Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gay Corporate Punishment

Impressions ongoing advances in pathology metatarsal "

course "Advances in metatarsal pathology"

With the entity of the speakers, it was assumed that the course would be a success, and has been, both assistance and the quality of exposures.

Luke told us about the metatarsal panresección for a longitudinal decompression of the metatarsals and phalanges and preserve the linearity at all levels, and has made this technique (there is a book of orthopedic Louis Barouk (forefoot Reconstruction, it is translated in English, and mediolateral longitudinal decompression of advanced forefoot deformities) have recommended to read, it explains very well this technique) with very good results.

Javier Pascual has done an anatomical review of MTP structures flexor plate and concrete.
has also made a brilliant exposition on the time of scientific crisis we are facing, where already too many people question the paradigm of Root and several theories have emerged that will be the ones in the near future as the next accept all valid theory stable. Among these theories are that of Kirby, Fuller, Stress tissue, Proprioceptive, etc.
The truth is that people have lost a little on this subject, but that person has served me very great help because all the articles I've studied, I have been able to shape thanks to this chat.
If anyone is interested, I named the items that you can get and read:

1 º "Subtalar Joint Axis Location and Rotational Equilibrium Theory of Foot Function" Kevin Kirby, DPM. JAPMA. Volume 91. Number 9. October 2001.

2 º "Center of Pressure and Its Relationship to Theoretical Foot Pathology" Eric Fuller, DPM
JAPMA. Volume 89. Number 6. June 1999.

These two items are a must read. If you have more interest in further deepening on the subject, there are many more studies on this, but for their understanding before we can understand these 2.

Following the course: Anesthesiologists Piqueras clinic, we have illustrated the effects of anesthetics, such as modifying their times, how to treat pain and many other things.

Finally, Raul Ramos, has shown us by MIS treatment of pathologies metatarsal and other uses of the MIS. Also, as a physiotherapist, has shown physical treatment for postoperative or symptoms of disease in MTP.

Finally, they discussed the benefits of plasma rich in growth factor (right now I do not remember the exact name). (See info in last paragraph)
This I read that technique is widely used in U.S. by podiatrists for treatment of plantar fasciosis. The technique involves removing blood from the patient and centrifuged. The centrifuge is an area just above the blood, where there is a greater concentration of growth factors.
This treatment is infiltrated into the lesion and the results seem impressive, not only because we say so, but because there are athletes who have done well because I read about it, because it is a technique used quite podiatrists.

In short, it has been a course that has played a lot of surgery, but has not neglected other aspects foot as physical therapy, biomechanics, anatomy, internal medicine.

congratulate the COPOGA for this great course and the excellent work they are developing.

By the way, I just found this link to a story about a colleague who attended the course in podiatry and news. Read here

3. Magellan Autologous Platelet Separator System (Arteriocyte Medical Systems). Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a Developing technology, Which May Have Benefits for a range of lower extremity conditions. One platelet separator That Is Coming Into WIDER use is the Magellan Autologous Platelet Separator System.

With a small blood sample or a mixture of blood and bone marrow, one can use the Magellan system to prepare PRP, according to the manufacturer Arteriocyte Medical Systems. The company notes that one can mix PRP with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application. Babak Baravarian, DPM, praises the ability of the Magellan PRP and bone marrow aspirate kit to facilitate the harvest of stem cell/ bone marrow.

“These products allow improved soft tissue and bone healing, and have radically changed the outlook for biologics use in the body,” notes Dr. Baravarian, an Assistant Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles.

Dr. Baravarian has been using the Magellan system for approximately three years and has had “excellent results.” Arteriocyte Medical Systems cautions that PRP prepared by the Magellan system has not undergone evaluation for clinical indications.

In addition, the product permits one to adjust the concentration of the PRP and bone marrow aspirate, and has a “state of the art” filtration system, according to Dr. Baravarian, the Director of the University Foot and Ankle Institute in Los Angeles.

The company cites the cost effectiveness of the Magellan system, saying one can conduct as many as three cycles with the same patient. This eliminates the cost of additional platelet separation disposables, According To Arteriocyte Medical Systems. The company adds the device's size Makes for easy use in a Variety of settings. Information obtained from

page Podiatry today.

Another news story about rich plasma growth factors and Rafa Nadal's knees


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