7 ways to respond to religious preachers who go from house to house mother fucking 7
- I have no time, there is a porno movie on the Playboy channel and do not mind I would go to masturbate while watching children having sex, you know that, right?.
- Thanks, but in this household are Narcosatánicos and sacrificed young virgin of 15 years on an inverted pentagram, religious propoganda not admit of any other class.
- Sorry, do you remember the cannibal of Guerrero? I just joined the same sect to which he belonged. Are not you hungry? I have an exquisite dishes cooked in the fire, licking her fingers.
- Well, I firmly believe that it is time to have a pope announcing black death, destruction and the imminent end of the world. Do you think Johnny Laboriel accept the position?.
(While you scream and you jump to the floor in a fetal position making strange noises as the girl in the exorcist)
-! Arrrrrggggghhhhhh quemoooooo remove me from enfrenteeee crucifijoo arrgggg GRRRRRRRR dueleeeeeeeeergggg noooooooo quiteeelooooooooarrrgggghhhh ahhhhh!
- do not mames a cock is okay chingón this fart to verguisima like whores so makes for chingón putamadral of falls from my mother who is the bastard balls Mam mother fucking bitch cock very interesting to no net show me you're fucking fucking asshole if you pull that pussy fart fucking bastard you are to show me your dick!
- Sorry, I can not see you, I'm gay and I'm waiting for my husband to have some gay sex .*
* Quote taken from real life that the Imnotok.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Blender Cleaning Cycle
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Can You Check In Candles
Dental Plan! Contrerastitlán
Lisa needs braces ...
Lisa needs braces ...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Free Boat Trailer Ontario
When disgustingly corrupt, wealthy and powerful, will summon my closest buddies and my lackeys to form my own city: "Contrerastitlán" .
going to be a city well chingona, will be a new Athens, a beacon of wisdom, knowledge and justice that will lead the world, the Utopia of St. Thomas come true. Obviously I'm going to be the democratically elected mayor Vergaz tip that does not vote for me. My political party will be the PSCRD ( Culeros Salt Party and Democratic repressors) and my policy will idiología Communist-Marxist-Leninist-capitalist keynisista-Friedmanite-Fox-Chavez-marijuana. Certainly not be allowed opposition parties, only football ..... ¬ ¬ (ah that sucker).
going to be a bar on every block and the streets are going to take rude names: Avenida Butts, Assholes street, Paseo de la Verga, Cacas private, etc.. Imagine what the hell is: hey dude how you got home? Oh yeah look, grab all the Dick, you go straight and get Guevara Izquierdo Hairy take the side and you walk out the Pussy up to the Smelly Shit, there bend right and live half a block. "Although I've been thinking that to increase the cache would not hurt to put street names in French, for example," Rue du Vergox "," Rue du Anotrè "or" Rue du E. Chart Blanque. The pure lineage.
As in my city's tolerance and respect are important thing, we will call "fucking" the assholes and we will go to them as "heat-sensitive people in the queue", so know Shuriken, Imnotok, Mr. Pornow, Ricardo Luna and pals , and will go live in my city without fear that discriminate be fucking, I say, as "heat-sensitive individuals tail "and Imnotok made up and asked me to be president of the new gay community. Here you can live in peace and dignity and shall be persons known for their ability to get Riata feet in the ass. Oh and by the way as a welcome gift to all of these people were giving away their Placerex 2000, one of a kind.
manipulate genes and we will become a perfect race of warriors as well cock so Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, and when we are bored we would go well and we would leave their mother to the nearby towns nothing more for diapers haha. Ah also will be banned for the poor and blacks, but because they are ugly and nacos and would not give it good look at my town, Do not think I'm racist or something. For once I warn you that only women can live more Contrerastitlán good, so you know pudes be sending your application with photo and we'll see if you agree, if you are ugly please do not try it, likewise if you are male and are of those freaks, geeks, emos, goths, neorevolucionaros, communist or any of that shit please do not try, evitanos madarte penalty much to the cock up asshole. Within
delivery of justucia, me and my circle of wise and honorable elders decide on any misunderstanding in the metropolis always based on the principle that us old but good. Y in a matter of education, the best institutions will serve the young, as the worthy Rolando Calles University and the Autonomous University Benito Camelo.
Anyway I have a chingomadral of ideas that will make Contrerastitlán the best place to live on earth, but then I follow that and gave me Guevara. Since all
lleguenle therefore ushale ushale.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Stool Normal Bright Red Blood In Toilet
public attention wanted:
This time I want to present to Jenna and Jenny, they are a pair of twin daughters affected by the unsinkable taiboleras in Tabasco. In my infinite compassion I have decided to enable my own home as a shelter for this pair of little girls who have lost everything and for all other victims of the tables of Tabasco, providing shelter and food until the contingency happens. However, maintaining a shelter is no easy task and will need your humanitarian and disinterested in carrying out my altruistic work.
then attached a picture of Jenna and Jenny in the hope that his heart be moved and join this noble cause:
is urgent to send food to help these poor girls who have lost everything. This is the list of essential items we need:
- Thongs
- Braziers
- Tubes
- Baby Doll
- Stockings
Please people, these are items that need to shelter the homeless from my house. Jenna and Jenny well as many who have lost everything, I hope to help as many as I can, not only by offering my house as a shelter, but also because I am getting to chamba in some tables around here.
Many thanks.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
How To Make Ballet Shoes Out Of Ready Icing
is time to help ideas to immortalize my name in the history of shit post
- Idea 1: New language
was I who invented the language that wave of "F" for some time now. Everyone knew how to talk and became very popular throughout Mexico. Now to continue my contributions have created a new and eloquent language that I'm sure with the help of all we popularize it and make it fashionable. It is neither more nor less than the language of the "cock." It is insert the word "cock" between sentences, placing it immediately after each word we use.
For example the sentence:
"The other day I thought I had left a third balls but there were the remains of my unborn twin."
would read as follows:
"The other dick dick dick that day I thought dick dick dick my dick had gone a yard third dick dick dick balls but no cock cock, the cock remains were dick dick dick my dick twin born dick dick dick no. "
- Idea 2: Health fucking "Placerex 2000"
Given the recent spate of fucking us from all sides and aware of their needs, I decided to invent a unique health for fucking, which has the patented clean-ass system Placerex 2000: "To make each one prufunda crap experience." The system consists of an ingenious mechanical finger which is inserted after shit in the ass to take the place of toilet paper and at the same time provide the necessary leisure to make each cagada an unforgettable experience. This is the sketch:
* The excessive consumption of this product is harmful to heterosexuals.
- Idea 3: Saving the world caries, or join the squadron of Captain Shield , whichever is easier.
- Idea 1: New language
was I who invented the language that wave of "F" for some time now. Everyone knew how to talk and became very popular throughout Mexico. Now to continue my contributions have created a new and eloquent language that I'm sure with the help of all we popularize it and make it fashionable. It is neither more nor less than the language of the "cock." It is insert the word "cock" between sentences, placing it immediately after each word we use.
For example the sentence:
"The other day I thought I had left a third balls but there were the remains of my unborn twin."
would read as follows:
"The other dick dick dick that day I thought dick dick dick my dick had gone a yard third dick dick dick balls but no cock cock, the cock remains were dick dick dick my dick twin born dick dick dick no. "
- Idea 2: Health fucking "Placerex 2000"
Given the recent spate of fucking us from all sides and aware of their needs, I decided to invent a unique health for fucking, which has the patented clean-ass system Placerex 2000: "To make each one prufunda crap experience." The system consists of an ingenious mechanical finger which is inserted after shit in the ass to take the place of toilet paper and at the same time provide the necessary leisure to make each cagada an unforgettable experience. This is the sketch:

* The excessive consumption of this product is harmful to heterosexuals.
