, eucalyptus, peppermint, pine and rosemary.
Therapy How Does Water?

potable water consumption by this method purifies human body. This gives the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as "Haematopaises." The folds of the mucosa of the colon and intestines are activated by this method is a proven fact.
Al cleanse the colon, the nutrients from food taken during the day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucosal folds, will be turned into fresh blood. Blood is the primary means in curing ailments and restoring health. It is important that if the water is not purified, boil or filter, preferably use distilled water.
Therapy Enemas
Bowel Clean

This practice solves many health problems to detoxify and cleanse the colon. Colon hydrotherapy cleanse and dilute the toxin load in the large intestine, resulting in a lower toxic burden to the liver. Also restore the internal balance (homeostasis) and improve the overall health of the individual, to strengthen the various organs predatory and rejuvenate the immune system.
The tank is filled with liquid recommended on warm (not hot) and it hangs so that the higher the body lying down. This opens the valve on the tube to expel the air in the tube. Cannula is then inserted into the rectum with care, while lying on the left side. Is first applied an enema of about three quarts then sitting on the toilet is ejected. It is recommended then apply a second enema up pints. After holding a few minutes, is evacuated. There implant enemas such positive bacteria to improve bacterial flora also refreshing for irritable bowel enemas.
This is what the naturopath, and that as the case may apply different content (eg coffee, anamu, etc)

Phytotherapy Plants have been used to alleviate the ills of mankind since ancient times. Phytotherapy is a recovery of nature and susrecursos, including medicinal plants are found. Today we find extracts medicinal plants in the form of capsules, tablets and other ways unknown to our ancestors.
also used infusions, poultices, application to the skin, etc.
Should Sprinters Take More Red Meat Or White Meat
This issue is complex and extensive, many aspects remain unfulfilled, it really is a constructive discussion topic very good for a "storming" .
predisposition for this condition begins in the womb, when our mother, sensitive to her pregnancy, suffering from fears and insecurities common in pregnant women, not realizing that these feelings were transmitted to the child (the Greeks used to isolate the Women pregnant and only allowed him to listen to poetry and music). The unborn child to feel the change in the heartbeat of the mother, who is the fingerprint by which recognize it when you breastfeed in their lap, will share the insecurity and fear. If the mother suffered from "bad stomach" and is not well fed, it is worse for the baby since you may have nervous system instability due to malnutrition.
Then comes the invisible worm of destruction, when the child is exposed to start interacting with the environment and other children. For this example we
Let's talk about Ricky (fictitious name, invented character) his mother was a girl Young sexual curiosity got pregnant, her family rejection and became a single mother. All that time to consider abortion and hit his belly, fearing the future. Did not have much to hold, so do not eat well, also not be charged any way. By giving birth does not want to breastfeed was not dropping the chest, he wants to get intimate, as a result of this the child is fed with "formulas" (that is material to a separate book) these formulas are not in anything approaching what is breast milk and the child can grow fat but with many nutritional deficiencies.
As the child grew it began to incorporate as a member of the family of the mother who then forgive and as a member of the family of the father, obviously the more likely it is that there is a conflict of harmony between the two families.
Everyone has some basic needs of belonging (to know who is a member of a family, a nationality, religion etc), acceptance and recognition ("I accept you as a member of the family", "I accept you as a friend "" You're smart, "" are working "as an example), along with the need to love and be loved the image and likeness of God who is love. Also needs to imitate, usually the child imitates the parent and the child's mother.
In this case, Ricky 'every time I was with the family of the mother said, "you do not copy your father is a ...." And each time I was in with the father's family told him "your mother ... that's a ...." and there start a conflict in the self-image of the child, who does not know who to copy, but worse still do not know where it belongs. And if you say "you're just like your family to pay" in a derogatory way worsen the situation. And conflicts not only have already mentioned, but also have social maladjustment.