- Idea 3: Saving the world caries, or join the squadron of Captain Shield , whichever is easier.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Recurve Bow Arrow Rests
A Reconsideration of Physics
Coming soon: "Pura cock post"
Coming soon: "Pura cock post"
Monday, October 15, 2007
How Can I Defrost Sausage Fast
1 .- In a 8000 meter race Maradona took Sophia 200 meters and 290 meters on Isabel. If Sophia and Elizabeth continue running at the same average speed up the goal, determine
A) In what will cheat km Roberto Madrazo?
B) How many lines of cocaine Maradona went on to win the race?
C) What do you think are the reasons for Sophie to run the race? 2 .- Pablo
fires a projectile horizontally from a cannon located at 45.3 m on a horizontal plane with a speed at the muzzle of 250 m / s.
A) At what Paul gang member?
B) Explain the Socio-political conditions that led Paul to be part of a gang.
3 .- A student wants to determine the coefficients of static and kinetic friction between a box and a plank. Place the box on plank and gradually elevates one end of the plank. When the tilt angle to the horizontal reaches 28.0 degrees, the box starts to slip and down the plank 2.53m in 3.92s.
A) Assuming that Feuerbach is right, how the board affects the Marxist doctrine of mid-century?
4 .- A skater with a mass of 70 Kilos moves on an imaginary frictionless linear path at an initial speed of 3.2 m / s, hitting one second skater of unknown mass and at rest. After the collision, the first skater continuing its original direction and 0.66 m / s. Determine
A) Does that hurt skater but he putazo?
B) If you had seen the hit, how long you cagarias of laughter?
Extra Credit:
C) Determine the philosophical nature of the way imagination and metaphor to life.
5 .- Erika's mom weighs 42 kilos more than Erika, if the two together weigh 138 kilos:
A) How is Erika titties? 6 .-
in astronomy observatory on earth is watching the approach of a meteorite. In a moment has the following information: The mass of the meteorite is estimated to be 15 x 120 ^ 10 kg, and speed of 1300.0 km / s. Determine
A) How long will it take Bruce Willis to blow up the meteor and save the earth?
B) List of possible names that can give the meteorite.
Extra Credit:
C) Write a brief romance between astronomy and Bruce Willis.
7 - The earth has a mass of 5.98x10 ^ 24 kg. The average mass of atoms on the surface of the earth is 40 u.
A) What do you think of that?
B) Greenpeace protest against the atoms?
Friday, October 5, 2007
Brent Everett Bottom Blog
The other day I went to a wedding
Total already given a starter broth of cassava and taro tasty salad garnished with epazote frejjjjjjjco quelite and brought direct from the best dealers in the market. Had tepache drinking and those who take no alcohol served horchata and pozol in those paper cones. Look na'mas the event class instead of the traditional tuna and egg hambigú gave Polish meat and lots of pa to surrender with crackers and pineapple chunks pa the lineage. Nonono no mamen fieston click crazy, threw the ranch for the window to play in the party led twice chicoche, and the toasts were given seven males, the best of the best. And at the climax of the wedding party danced the waltz to "mark is not no and no" beautiful piece of music and closed with the sheriff of chocolate. " Well they looked flirtatious grooms, the bandanna on your head, the tattoo on the chest of the chamber 8 and his shirt open and her with her wedding dress fabric and carpet industry of palm leaves and acuyo.
No it does not suck the other day I walked assaulting and kicking well tap in the street homeless homeless haha \u200b\u200bdamn things then loaded chidas and why I find my buddy the Griffey While lying on the sidewalk chemo and now after steal the 50 bucks that was in the bag I woke him up and tells me I have a wee look to a wedding invitation that you pull or fart? envelopes and I then left na'ma am going to get decent clothes because I'm good bit and I'm gone to put my yins Livais, Comex holed my shirt, my hat "Salinas for President" and my tennis Ribuk, chingón well that I die before becoming easier.
already grabbed the truck and my buddy tells me the mother wee pal truck lend me because I was bringing 50 bucks in the bag and who knows where they were, fucking assholes can no longer walk on chemo no mames streets, and I envelopes I invite you, I will bring wool haha. And after taking the truck and 3 carts arrived at the party, was in a small town near Veracruz beyond, had closed the street and had placed a carp of the Coca-Cola with tables and chairs for the Crown was to be done bodorrio. But do not suck dick to have known better bring me my shirt Nacautica, Jet Set all the people were present, pure fucking gargantudo invited the jaig sosayiti, imagine na'mas were the Nicanor, successful business owner of the only butcher the village, the trek, ex-tycoon wetback largest cattle owner in the region with 3 mules and an old cow and there was the Silverio, H. Village mayor. Nonono no mamen, was net year's event, to tell them that the wedding transmitted via live satellite to 30 cities, with correspondents in Cuichapa, Chinameca and ejido Santa Rosita. All good fucking strawberries, nothing more than not suck, I gave my guy worth going to the griffey, that wee never going to shine in society ', he asked the waiter charanda on the rocks, click naco, that cock does not know that these events are asked loggerhead cache or what? But hey.
Total already given a starter broth of cassava and taro tasty salad garnished with epazote frejjjjjjjco quelite and brought direct from the best dealers in the market. Had tepache drinking and those who take no alcohol served horchata and pozol in those paper cones. Look na'mas the event class instead of the traditional tuna and egg hambigú gave Polish meat and lots of pa to surrender with crackers and pineapple chunks pa the lineage. Nonono no mamen fieston click crazy, threw the ranch for the window to play in the party led twice chicoche, and the toasts were given seven males, the best of the best. And at the climax of the wedding party danced the waltz to "mark is not no and no" beautiful piece of music and closed with the sheriff of chocolate. " Well they looked flirtatious grooms, the bandanna on your head, the tattoo on the chest of the chamber 8 and his shirt open and her with her wedding dress fabric and carpet industry of palm leaves and acuyo.
Al chile chida party was fine. Good fart finished dancing with the peppers from the market and lying on the sidewalk griffey well chemo.
And leaving me so much bullshit, no mamen, as time passes, 1 year ago today I started writing this blog ... The time spent on it.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
How Much Does Warrior Fitness Cost
How I stayed?
Ah yes, because there are that it was getting ... Ah not true, is that as long as they talk about catching me was (Polo Polo Dixit).
Ayyy that Guevara the blogosphere, but hey, I returned to light up their gaps, and I promise to back away so .*
The other day I was looking for information on general relativity and cosmology and pure crap arrive at the Yahoo Answers system. For those who do not know which is the cock, it is a mother Birdbrain where people write their questions on any topic, and then people with too much time responding to questions, saving the critical work and Birdbrain investagación to inquirers (the net mothers speak if the university was just fucking me, fucking pure copy-paste for my work, haha).
Anyway, I was amazed at the quality of crap that people ask, but I was even more surprised that people responded that shit! haha, some questions are so shit they gave me laughing, in fact now the show, check it out my dear flock, and then proceed to answer the purest style of the napkin.
R = Konozuke, I firmly believe that there is a stage in the life of every man who loses control of his sphincter. Do not worry, the time may finally have met you, but perhaps part pure exhibitionism yours.
R = Dear Marilyn, of course!. All your favorite stars do, even people like Stephen Hawking Chespirito and owe their success to a daily intake of 150 grams of mucus.
R = Dear Andrew, accept, your pain in the anus has nothing to do with hemorrhoids, why not get out of the closet once and for all?
R = This, ahem, cough! cof! ... Am I talking about?
R = Interesting philosophical page. Guys, who provides for the experiment?. If you die during the research promise to remember by digestive and masturbatory rituals.
chili02 R = Dear, if you feel that you chop the tail, in one of these, as well you need a boyfriend, pillin.
R = The man, in his infinite wisdom, has taught us that the souls of their noses, when they die go to heaven snot. There are mountains of noses as far as the eye can see, where the souls of the mucus can relax for the rest of eternity.
* is a lie.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
What Is De La Ghetto's Hair Cut
Yahoo Answers
June 24, 2007
Yesterday while I was shitting and bathroom tiles had occurred to me the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bshooting a porn movie entirely domestic production, with actors and actresses from home. As I cleaned up the ass, I quickly came to mind several possible names for my film, for example, "Penetraitor", "The Riaton Miguelito" or "Ricky shameful", but seemed very unlikely and I'm not entirely convinced. However, never ceased in my endeavors and I work hard on the script of my film, here's a preview:
- Hello.
- We take?.
- Well.
I feel that will be a huge box office success.
July 7, 2007
The other day I was out of the antrum as well fart at 6 am with a load of hungry, wanted to buy a hot dog and soda, but like anything else only 15 bucks I was bringing enough to the hocho. In that little boy came to me one of those on the street and told me that if I gave a coin to acomplete to eat something, because it only brought the 10 pesos. Appeared ill and was very small and it moved me that I say "have to fuck yourself fucking kid, here comes the 10 bucks fucking ..." and throw me to buy my hocho and my drink for now if I stood for both.
is no doubt that I'm being touched by the grace of God.
July 31, 2007 oxxo
Today I went to buy some condoms. Behind me in the checkout line were 2 morrita talking, one of them was pregnant and carrying a little girl taken by hand. They came talking about his 20 years and had a daughter and she was waiting for another more. When I got to the box, calmly asked about condoms, as always large. The cashier replied with a mischievous smile and a wink. When he had paid and was about to leave, the girl asked back her mother that they were condoms, to which I, turning towards them, I said "no bother girl, your mother probably 20 years and knows not pregnant."
Dona The cashier was like 40, so I decided not to return the smile and the wink.
August 4, 2007
Yesterday I sent my proposal to the International Olympic Committee to make the launch of spitting an Olympic sport. Even Annex some points to qualify in this new sport, such as: accuracy, distance, consitent of gallaso, color and size. And until I have a decent national exponent of the new discipline. Pancho, a wey of my high school, was able to cast a beautiful gallaso to more than 4 feet away. Surely in this country will have several excellent athletes, and who knows, maybe we would be a world power in the launch of spitting, the possibilities are endless. I hope
popularize the sport among my acquaintances and approved by the IOC for Beijing 2008. Just imagine how many golds would win!
June 24, 2007
Yesterday while I was shitting and bathroom tiles had occurred to me the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bshooting a porn movie entirely domestic production, with actors and actresses from home. As I cleaned up the ass, I quickly came to mind several possible names for my film, for example, "Penetraitor", "The Riaton Miguelito" or "Ricky shameful", but seemed very unlikely and I'm not entirely convinced. However, never ceased in my endeavors and I work hard on the script of my film, here's a preview:
- Hello.
- We take?.
- Well.
I feel that will be a huge box office success.
July 7, 2007
The other day I was out of the antrum as well fart at 6 am with a load of hungry, wanted to buy a hot dog and soda, but like anything else only 15 bucks I was bringing enough to the hocho. In that little boy came to me one of those on the street and told me that if I gave a coin to acomplete to eat something, because it only brought the 10 pesos. Appeared ill and was very small and it moved me that I say "have to fuck yourself fucking kid, here comes the 10 bucks fucking ..." and throw me to buy my hocho and my drink for now if I stood for both.
is no doubt that I'm being touched by the grace of God.
July 31, 2007 oxxo
Today I went to buy some condoms. Behind me in the checkout line were 2 morrita talking, one of them was pregnant and carrying a little girl taken by hand. They came talking about his 20 years and had a daughter and she was waiting for another more. When I got to the box, calmly asked about condoms, as always large. The cashier replied with a mischievous smile and a wink. When he had paid and was about to leave, the girl asked back her mother that they were condoms, to which I, turning towards them, I said "no bother girl, your mother probably 20 years and knows not pregnant."
Dona The cashier was like 40, so I decided not to return the smile and the wink.
August 4, 2007
Yesterday I sent my proposal to the International Olympic Committee to make the launch of spitting an Olympic sport. Even Annex some points to qualify in this new sport, such as: accuracy, distance, consitent of gallaso, color and size. And until I have a decent national exponent of the new discipline. Pancho, a wey of my high school, was able to cast a beautiful gallaso to more than 4 feet away. Surely in this country will have several excellent athletes, and who knows, maybe we would be a world power in the launch of spitting, the possibilities are endless. I hope
popularize the sport among my acquaintances and approved by the IOC for Beijing 2008. Just imagine how many golds would win!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Mastrubation Home Lubricants
Dear Diary Top 4 things that piss me
Well I'm back.
- Make line to let you enter the cave "fashionable."
They have no fucking idea how I RECAGE that of the phyllite in the clubs. There are paradillos all as idiots in front of hands in a pitiful attempt by the chain-see you and miss you. To me the net gives me a lot Geva So if you are of those people who are begging to be let go to the cave "cool" with all due respect ... PENDEJO YOU ARE! No mamen, still a good fart is going to spend their wool to dive and catch up the ass get the suckers at the entrance. If it makes them a favor by going to your fucking cave fart, not they letting us go. That is why I avoid those damn places. I like going to clubs, I will not deny, but did not suck, I go to places where they do not become suckers, such as cantinuchas and tables .... hahaha, get totally cool the chaos.
- The Americas. Ahhhh
no mamen, click this shit team, the net and I dislike cheaters, arrogant, buying referees and televised. I drop like a stone into the liver. I love football, but I'm no fucking fan, not the ball club nacos those of the Americans who are more than petty vandals, marijuana and assholes. I think that I dislike of birth, that footballing speaking there has always been animosity between the once glorious amierdica and Tiburones Rojos of Veracruz, and I, as well jarocho I am, I follow the line. Although it makes me ill to the equipillo that comes from all over the country. Already I will say that the Americans will say they are big team and that team fucking shark boy and cock, but know that ...? 243.46 kilos worth my whistle. And as the song says, " the America, Your Mother! UP THE SHARKS! ." No mames click Correa, how America might be suitable to the company?! hahaha.
- Sticking to the beach with clothes.
naco There is nothing else that does not suck. Simpre I'm on the beach there in Veracruz, never missing naquito who gets to water in shorts (denim many times) and shirt. If you are one of those, please close this window and politely ask you to go fuck his mother of my blog. No mamen, like so fucking hard to get a bathing suit, then I think you get into shirt panzota shame to teach, or perhaps nothing more for nacos. I have nothing more to say about these people.
- Spiders.