What Ricky thought of himself in his subconscious? What frame of mind will be made for himself a way of salvation? What expectations and goals will have the child in life? Well I say that if these goals and expectations are not met, may be a being depressed and anxious, that the most likely to find people with similar mindsets and their core of friends (birds of a feather flock together) of those who absorb new conflicts.
I have taken this case as an example of how external factors can influence our mental programming and give us standard of living as a depressed and anxious.
still in external factors should be noted that occurs whenever a person is watching television models clean and attractive people get together and seek each other, they have cars fabulous homes and understands that he does not belong to this group ..! but that would be so cute!
When human beings are full of expectations and goals and these are not met, is likely to be depressed and the reality is that most people are unaware that expectations and goals have shaped his subconscious.
These expectations and goals, the subconscious form of self-image of the individual (who thinks the same as it is) which has been shaped by the circumstances and individuals that have surrounded him in life.
Consider a possible accident that could happen without anyone noticing its significance: this is a person who gets to sing in front of someone you respect and which in turn is a very polite and considerate. Our friend the singer really bray, but the other person to give it a good deal to be polite, being a good host says, "You sing very nice, I like your voice." What I do not know is that our friend singer will take very seriously and that comment closes a gap in expectations and became a target of illusion and from then on everyone who does not want to hear your song or you will not be criticized because its friend, which can lead to feeling rejected. What seems like science fiction? You have no idea how small flame can start a fire. Happiness is a state of mind if we understand that our goals become achievements.
All these assumptions are by way of example of a every situation that might affect from the outside. And sexual dissatisfaction, loneliness, misunderstanding, indifference among others.
Happiness is also a condition and a mental state
Consider other aspects, people with heart conditions such as "puffs" (this occurs when a valve does not close properly and produces a sound like air) enlarged heart (cardiomegaly), weak heart muscle, the left kidney was affected and in turn affecting the heart, tend to be depressed. This is because the heart is a gland that releases hormones that affect our sense happiness and welfare.
The malfunctioning of the thyroid also cause depression and this could be healthy without any problem, this is because the body's organs are interconnected, they stimulate and regulate each other, and share nerves, energy and nutrients . It's a shame when a person gives drugs to the thyroid being the same in good condition, because all of them as side effects affecting the heart (read the PDR)
The lack of B vitamins, which nourish the nervous system will cause nervousness, insomnia, depression, anxiety. The refined food, pesticide spraying, as well as heat when it is overcooked food destroys vitamins B. Alcohol in our body destroys the B vitamins powerful way
A healthy diet, not a strict diet based on individual needs is essential to combat depression. Sunbathing are a wonderful source of antidepressant. To occupy the mind on positive thoughts as well as helping others is a good balm. Free of any expression of selfishness is rewarding.
As natural resource as an aid can be used:
1-B complex (natural not synthetic)
2 - The herb St. John
3 - Kava Kava
4 - Theanine
But using natural substances allopathic approach (treating symptoms and not causes) is not the best option. Natural medicine in a holistic and structured may provide greater and better results.
Mr. Luis A. Sepulveda NL

This issue is complex and extensive, many aspects remain unfulfilled, it really is a constructive discussion topic very good for a "storming" .
predisposition for this condition begins in the womb, when our mother, sensitive to her pregnancy, suffering from fears and insecurities common in pregnant women, not realizing that these feelings were transmitted to the child (the Greeks used to isolate the Women pregnant and only allowed him to listen to poetry and music). The unborn child to feel the change in the heartbeat of the mother, who is the fingerprint by which recognize it when you breastfeed in their lap, will share the insecurity and fear. If the mother suffered from "bad stomach" and is not well fed, it is worse for the baby since you may have nervous system instability due to malnutrition.
Then comes the invisible worm of destruction, when the child is exposed to start interacting with the environment and other children. For this example we
Let's talk about Ricky (fictitious name, invented character) his mother was a girl Young sexual curiosity got pregnant, her family rejection and became a single mother. All that time to consider abortion and hit his belly, fearing the future. Did not have much to hold, so do not eat well, also not be charged any way. By giving birth does not want to breastfeed was not dropping the chest, he wants to get intimate, as a result of this the child is fed with "formulas" (that is material to a separate book) these formulas are not in anything approaching what is breast milk and the child can grow fat but with many nutritional deficiencies.
As the child grew it began to incorporate as a member of the family of the mother who then forgive and as a member of the family of the father, obviously the more likely it is that there is a conflict of harmony between the two families.
Everyone has some basic needs of belonging (to know who is a member of a family, a nationality, religion etc), acceptance and recognition ("I accept you as a member of the family", "I accept you as a friend "" You're smart, "" are working "as an example), along with the need to love and be loved the image and likeness of God who is love. Also needs to imitate, usually the child imitates the parent and the child's mother.
In this case, Ricky 'every time I was with the family of the mother said, "you do not copy your father is a ...." And each time I was in with the father's family told him "your mother ... that's a ...." and there start a conflict in the self-image of the child, who does not know who to copy, but worse still do not know where it belongs. And if you say "you're just like your family to pay" in a derogatory way worsen the situation. And conflicts not only have already mentioned, but also have social maladjustment.
What Ricky thought of himself in his subconscious? What frame of mind will be made for himself a way of salvation? What expectations and goals will have the child in life? Well I say that if these goals and expectations are not met, may be a being depressed and anxious, that the most likely to find people with similar mindsets and their core of friends (birds of a feather flock together) of those who absorb new conflicts.
I have taken this case as an example of how external factors can influence our mental programming and give us standard of living as a depressed and anxious.
still in external factors should be noted that occurs whenever a person is watching television models clean and attractive people get together and seek each other, they have cars fabulous homes and understands that he does not belong to this group ..! but that would be so cute!
When human beings are full of expectations and goals and these are not met, is likely to be depressed and the reality is that most people are unaware that expectations and goals have shaped his subconscious.
These expectations and goals, the subconscious form of self-image of the individual (who thinks the same as it is) which has been shaped by the circumstances and individuals that have surrounded him in life.
Consider a possible accident that could happen without anyone noticing its significance: this is a person who gets to sing in front of someone you respect and which in turn is a very polite and considerate. Our friend the singer really bray, but the other person to give it a good deal to be polite, being a good host says, "You sing very nice, I like your voice." What I do not know is that our friend singer will take very seriously and that comment closes a gap in expectations and became a target of illusion and from then on everyone who does not want to hear your song or you will not be criticized because its friend, which can lead to feeling rejected. What seems like science fiction? You have no idea how small flame can start a fire. Happiness is a state of mind if we understand that our goals become achievements.
All these assumptions are by way of example of a every situation that might affect from the outside. And sexual dissatisfaction, loneliness, misunderstanding, indifference among others.
Happiness is also a condition and a mental state
Consider other aspects, people with heart conditions such as "puffs" (this occurs when a valve does not close properly and produces a sound like air) enlarged heart (cardiomegaly), weak heart muscle, the left kidney was affected and in turn affecting the heart, tend to be depressed. This is because the heart is a gland that releases hormones that affect our sense happiness and welfare.
The malfunctioning of the thyroid also cause depression and this could be healthy without any problem, this is because the body's organs are interconnected, they stimulate and regulate each other, and share nerves, energy and nutrients . It's a shame when a person gives drugs to the thyroid being the same in good condition, because all of them as side effects affecting the heart (read the PDR)
The lack of B vitamins, which nourish the nervous system will cause nervousness, insomnia, depression, anxiety. The refined food, pesticide spraying, as well as heat when it is overcooked food destroys vitamins B. Alcohol in our body destroys the B vitamins powerful way
A healthy diet, not a strict diet based on individual needs is essential to combat depression. Sunbathing are a wonderful source of antidepressant. To occupy the mind on positive thoughts as well as helping others is a good balm. Free of any expression of selfishness is rewarding.