Well these fucking bugs that I do not know shit, I think I have rather they phobia, and you fucking laugh. Everyone knows that good men Men like me are entitled to having a phobia of something. The net did not even know that shit me, surely some trauma of boy or a fart and I do not know, the case is me shit, damn insects Patones and Ojon. Now, there are 2 kinds of spiders, 8-pin and 2 pin, hahaha, and both me shit. The 8-footed by Ponson and ugly, and the 2 legs, well, other than Ponson and ugly, then the wallet stolen haha, or fart. The fact is that spiders shit me, do not know why.
Now, step on the results of the 2nd click-poll. A total of 101 votes, which were distributed as follows:
What is your favorite sexual position?
- 41 votes (40.6%): Who the hell will kill Colosio?.
For if they find out, are not assholes and pass the gossip, right?. Do not go with the government that make me me are going to disappear.
- 19 votes (18.8%) of the pup.
Pssssss yummy, what little ?.... no
- 13 votes (12.9%): The Monkey.
Only 13 votes for the Monkey, this only proves that humanity is not yet ready to receive my greatest achievement. Maybe one day, mere mortals, are able to understand the majesty the Monkey.
- 12 votes (11.9%): Click Contreras make me yours now. For
pasenme addresses and right now I keep on making them see stars with a good Monkey hahaha.
- 9 votes (8.9%): The Missionary.
guardespaldas bahhh! that fucking bored, or has that joke.
- 7 votes (6.9%): 69.
to me it makes me pure blowjob with you, hahaha, "entienderon? "Pure blowjob" bone that ... Guardespaldas bahhh, forget.
I can leave here.
Pd .- For there are saying that the Click Contreras walks in love and that has already become rather corny and cock fucking and sucking so ques'que for a post that started the other day and now everyone is fucking. Nothing to do! I remain available girls! haha.
Well I'm back.

They have no fucking idea how I RECAGE that of the phyllite in the clubs. There are paradillos all as idiots in front of hands in a pitiful attempt by the chain-see you and miss you. To me the net gives me a lot Geva So if you are of those people who are begging to be let go to the cave "cool" with all due respect ... PENDEJO YOU ARE! No mamen, still a good fart is going to spend their wool to dive and catch up the ass get the suckers at the entrance. If it makes them a favor by going to your fucking cave fart, not they letting us go. That is why I avoid those damn places. I like going to clubs, I will not deny, but did not suck, I go to places where they do not become suckers, such as cantinuchas and tables .... hahaha, get totally cool the chaos.
no mamen, click this shit team, the net and I dislike cheaters, arrogant, buying referees and televised. I drop like a stone into the liver. I love football, but I'm no fucking fan, not the ball club nacos those of the Americans who are more than petty vandals, marijuana and assholes. I think that I dislike of birth, that footballing speaking there has always been animosity between the once glorious amierdica and Tiburones Rojos of Veracruz, and I, as well jarocho I am, I follow the line. Although it makes me ill to the equipillo that comes from all over the country. Already I will say that the Americans will say they are big team and that team fucking shark boy and cock, but know that ...? 243.46 kilos worth my whistle. And as the song says, " the America, Your Mother! UP THE SHARKS! ." No mames click Correa, how America might be suitable to the company?! hahaha.

naco There is nothing else that does not suck. Simpre I'm on the beach there in Veracruz, never missing naquito who gets to water in shorts (denim many times) and shirt. If you are one of those, please close this window and politely ask you to go fuck his mother of my blog. No mamen, like so fucking hard to get a bathing suit, then I think you get into shirt panzota shame to teach, or perhaps nothing more for nacos. I have nothing more to say about these people.

Well these fucking bugs that I do not know shit, I think I have rather they phobia, and you fucking laugh. Everyone knows that good men Men like me are entitled to having a phobia of something. The net did not even know that shit me, surely some trauma of boy or a fart and I do not know, the case is me shit, damn insects Patones and Ojon. Now, there are 2 kinds of spiders, 8-pin and 2 pin, hahaha, and both me shit. The 8-footed by Ponson and ugly, and the 2 legs, well, other than Ponson and ugly, then the wallet stolen haha, or fart. The fact is that spiders shit me, do not know why.
Now, step on the results of the 2nd click-poll. A total of 101 votes, which were distributed as follows:
What is your favorite sexual position?
- 41 votes (40.6%): Who the hell will kill Colosio?.
For if they find out, are not assholes and pass the gossip, right?. Do not go with the government that make me me are going to disappear.
- 19 votes (18.8%) of the pup.
Pssssss yummy, what little ?.... no
- 13 votes (12.9%): The Monkey.
Only 13 votes for the Monkey, this only proves that humanity is not yet ready to receive my greatest achievement. Maybe one day, mere mortals, are able to understand the majesty the Monkey.
- 12 votes (11.9%): Click Contreras make me yours now. For
pasenme addresses and right now I keep on making them see stars with a good Monkey hahaha.
- 9 votes (8.9%): The Missionary.
guardespaldas bahhh! that fucking bored, or has that joke.
- 7 votes (6.9%): 69.
to me it makes me pure blowjob with you, hahaha, "entienderon? "Pure blowjob" bone that ... Guardespaldas bahhh, forget.
I can leave here.
Pd .- For there are saying that the Click Contreras walks in love and that has already become rather corny and cock fucking and sucking so ques'que for a post that started the other day and now everyone is fucking. Nothing to do! I remain available girls! haha.
Friday, July 27, 2007
K610i How To Put Memory Card
is that I have had some problems ...
........... .................

I simply (if I feel like) posting again.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
How Many Cigarettes Can You Get Out Of 12.5g
... Much care
"Just in case the sky Should Fall On Our Heads ... I love you."
Thursday, July 19, 2007
18 Masterbate Braazilian
This is true, gentlemen beware.
A new scheme in the parking lots of supermarkets is claiming many victims. I really came at a Sam's here Monterrey, but it can happen in any other department stores (Soriana, Gigante, Chedrahui, Wallmart, etc..). That's how it works:
2 girls dressed hostesses spectacular approach you while keeping your purchases in the trunk. Offered to help, then begin to clean your car parabirsas. Your breasts (theirs, not yours) was nearly out of their tiny outfits so it's almost impossible not to pay attention.
When finally, you offer them a tip but they reject it. Instead, please ask if you can take them to another warehouse in the city.
You agree and they are uploaded in the back of the car. When they go on the road, take off their clothes and begin to make love between them, then one of them goes into the front seat and begins performing oral sex while the other driver, taking advantage of the situation, he steals his wallet.
Please be very careful, I cheated me last Friday ... again on Saturday, Sunday 2 times, yesterday once more and see if I am.
I, the victim.
This is true, gentlemen beware.
A new scheme in the parking lots of supermarkets is claiming many victims. I really came at a Sam's here Monterrey, but it can happen in any other department stores (Soriana, Gigante, Chedrahui, Wallmart, etc..). That's how it works:
2 girls dressed hostesses spectacular approach you while keeping your purchases in the trunk. Offered to help, then begin to clean your car parabirsas. Your breasts (theirs, not yours) was nearly out of their tiny outfits so it's almost impossible not to pay attention.
When finally, you offer them a tip but they reject it. Instead, please ask if you can take them to another warehouse in the city.
You agree and they are uploaded in the back of the car. When they go on the road, take off their clothes and begin to make love between them, then one of them goes into the front seat and begins performing oral sex while the other driver, taking advantage of the situation, he steals his wallet.