As natural resource as an aid can be used:
1-B complex (natural not synthetic)
2 - The herb St. John
3 - Kava Kava
4 - Theanine
But using natural substances allopathic approach (treating symptoms and not causes) is not the best option. Natural medicine in a holistic and structured may provide greater and better results.
Mr. Luis A. Sepulveda NL
Pentax Water Pump Manual

are many factors involved in the high pressure, but to understand what is natural medicine must first sort out the causes and effects. In this case, high blood pressure is an effect, not a cause. We
technique used by allopathic (common medicine) to treat symptoms with drugs that control the effect without understanding that, in this case the symptom, not the disease itself and thus we believe, when we do not feel the symptom , which are cured or that everything is under control. Nothing is further from the truth.
We must understand that to upset the fine balance between the many substances that flow into our body, we are attracting new conditions (side effects), usually chemical drugs prescribed to lower blood pressure adversely affect our kidneys, further complicating the problem, this I can see referring to the PDR (Physician Desk Reference) medical reference book or publication that accompanies each drug attachment with recommendations for use and signs of side effects, warnings and contraindications.
The casus for hypertension, high saguinea pressure can be varied and in some cases more than one at a time, point out some of them.
1-kidney malfunction, mainly the left kidney. This is so because the left kidney is on the same side of the heart and although allopathic medicine has not discovered or did not bring the body has polarity and for that reazon a malfunction of the left kidney can affect the heart more than if outside the law. The kidney is affected by the soft, high consumption of salt, tomato, spinach, chard, watercress, peanuts, car harness, shock etc.
2 - obstruction of the circulatory system, if the arteries, veins and capillaries do not have adequate lighting (interior space), the heart increases the pressure by way of compensation. So anything that might cause this type of obstructions to aggravate the condition of hypertension. Some causes of obstruction are the dairy, inorganic minerals, lack of adequate blood vizcosidasd, lack of nutrients, disturbances in the assimilation of mineral deficiencies in the digestive system, everything that would alter the liver and cheese, alcohol, avocados, among others.
3 - Glass contrition, the blood vessels to constrict, a major cause is the cafe which also attacks the heart muscle.
4-Fears, fears require a whole separate article, but for this purpose I will split in two. The conscious and unconscious. If you live constantly worried about something that could happen if you do not know vivier day to day based on a faith that God watches over you and only the best will happen, if you have guilt feelings that make you vulnerable among others. These fears will stimulate secretion of adrenaline, glucose etc. which triggered the blood pumping.
5 - Amalgam, dental work were made with silver and mercury. These pollutants have been to your body creating an imbalance that causes several symptoms that can include hypertension.
6 - Excessive use of salt in the diet
7 - Taking the well water that has a high content of mineral salts
8-Eating foods tainted with chemical additives
9 - Exposure to magnetic fields such as computers, power lines tension, scanners. 10-
Disorders PSYCHOLOGICAL hidden, such as auotimagen inappropriate, unsuited to the society or to changes in states critical awareness of self, sexual dissatisfaction or frustration.
As natural resource to reduce hypertension as a symptom without considering the causes is used as follows: 1-
garlic 2 - 3-
patches parsley 4-crategus
5 - diuretic such as whole plant, the cauliflower, asparagus, celery, onion, beard of corn, squash etc.
Mr. Luis A. Sepulveda NL
Raylene Richards Hört Auf
INTEGRAL means holistic, complete, total. Means that not only takes into account the person's body, where usually manifest "symptoms" but referred to humans as an integrated unit of mind, emotion and physical, because, really, are inseparable.
Our Natural Medicine Clinic pursuing holistic healing.
Let us help you determine the causes of these diseases and eradicate them. Dr. Luis
A. Christian Sepulveda NL
Naturopath Bachelor: Lic # 64

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Dyżury Aptek Krzeszowice
beginning summer, and pathology characteristics.
seems that the sun begins to warm up after spending 6 months of almost continuous rain.