Please be very careful, I cheated me last Friday ... again on Saturday, Sunday 2 times, yesterday once more and see if I am.
I, the victim.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Bally Bingo Pinball Sales
Rigor Sonnet
ateción Pay if you want to know
sad story with moral
in the bar where we drink
entered an old square basis.
was carrying a attached at the hip pants auctions
and hung all the jelly.
Al chile I thought it was trucking
ay wey that ugliest fucking old!
Waiter, bring us more beer!
sonnets just starting my
I forgot I'm from the nobility
and she threw pispiretos eyes.
In this world there is no decency
pants as he went a green thong
and I in the twilight of my consciousness
the eye began to see happy.
When the beers were 15
that starts to dance reggaeton
then said "go fuck your mother!"
and to begin to pull up the shrimp.
I flirted with a brutal desempacho
I did and I use all my devotion
but I think I got really drunk
because at 20 I lost all reason.
We went to end the spree together
home from a guy
in that it puts me into a room
to boot your deadly onslaught.
When I woke up there was only one shot
curtain went and left me a bitter moral.
also left another surprise very shameless
was no curtain was her thong floss.
Sorry for this sad feat
swear I'm not going to lose control
if you want to know the moral: There
ugly person just lack of alcohol.
O me with this cat!
who raped me in a sly way.
daughter of his bloody mother!
also took my wallet.
ateción Pay if you want to know
sad story with moral
in the bar where we drink
entered an old square basis.
was carrying a attached at the hip pants auctions
and hung all the jelly.
Al chile I thought it was trucking
ay wey that ugliest fucking old!
Waiter, bring us more beer!
sonnets just starting my
I forgot I'm from the nobility
and she threw pispiretos eyes.
In this world there is no decency
pants as he went a green thong
and I in the twilight of my consciousness
the eye began to see happy.
When the beers were 15
that starts to dance reggaeton
then said "go fuck your mother!"
and to begin to pull up the shrimp.
I flirted with a brutal desempacho
I did and I use all my devotion
but I think I got really drunk
because at 20 I lost all reason.
We went to end the spree together
home from a guy
in that it puts me into a room
to boot your deadly onslaught.
When I woke up there was only one shot
curtain went and left me a bitter moral.
also left another surprise very shameless
was no curtain was her thong floss.
Sorry for this sad feat
swear I'm not going to lose control
if you want to know the moral: There
ugly person just lack of alcohol.
O me with this cat!
who raped me in a sly way.
daughter of his bloody mother!
also took my wallet.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Congratulating Someone With Their Moms Birthday
Most Wanted
Late Bulletin:
global security agencies have issued a list of the names of the 5 most wanted and dangerous criminals in the world. Precupado provided for their safety and well being, my dear stepchildren, now proceed to list the enemies number one worldwide.
(Note: The following subjects are extremely dangerous. If you hit one of them is not stupid and go for a cop, do not try deternelos yourself. I repeat, no approach them are extremely dangerous).
Name: Margarito Perez Garcia Gerson
Alias: " The Chompiras " Mara
Well this is mostly searched for crimes against public health. You do not suck, how can you be so naco?! That is certainly a kind of crime against public health. Use shirts with slogans like "The Gulf of Mexico" or "It hurts to be so handsome face" (pffff!) which increase naquez and the degree of dangerousness of the individual. It also makes a shitload of signs with s hands as he suffered from epileptic seizures. There are strong rumors that the Chompiras is founder of the Mara but has not confirmed anything, what we do know is that Gerson Margarito, like all naco, is an American. He has been seen in public squares bothering decent ladies to de-Senton alike. Do not go near the subject is very dangerous and smells like Resistol 5000 and Thinner.
Name: Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Alias: " The C horejas , " click bald asshole", " rat," "traitors ", etc ...
This dude if you know of terrorism and no airplanes crashing sucks to walk. He is wanted for committing the greatest genocide in world history. With its fiscal and political terrorism Ching Ju nts to 100 million Mexicans for 6 years, and whenever he can he continues to do but from Europe. Expert on election fraud, disappearances and devaluations, it is believed that the U.S. government has recruited as a special agent to send the Iraqi government to end to give the mother to the country. Beware, the subject is highly dangerous Again, if you go away, move away and more confident TELL who have it (the PGR does not disappear because you me too).
Name: Eliud
Alias: " Chacho"
chachareros Dangerous sex maniac and the CFE. This pervert has a reputation of being well PEDOT, and since it is worker's lives Commission defrauding users. Is said to have rigged several tables which give all of a staple in exchange for them not to cut the chatter light. It is also a first-guevonzazo and tends to be an exhibitionist. He accuses including co sas of molesting little old ladies and dogs in the parks. At the follow up to little old alleys dressed only in a black trench coat, then stand up against them and opening up the coat showing his miseries. The dogs are forced to have sex and later photographed. This subject is also highly dangerous. It is also good fart has been thrown on a stool and urine. If he does, go to the police for help and for the world is going to happen to bend over in front of him.
Name: Maribel Guardia and Latin Lover
Alias: " Catwoman" and "Mr. Anabolic "
Sufferers of its powers mental. This pair of nacos up the organized crime ring's most dangerous country. Have taken the country by assault every Saturday taxing one of the most disgusting and nacos programs that have existed in the history of the world. They are accused of serious crimes against the country, to make a program as Piter and fill their heads with shit to the poor and gullible viewers who see it. It could think that this pair of nacos maintain a relationship sentimental, but not the Latin Lover is fucking and Maribel Guardia holds a torrid affair years ago with Margarito Gerson criminal known as "the Chompiras" Perez Garcia. Are for each other, no doubt. Do not approach them, they spit a lot when speaking.
Name: Unknown
Alias: " The Chikis"
Another highly dangerous sex maniac. Usually uses the nickname "The Chikis." This dude is pretending to be women in chat rooms and is devoted to deceive and seduce cybernauts no social life, who falls in love and convinces them to send pictures of his cock or is around naked for webcam, and then masturbating to the images obtained. Not to mention that the Chikis often upload photos of their victims to the Internet and burn them by showing off a fucking beating. If you are from these cybernauts be careful, the person in question is more dangerous than it seems.
If you have any information leading to the capture of these dangerous criminals, please contact us at 01-800 - PINCHECONTRERAS.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Late Bulletin:
global security agencies have issued a list of the names of the 5 most wanted and dangerous criminals in the world. Precupado provided for their safety and well being, my dear stepchildren, now proceed to list the enemies number one worldwide.
(Note: The following subjects are extremely dangerous. If you hit one of them is not stupid and go for a cop, do not try deternelos yourself. I repeat, no approach them are extremely dangerous).

Alias: " The Chompiras " Mara
Well this is mostly searched for crimes against public health. You do not suck, how can you be so naco?! That is certainly a kind of crime against public health. Use shirts with slogans like "The Gulf of Mexico" or "It hurts to be so handsome face" (pffff!) which increase naquez and the degree of dangerousness of the individual. It also makes a shitload of signs with s hands as he suffered from epileptic seizures. There are strong rumors that the Chompiras is founder of the Mara but has not confirmed anything, what we do know is that Gerson Margarito, like all naco, is an American. He has been seen in public squares bothering decent ladies to de-Senton alike. Do not go near the subject is very dangerous and smells like Resistol 5000 and Thinner.

Alias: " The C horejas , " click bald asshole", " rat," "traitors ", etc ...
This dude if you know of terrorism and no airplanes crashing sucks to walk. He is wanted for committing the greatest genocide in world history. With its fiscal and political terrorism Ching Ju nts to 100 million Mexicans for 6 years, and whenever he can he continues to do but from Europe. Expert on election fraud, disappearances and devaluations, it is believed that the U.S. government has recruited as a special agent to send the Iraqi government to end to give the mother to the country. Beware, the subject is highly dangerous Again, if you go away, move away and more confident TELL who have it (the PGR does not disappear because you me too).

Alias: " Chacho"
chachareros Dangerous sex maniac and the CFE. This pervert has a reputation of being well PEDOT, and since it is worker's lives Commission defrauding users. Is said to have rigged several tables which give all of a staple in exchange for them not to cut the chatter light. It is also a first-guevonzazo and tends to be an exhibitionist. He accuses including co sas of molesting little old ladies and dogs in the parks. At the follow up to little old alleys dressed only in a black trench coat, then stand up against them and opening up the coat showing his miseries. The dogs are forced to have sex and later photographed. This subject is also highly dangerous. It is also good fart has been thrown on a stool and urine. If he does, go to the police for help and for the world is going to happen to bend over in front of him.

Alias: " Catwoman" and "Mr. Anabolic "
Sufferers of its powers mental. This pair of nacos up the organized crime ring's most dangerous country. Have taken the country by assault every Saturday taxing one of the most disgusting and nacos programs that have existed in the history of the world. They are accused of serious crimes against the country, to make a program as Piter and fill their heads with shit to the poor and gullible viewers who see it. It could think that this pair of nacos maintain a relationship sentimental, but not the Latin Lover is fucking and Maribel Guardia holds a torrid affair years ago with Margarito Gerson criminal known as "the Chompiras" Perez Garcia. Are for each other, no doubt. Do not approach them, they spit a lot when speaking.

Alias: " The Chikis"
Another highly dangerous sex maniac. Usually uses the nickname "The Chikis." This dude is pretending to be women in chat rooms and is devoted to deceive and seduce cybernauts no social life, who falls in love and convinces them to send pictures of his cock or is around naked for webcam, and then masturbating to the images obtained. Not to mention that the Chikis often upload photos of their victims to the Internet and burn them by showing off a fucking beating. If you are from these cybernauts be careful, the person in question is more dangerous than it seems.
If you have any information leading to the capture of these dangerous criminals, please contact us at 01-800 - PINCHECONTRERAS.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Artwork Of Woman In Red Dress Dancing On Beach
Another ghost
The other day I was talking with some friends who live together in a depa, I was being fucking me and live as a couple always also are grabbing the buttocks, but to me this does not bother me, there's nothing bad, not suck, they are my buddies and even reverse them shine ... I think I Well the fact is that one of them told us that once I enter the bathroom and shit that says he was washing his hands and the sink mirror he saw an old lady sitting on the toilet and rushed to for the yard screaming as well freko haha crazy, and that the other says no mames wey weyyyyyy, I once also between the bathroom and the mirror I also saw a viejilla sitting on the toilet but would not say anything because I thought it was because the drugs I had meter. So you do not suck the two saw an old lady sitting on the toilet in your bathroom, that if the fear is for shit.
I say it's the ghost of an old woman who died of constipation trying to shit, but who knows that fart. Did you say? Will they be fucking my buddies? ...
I say it's the ghost of an old woman who died of constipation trying to shit, but who knows that fart. Did you say? Will they be fucking my buddies? ...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Train Groping Chikan Non
The Monkey
Well I decided to return to the world a little bit of everything that has given me ... (The net fucking asshole world, but anyway). I will reveal, my children, one of the great secretros of sexual happiness.
Throughout the history of humanity, sexuality has evolved into an art form, and a good craftsman who I am, I made reflected great works that are not far from my greatest contributions to life the world. Magnificent and sublime paintings that can only be compared to perfection in Sistine Capillla traces of the beauty of Mozart's notes, or small steps of Juanga Putis in concert.
all know there are many and varied ways to get (or make love then, for the most sanctimonious.) Thus, there are many positions: the missionary, of a dog, the goat to the precipice, 69, helicopters, and much more. But like all science, we can not dispense with experimentation. In that same field, in the sexual experimentation, I have left for posterity my greatest masterpieces.
I'm about to reveal to mere mortals, the ultimate in sexual positions. Something so big that I'm sure that will change the destiny of their lives and the world. A secret so well kept over the millennia, that only I and a handful of my loyal fans know. Those that are unbelieving heart, those who are not lovers of strong emotions, those that are easy to impress, I recommend not to continue, because the consequences of what I'm about to reveal can be devastating.
Behold, mere mortals, the magnificence and majesty of ... THE MONKEY!
works: 1 wey
1 hot as hot old
1 armchair
condom or any contraceptive (Optional)
La Morra is placed with a slightly raised back and up on the seat of the chair, while placing both legs open on the back of the cabinet and is held with both hands on the edges. The nose stands on the seat of the chair and stand behind it, so that they are being watched each other (as shown in the picture), taking his legs to the ankles or so and then proceeds to penetration by where else they please to both. Only if you are literate and with great experience at this art, you can drop the morra legs and moving his arms like pancho monkey while dining, as this action should be the name of "The Monkey" (for those who attended schools government, "monkey" literally means "monkey" or "monkey" in English).
Now, surely some of you have lost the reason will be mad and tearing their clothes to such disclosure. There is stuff that is better not to know in this world, but I decided to reveal the secret of Monkey only for the strongest. Only the chosen may imitate, but never even one of my greatest legacies. Calm
my children, is over, everything will be fine ...
all know there are many and varied ways to get (or make love then, for the most sanctimonious.) Thus, there are many positions: the missionary, of a dog, the goat to the precipice, 69, helicopters, and much more. But like all science, we can not dispense with experimentation. In that same field, in the sexual experimentation, I have left for posterity my greatest masterpieces.
I'm about to reveal to mere mortals, the ultimate in sexual positions. Something so big that I'm sure that will change the destiny of their lives and the world. A secret so well kept over the millennia, that only I and a handful of my loyal fans know. Those that are unbelieving heart, those who are not lovers of strong emotions, those that are easy to impress, I recommend not to continue, because the consequences of what I'm about to reveal can be devastating.
Behold, mere mortals, the magnificence and majesty of ... THE MONKEY!

works: 1 wey
1 hot as hot old
1 armchair
condom or any contraceptive (Optional)
La Morra is placed with a slightly raised back and up on the seat of the chair, while placing both legs open on the back of the cabinet and is held with both hands on the edges. The nose stands on the seat of the chair and stand behind it, so that they are being watched each other (as shown in the picture), taking his legs to the ankles or so and then proceeds to penetration by where else they please to both. Only if you are literate and with great experience at this art, you can drop the morra legs and moving his arms like pancho monkey while dining, as this action should be the name of "The Monkey" (for those who attended schools government, "monkey" literally means "monkey" or "monkey" in English).
Now, surely some of you have lost the reason will be mad and tearing their clothes to such disclosure. There is stuff that is better not to know in this world, but I decided to reveal the secret of Monkey only for the strongest. Only the chosen may imitate, but never even one of my greatest legacies. Calm
my children, is over, everything will be fine ...