Good weather is a good ally of hyperhidrosis and more in adolescents with overuse of some breathable footwear. That is the cause of the next image, in which the symptoms that lead to the consultation are maceration, pain on a long time to rest and bromhidrosis.
epithelial surface grooves, produced by macerating hyperhidrosis, little breathable footwear and being a teenager, a typical clinical picture of a keratolysis puntacta.
other hand, we have what may be the effects of the crisis, to extend the trimming a few months (or more than some) until you can not walk.
Al delaminate hole but did not slough it is appreciated that performing a thorough cleaning see the actual size that reaches the bone, leaving this visible and touched with the instruments. Oral antibiotic 1 week download and cures area daily. Recently
are emerging and many patients with pain sesamoiditis the 1 st MTP joint, and all I have diagnosed with hallux limitus, more or less limited. One of them, a patient round the 6 decades of life, who has used safety shoes all his life, MTF has a mobility of 20-30 ° and a chronic sesamoiditis 5 years of evolution. The treatment has several concerns me. At this age and bone that limitation, we will not get any better with 30 ° max. is not sufficient for effective progress, hence the sesamoids are involved. To reduce the symptoms of the sesamoids should be "splinted" the MTPJ. It has been cut out of the area, damping wedge retrocapital, NSAIDS, etc etc but the improvement has been very low. Was performed an Rx to assess whether hypertrophy of the sesamoids and if conservative treatment does not work to start thinking about surgery. In hallux limitus
also a young girl, but in this case the mobility of 1 radio is within the physiological, but more decreased in the other foot. The deceased, an asymmetry that favors the pronation of the foot and especially the daily use of dancers, a shoe that prevents dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx and hallux limitus causes.
The hallux limitus is associated with neck pain and back pain (Dannamberg) which presents this patient.
plantar orthoses would be the solution, but the first step is to change the footwear or use it as little as possible, exercise and use the MTP joint kinetic wedge that I have done.
With dynamic kinetic wedge left him fibular sesamoid pain as favoring the dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx, this wheel more easily and allows the 1 st metatarsal sesamoid fall to be and perform their physiological function.
On the other hand a patient with pain in the ankles, knees, posterior tibial enthesitis who came because he said he had flat feet, diagnosed as a child. The examination conducted
can see a huge limitation of dorsiflexion hip due to a short or contracture isquitotibiales and posterior chain.
performing pronation and excess weight tissue produces a stress level of the posterior tibial insertion and ankles. It proved to walk with a wedge supinating and these pain subsided.
flat foot, was not so, but had a right foot dorsiflexed first ray and structured so that the subtalar joint of the pronated foot continuously to support the whole forefoot contact with the ground. It also has a 5-second radio plantarflexion in one foot.
In the other foot has a supinated forefoot, where on 1 radio is structured dorsi muscle but is achieved through passive manipulation match the other metatarsals.
In the right foot I used 3 layers of resin (weighs over 100kgs), 1.9 +1.3 + midtarsal area of \u200b\u200b1.2, to allow flexibility in the forefoot, because if we put the 3 resins to get too forefoot stiffness in an area that should be flexible. Posted
performed a medial posterior filling and prevent the foot pressure center deviates medially, rather it is to divert a little to the side.
Then a short heel cushioning 3mms, increase in forefoot and metatarsal inclination to help a little to the shortening of the posterior muscles.
At the other foot. We do not need much control but we need some weight to his contention. 1.9 1.2 and 1.2 where the difference of total flexibility is evident when compared with the other brace. This also makes the area from cuneometatarsal distally using only 2 layers of resin and not 3. cut out at 5 ° to 5 ° dorsiflexed radio. In hindfoot are looking for the same functionality as the other foot. Pending a supine wedge the forefoot supinated forefoot but will be assessed after a week-proof without it.
flat foot is does not exist. Rearfoot
as neutral as possible even with a stop in medial to prevent pronation and deviation of center of pressure medially.
right foot in place pending an extension cord of 1 radio 1, radio offset dorsiflexed not flexible. But wait until you try to put a week.