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Plain Metal Cuff Bracelet
(Put a title on this post)
I'm posting it now. I would say the classic lies that everyone says when they post, ques'que noooo I had a shitload of work and a putamadral of things to do and I got a hair more in the balls left and right that I'm kind of depressed and what not what ... But nel, the truth is that I am well Birdbrain and posting nothing more notebooks gifted me the win. Hey as
I tell them my dear stepchildren, no mamen, then fixed the other day I was there in the office doing what best to do: Become a jerk. I walked there by pulling the chonazo secretaries (at buenota and ugly, I do not discriminate, swept alike) and burning face everywhere you know, and why I called my boss:
- Click Conteraaaaasssssssss ! Come here you bastard!
immediately thought: (Vergas!, I fell Chahuistle!)
- err, if there !!!... I pretty jefecito Agrippina Aguantate little bit, right now go back to hanging out with you.
Well there I go to the office tanates head with the hand that was the first time I called my own and just that day and who was in a bad mood the lady. Total waiting scolding me, you know, and had even prepared my defense: nooo that was the fault of another goat and that Agrippina was the one I threw, I swear my jefecito that I do not like ...
And just when I thought nothing would be worse than the scolding mothers! I loose the most asshole to me last in life. Click old said he wanted to go to an event I do not know dick day against smoking, the health walk was called, that we were going to have a mother there and Stan and I wanted us (me and other dudes ) putting the mug there. But no, that was not ugly, until then there was fart, ugly is that it tells me: Ahhhhh the event is Sunday at 8 am ...
mamennnnn Nooooooo !!!!!! If Sunday is sacred and click or fuck! A whores who will do an event occurs on a Sunday at 8 am?? And then worse, who the fuck you think of sending a alcoholic like me to attend a fucking anti-smoking event (haha if you look fireplace) and put the face with a group of women and children?? That bone, it was obvious that Saturday night I was going to put up keke lol, well fart. Well that is if that no way to say no to the boss. Totaaaaalllll already arrived on Saturday, and here I PEDOT I know haha, den we went that went from strawberries. Already hacerselas not long, everyone please sit down because I left the pedagogical and at 6 and caho AM haha, I launched into my house, I bathed, I swallowed something and I take about 20 liters of Listerine in the mouth haha. I'm home
still fanning creed, bone between oil and fart, so good fucking mother, not sleeping, very nearly to the goddamn drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other haha. No and I think it still brought the party inside for Thinkers who had there in the event a band playing here guapachoso and as I got to dance haha. And when I stick the raw, agarrenme confidence, I was walking and carrying everything off the eggplant. I think if he had already a very expensive teporocho and destitute by anyone where I was approached and children cried when they saw me haha. And just the fucking event and shoving my house as I could, I arrived at noon and I died the next day to click. Ahhh
no mamen, well no big deal what I did, all we have ever done, egg, if not necessary for us to say "nooo fucking go away to reveal (a)" and as good PEDOT us worth a shit and there are going to taste the pleasures of Bacchus as if the click were to end alcohol. Then if the peda was all go there midweek crudotes at work or school, or fuck, sad drunks disgust me malacopas ...
and so I'm not going to take ... at least until the next order.
Pd .- Due to the pseudo-success, and with due regard to the fine and demanding (dis) taste, and soon is the 2nd great-Survey Click this humble blog. (Nel, the net is not yours, is mine, so I lleguenle ...! Ushale all!)
Dynamics Optional: Choose a name for this damn post for which I can not think or whores to put the title ... There will be great prizes and surprises for those who will be successful.
I tell them my dear stepchildren, no mamen, then fixed the other day I was there in the office doing what best to do: Become a jerk. I walked there by pulling the chonazo secretaries (at buenota and ugly, I do not discriminate, swept alike) and burning face everywhere you know, and why I called my boss:
- Click Conteraaaaasssssssss ! Come here you bastard!
immediately thought: (Vergas!, I fell Chahuistle!)
- err, if there !!!... I pretty jefecito Agrippina Aguantate little bit, right now go back to hanging out with you.
Well there I go to the office tanates head with the hand that was the first time I called my own and just that day and who was in a bad mood the lady. Total waiting scolding me, you know, and had even prepared my defense: nooo that was the fault of another goat and that Agrippina was the one I threw, I swear my jefecito that I do not like ...
And just when I thought nothing would be worse than the scolding mothers! I loose the most asshole to me last in life. Click old said he wanted to go to an event I do not know dick day against smoking, the health walk was called, that we were going to have a mother there and Stan and I wanted us (me and other dudes ) putting the mug there. But no, that was not ugly, until then there was fart, ugly is that it tells me: Ahhhhh the event is Sunday at 8 am ...
mamennnnn Nooooooo !!!!!! If Sunday is sacred and click or fuck! A whores who will do an event occurs on a Sunday at 8 am?? And then worse, who the fuck you think of sending a alcoholic like me to attend a fucking anti-smoking event (haha if you look fireplace) and put the face with a group of women and children?? That bone, it was obvious that Saturday night I was going to put up keke lol, well fart. Well that is if that no way to say no to the boss. Totaaaaalllll already arrived on Saturday, and here I PEDOT I know haha, den we went that went from strawberries. Already hacerselas not long, everyone please sit down because I left the pedagogical and at 6 and caho AM haha, I launched into my house, I bathed, I swallowed something and I take about 20 liters of Listerine in the mouth haha. I'm home
still fanning creed, bone between oil and fart, so good fucking mother, not sleeping, very nearly to the goddamn drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other haha. No and I think it still brought the party inside for Thinkers who had there in the event a band playing here guapachoso and as I got to dance haha. And when I stick the raw, agarrenme confidence, I was walking and carrying everything off the eggplant. I think if he had already a very expensive teporocho and destitute by anyone where I was approached and children cried when they saw me haha. And just the fucking event and shoving my house as I could, I arrived at noon and I died the next day to click. Ahhh
no mamen, well no big deal what I did, all we have ever done, egg, if not necessary for us to say "nooo fucking go away to reveal (a)" and as good PEDOT us worth a shit and there are going to taste the pleasures of Bacchus as if the click were to end alcohol. Then if the peda was all go there midweek crudotes at work or school, or fuck, sad drunks disgust me malacopas ...
and so I'm not going to take ... at least until the next order.
Pd .- Due to the pseudo-success, and with due regard to the fine and demanding (dis) taste, and soon is the 2nd great-Survey Click this humble blog. (Nel, the net is not yours, is mine, so I lleguenle ...! Ushale all!)
Dynamics Optional: Choose a name for this damn post for which I can not think or whores to put the title ... There will be great prizes and surprises for those who will be successful.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Is Milo Good For Dieting?
Brief biography (unauthorized) on the author *
Born in Cuba Libre, in the state of intoxication. His parents were Don Pedro and the widow of Romero. It was the second bottle tomandante inflantería, but his goal has always been to be President.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Turning to other issues no interest for you, was closed the first Click-survey with some success ... (NAAA that yard). 101 votes were recorded and the results were as follows:
"Do you like the new look of the Blog?"
- Pss I I think I fart when I shot a Elba Esther: 27 votes (26.7%)
Here it is clear that we have a high index of past cock. No mamen! these if they are as disgusting, even if I were walking and super pedisimo (and stating that I have been) made him the small favor that ascooooo, surely podriría me and my amigototote that mother would never forgive me. Fucking sick sexual perverts.
- All of the above: 27 votes (26.7%)
Chingada madreeee told them not to vote for this option, your fucking fault my poll has a high degree of error, while there was a tie in the first place.
- No: 16 votes (15.8%)
obviously were more honest than 16 people participated in the survey. No way.
- Click Contreras I love you (I am a man): 14 votes (13.9%)
Well we have had 14 voters putos jajaja.
- Yes: 10 votes (9.9%)
Here it is clear that we have 10 lameguevos who just want to look good to me.
- Click Contreras I love you (I am a woman): 7 votes (6.9%)
Fortunately there are still women who know a good thing when they see it, but few persons, but no fart, quality over quantity. Congratulations girls! Click Contreras there for everyone.
Born in Cuba Libre, in the state of intoxication. His parents were Don Pedro and the widow of Romero. It was the second bottle tomandante inflantería, but his goal has always been to be President.
holds a BS in recreation and use of leisure time, which no doubt wasted contemplating engaging in erotic films and the manufacture of jackets. That was in Europe recently, where he visited the Italian cities of Sebino Donna and Piccola Sobretti; in France was in E. Chart Blanqué and Le Cheri L'Avent. Being over there was to learn German and all I learned was to say in German rape: "Desvirgensen." Tried his luck in football, but an injury left him out of the question, so the medicines prescribed for Pitolina Mecolato Intrapiernoso and Tentramitilín . They waited to heal but to no avail. Was returned to Mexico, where he continued his studies in criminology and human anatomy class has learned many penis veins (seven hundred) has few nerves buttocks (thousand plus), and in many parts divide the back (loin, tenderloin and mine). Well that's it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Turning to other issues no interest for you, was closed the first Click-survey with some success ... (NAAA that yard). 101 votes were recorded and the results were as follows:
"Do you like the new look of the Blog?"
- Pss I I think I fart when I shot a Elba Esther: 27 votes (26.7%)
Here it is clear that we have a high index of past cock. No mamen! these if they are as disgusting, even if I were walking and super pedisimo (and stating that I have been) made him the small favor that ascooooo, surely podriría me and my amigototote that mother would never forgive me. Fucking sick sexual perverts.
- All of the above: 27 votes (26.7%)
Chingada madreeee told them not to vote for this option, your fucking fault my poll has a high degree of error, while there was a tie in the first place.
- No: 16 votes (15.8%)
obviously were more honest than 16 people participated in the survey. No way.
- Click Contreras I love you (I am a man): 14 votes (13.9%)
Well we have had 14 voters putos jajaja.
- Yes: 10 votes (9.9%)
Here it is clear that we have 10 lameguevos who just want to look good to me.
- Click Contreras I love you (I am a woman): 7 votes (6.9%)
Fortunately there are still women who know a good thing when they see it, but few persons, but no fart, quality over quantity. Congratulations girls! Click Contreras there for everyone.
* Courtesy of my buddy Eliud.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Denise Milani In Nylon
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Christmas Tree Star For The Top Of The Tree
"Original Series" My Guevara ...
Well, there go the fucking all fucking day television appearances announced that they would begin their new series and a bitch and not lose them and cock, nononoooo, osea no mamen, and nor was it news that a figure of the virgin echo a fart or something, even in Fuch's matches of the league there are fucking and mother. And do not leave in peace inch see programs I see in your fucking shit channels, the "Women: Stories of real life" and that the "Move" (which comes out of Latin and putisimo gaton that of the Maribel Guard) Programs or both highly recommended that I never miss. net And I like that petty television appearances fool believe that one is seriously have to think (if they do) that one still believe everything they spend on TV, as not long ago the sport as he paid tribute to Negrete giving him the same shirt (they claim) with which scored a great goal in a World Cup and then turned out that was not the same shirt and everything had been taken from hair, jajaja pinches weyes, there if it sucked. The fact is that it spent advertising their "Original Series ".... MAAAMEEEEEN NOOOO !!!!!!! lol, cu Rent mono click cilindrero with half a brain would realize that these series are anything but "original." To begin with there is that the "Panther" (which by the way the dude who goes around saying that shit like pa'dentro) ques'que action-adventure series. Consider the plot. This is a cool guy for the fist well chingón is wrongly accused of murdering his old fighting for justucia while trying to unmask the real culprits of the murder of his morra ... Puuutsssss! No you fucking suck net originality! How he had never before occurred to anyone? ¬ ¬ Then there's that other
of "Sex and Other Secrets" (SOS). It does not take a genius to realize that chafisima is an imitation of the successful "Sex and the City", well not even bothered to change the characters, it leaves the writer, the fox who gets all the righteous and good friend. And they fart with the "13 Fears"? No mamen the ratillo I was watching a Friday until I got bored at the yard and better peda jaja I left. Click chairisimo program, not even scary haha, well that is not original anything, even have a progam Tv Sucks similar since a while ago. And then the new program Adal Ramones, that if the central section is therefore is perhaps the least were shot haha, but I do not take away my head that something has to like the "Seinfeld" also saw a ratillo and I do not like anything, the jokes are rather crappy. Total who dare to show it proudly as "the original series, and he still put" Made in Mexico "lol, that sucked.
I know it will start to fuck I'm very good at criticizing and cock, which are tough if I am not suggesting that anything but the strip is that this is my blog and criticize those who it pleases me haha. But nothing else to say that I am no belt, and a television project was planned long before not to say that nothing else is fuck. Acuerdanse I always go one step ahead of you, dear children of mine.
The main character of my program is "Macana, a marijuana Flame travels through time to grab a Vergaser against great characters of history in order to change it and get the supreme power, and whose best friend is "Globito", a semi-used condom that can talk to dead dogs hit. In the first season Madrazo Macana grabs with the likes of Einstein, Gandhi, Genghis Khan, Buddha and the Piporro. By the end of the ninth season, which will be the last, the fist will be against the very same Christ: Who will rule the universe? Who will be the most influential person in history? ... See for yourself now:
"The Adventures of Macana, the flame Marijuana" .
until now I have a small preview of the series, look:

of "Sex and Other Secrets" (SOS). It does not take a genius to realize that chafisima is an imitation of the successful "Sex and the City", well not even bothered to change the characters, it leaves the writer, the fox who gets all the righteous and good friend. And they fart with the "13 Fears"? No mamen the ratillo I was watching a Friday until I got bored at the yard and better peda jaja I left. Click chairisimo program, not even scary haha, well that is not original anything, even have a progam Tv Sucks similar since a while ago. And then the new program Adal Ramones, that if the central section is therefore is perhaps the least were shot haha, but I do not take away my head that something has to like the "Seinfeld" also saw a ratillo and I do not like anything, the jokes are rather crappy. Total who dare to show it proudly as "the original series, and he still put" Made in Mexico "lol, that sucked.
I know it will start to fuck I'm very good at criticizing and cock, which are tough if I am not suggesting that anything but the strip is that this is my blog and criticize those who it pleases me haha. But nothing else to say that I am no belt, and a television project was planned long before not to say that nothing else is fuck. Acuerdanse I always go one step ahead of you, dear children of mine.
The main character of my program is "Macana, a marijuana Flame travels through time to grab a Vergaser against great characters of history in order to change it and get the supreme power, and whose best friend is "Globito", a semi-used condom that can talk to dead dogs hit. In the first season Madrazo Macana grabs with the likes of Einstein, Gandhi, Genghis Khan, Buddha and the Piporro. By the end of the ninth season, which will be the last, the fist will be against the very same Christ: Who will rule the universe? Who will be the most influential person in history? ... See for yourself now:
"The Adventures of Macana, the flame Marijuana" .
until now I have a small preview of the series, look:

This is an original series and not sucking.
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