The right foot shows that the brace is wider, this is because the bottom of this side has more pronation and soft tissue expansion. Molds were taken also but the 2 feet are not equal.
The various "experiments" I've been doing filling in the ALI or do very, very rigid brace where the brace is hardly deformed, the results have been bad, not being borne by patients in a period of 2 months. Subsequently removing part of the inner lining has improved both the symptoms and the problem that they had consulted. In some cases it is recommended but if patients can not tolerate is not equally effective. Anyway we continue to test in cases that are necessary and that making some changes if we can get them to come to "bear."
seems that the sun begins to warm up after spending 6 months of almost continuous rain.
Good weather is a good ally of hyperhidrosis and more in adolescents with overuse of some breathable footwear. That is the cause of the next image, in which the symptoms that lead to the consultation are maceration, pain on a long time to rest and bromhidrosis.
other hand, we have what may be the effects of the crisis, to extend the trimming a few months (or more than some) until you can not walk.
are emerging and many patients with pain sesamoiditis the 1 st MTP joint, and all I have diagnosed with hallux limitus, more or less limited. One of them, a patient round the 6 decades of life, who has used safety shoes all his life, MTF has a mobility of 20-30 ° and a chronic sesamoiditis 5 years of evolution. The treatment has several concerns me. At this age and bone that limitation, we will not get any better with 30 ° max. is not sufficient for effective progress, hence the sesamoids are involved. To reduce the symptoms of the sesamoids should be "splinted" the MTPJ. It has been cut out of the area, damping wedge retrocapital, NSAIDS, etc etc but the improvement has been very low. Was performed an Rx to assess whether hypertrophy of the sesamoids and if conservative treatment does not work to start thinking about surgery. In hallux limitus
also a young girl, but in this case the mobility of 1 radio is within the physiological, but more decreased in the other foot. The deceased, an asymmetry that favors the pronation of the foot and especially the daily use of dancers, a shoe that prevents dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx and hallux limitus causes.
The hallux limitus is associated with neck pain and back pain (Dannamberg) which presents this patient.
plantar orthoses would be the solution, but the first step is to change the footwear or use it as little as possible, exercise and use the MTP joint kinetic wedge that I have done.
With dynamic kinetic wedge left him fibular sesamoid pain as favoring the dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx, this wheel more easily and allows the 1 st metatarsal sesamoid fall to be and perform their physiological function.
On the other hand a patient with pain in the ankles, knees, posterior tibial enthesitis who came because he said he had flat feet, diagnosed as a child. The examination conducted
can see a huge limitation of dorsiflexion hip due to a short or contracture isquitotibiales and posterior chain.
performing pronation and excess weight tissue produces a stress level of the posterior tibial insertion and ankles. It proved to walk with a wedge supinating and these pain subsided.
flat foot, was not so, but had a right foot dorsiflexed first ray and structured so that the subtalar joint of the pronated foot continuously to support the whole forefoot contact with the ground. It also has a 5-second radio plantarflexion in one foot.
In the other foot has a supinated forefoot, where on 1 radio is structured dorsi muscle but is achieved through passive manipulation match the other metatarsals.
In the right foot I used 3 layers of resin (weighs over 100kgs), 1.9 +1.3 + midtarsal area of \u200b\u200b1.2, to allow flexibility in the forefoot, because if we put the 3 resins to get too forefoot stiffness in an area that should be flexible. Posted
performed a medial posterior filling and prevent the foot pressure center deviates medially, rather it is to divert a little to the side.
Then a short heel cushioning 3mms, increase in forefoot and metatarsal inclination to help a little to the shortening of the posterior muscles.
The various "experiments" I've been doing filling in the ALI or do very, very rigid brace where the brace is hardly deformed, the results have been bad, not being borne by patients in a period of 2 months. Subsequently removing part of the inner lining has improved both the symptoms and the problem that they had consulted. In some cases it is recommended but if patients can not tolerate is not equally effective. Anyway we continue to test in cases that are necessary and that making some changes if we can get them to come to "bear."
Monday, April 5, 2010
Remington Precision Mb 40
LAB 5 xD
Para los siguientes ejercicios diseñe el algoritmo en diagrama de flujos y pseudocódigo.
Construya los diagramas de flujos de acuerdo a las reglas de construcción de los mismos. Los pseudocódigo deben usar las palabras reservadas en ingles, si es posible enumere cada una de las instrucciones. Pruebe si funciona el algoritmo con varias corridas. Use sangría para las instrucciones anidadas.
1. La regla para los años bisiestos según el calendario gregoriano es:
Un año es bisiesto si es divisible por 4, excepto el último de cada century (those divisible by 100), except that the latter is divisible by 400. That is
years that are divisible by 4 are leap years, but will not be leap years if divisible by 100 (like the 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2100) unless they are divisible by 400 (like the 1600, 2000 or 2400).
determine whether a year is a leap year entered on the keyboard.
2. Given a three-digit number, find the sum of the figures and determine the largest of its figures. Initially, the algorithm must validate that the number is actually entered three digits.
3. Write an algorithm that asks the user to enter an integer and determine if both divisible by 5 and 6, neither, or only one of them. For example if we enter the values \u200b\u200b10, 30, and 23 are the corresponding outputs.
10 is divisible by 5 or 6, but not both
30 is divisible by both 5 and 6
23 is not divisible by both 5 and 6
4. Determine the roots of the quadratic equation: ax2 + bx + c. Cover the case if the discriminant is 0 and negative.
5. In a tent made a discount to customers depending on the amount of purchase. The discount will be made based on the following criteria:
If the amount is less than S /. 500 soles, no discount
If the amount is from S /. 500 and S /. 1000 soles inclusive, apply 5% discount
If the amount is between S/.1000 and soles S/.7000 inclusive, apply 11% discount
If the amount is between S/.7000 and S / 15,000 soles inclusive, apply 18% discount
If the amount is greater than S /. 15000 soles, apply 25% discount.
Determine the amount due from a customer of the store.
Para los siguientes ejercicios diseñe el algoritmo en diagrama de flujos y pseudocódigo.
Construya los diagramas de flujos de acuerdo a las reglas de construcción de los mismos. Los pseudocódigo deben usar las palabras reservadas en ingles, si es posible enumere cada una de las instrucciones. Pruebe si funciona el algoritmo con varias corridas. Use sangría para las instrucciones anidadas.
1. La regla para los años bisiestos según el calendario gregoriano es:
Un año es bisiesto si es divisible por 4, excepto el último de cada century (those divisible by 100), except that the latter is divisible by 400. That is
years that are divisible by 4 are leap years, but will not be leap years if divisible by 100 (like the 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2100) unless they are divisible by 400 (like the 1600, 2000 or 2400).
determine whether a year is a leap year entered on the keyboard.
2. Given a three-digit number, find the sum of the figures and determine the largest of its figures. Initially, the algorithm must validate that the number is actually entered three digits.
3. Write an algorithm that asks the user to enter an integer and determine if both divisible by 5 and 6, neither, or only one of them. For example if we enter the values \u200b\u200b10, 30, and 23 are the corresponding outputs.
10 is divisible by 5 or 6, but not both
30 is divisible by both 5 and 6
23 is not divisible by both 5 and 6
4. Determine the roots of the quadratic equation: ax2 + bx + c. Cover the case if the discriminant is 0 and negative.
5. In a tent made a discount to customers depending on the amount of purchase. The discount will be made based on the following criteria:
If the amount is less than S /. 500 soles, no discount
If the amount is from S /. 500 and S /. 1000 soles inclusive, apply 5% discount
If the amount is between S/.1000 and soles S/.7000 inclusive, apply 11% discount
If the amount is between S/.7000 and S / 15,000 soles inclusive, apply 18% discount
If the amount is greater than S /. 15000 soles, apply 25% discount.
Determine the amount due from a customer of the store.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
English Patch For Russian Morrowind
Semama 4
Computing Week 4
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