Thursday, May 13, 2010

Submucosal Fibroid Anterior Myometrium

Acupuncture - I'm Boricua.

Traditional Chinese medicine is emerging as a fundamentally Taoist understanding medicine and the human body. The Tao is the origin of the universe, which is held in an unstable equilibrium outcome of two fundamental forces: the yin (the earth, cold, feminine) and Yang (heaven, heat, male) capable of modifying the five elements of the universe is made: water, earth, fire, wood and metal. This cosmological conception determines a disease model based on the imbalance, and treating it in a recovery of that balance fundamental.
One of the first traces of this medication is the Nei Jing, a collection of medical writings dating around the year 2600 a. C. and represent one of the pillars of traditional Chinese medicine in the next four millennia. Chinese medicine developed a discipline on the borderline between medicine and surgery called acupuncture: In this discipline the application of needles on some of the 365 insertion points (or 600 according to the schools) would restore the lost balance between Yin and Yan .
Several medical historians have questioned the reason that Chinese medicine was grounded in this vision without reaching cosmological the level of technical science, despite its long history and vast body of knowledge, compared with classical Greco-Roman model. The reason, according to these authors, would be in developing the concept of logos on the part of Greek culture, as a natural explanation of any cosmological model is untied (mythos).
With the arrival of the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), and the height of Taoism (second century BC to seventh century AD), is beginning to stress the plant and mineral remedies, poisons , diet, and breathing techniques and physical exercise. From this house, and to the Sui Dynasty (sixth century) stressed the following scholars: • Chun Yuyi
: From their observations suggest that they knew diagnose and treat diseases such as cirrhosis, hernias and hemoptysis. • Zhang Zhongjing
: It was probably the first to differentiate the symptoms of therapy.
• Hua Tuo: A multidisciplinary great surgeon who is credited with the techniques of narcosis (Thu Ma Fa) and abdominal openings (Kai Fu Shu) and suturing. It also focused on obstetrics, in hydrotherapy and gymnastics (Wu Qin Xi).
• Huang Fumi: Author of Zhen Jiu Yi Jing, a classic of acupuncture.
• Wang Shu He: Author of Mai Jing, a classic on taking the pulse.
• Ge Hong: alchemist, herbalist who developed Taoist longevity methods based on breathing exercises, dietary and pharmacological. • Tao Hongjing
: expert pharmacological remedies.

Acupuncture has received many blows that have been transformed and it is a shame that something so positive has gone by processes that then I will explain. In the past when you wanted to learn an art, had to identify a master to teach him (remember the series KUNG_FU when the boy played in front of the monks and until it does not expect to swoon opened) if teacher accept you first became his servant (somewhat similar to what the film showed KARATE KID, just more strict and demanding). Then over time the teacher will begin to teach the student according to learning ability that the student demonstrated and their qualities (remember the twelve apostles and MAESTRO). When the Communists came to China and tried to impose their ideas, the great masters (all arts) are not accepted and were beheaded.
Those who escaped hid in China in other countries and were disguised as anything not to be found and beheaded. From whom I learned acupuncture was a disciple of a laundry in a laundry (laundry, dry cleaning) in Mexico was a great acupuncture master hidden inside a laundry and decided to show who was my teacher to let his legacy. Began to put to practice with a thorn from a lemon tree in the courtyard.
What consequences did it, which took place in modern China for acupuncture? Well what happened was that when leaving the great teachers that stay in China was an acupuncture business that reached to his feet to the true teachings. Now shen men point would not be called more so, now known as a letter and a dot. Now the points where needles are placed is called tc-21, li -4, pu-5, etc. So are easier to remember. What was lost was following, the Chinese name described what was the point and its significance (great dragon, triple burner, etc..) now has a directory that says, according to the symptoms, where the alleged bite acupuncturist, no longer takes into account before inserting the needle, things like: 1-
patient sex
2 -
age 3-season 4-
their pulses (pulse lodge china) 5-material
needle According to the case (now uses stainless steel, previously used gold and silver etc.)
6-are no longer used the 5 fingers to insert the needle (5 items), using a plastic tube.
7-long needle
8 - insertion depth
9 - tilt needle (right, left, right)
10 - if there is no getting around the needle, in which direction and how
11 - if required stimulus (moxa etc.)
12-time therapy duration and other details more

now in Florida with a course of a few hours give it a title "acupuncturist" JA! What I do not know is that every time you put a needle in a power point, not knowing what they do, is equal to that you press the buttons on a board a NASA rocket moving, maybe worse. The case of Puerto Rico is even more sad, a health secretary went to Florida, got the title of acupuncturist with a course of few hours, then submitted a bill to practice acupuncture had to be a doctor, then when he left the post of secretary got an office and died of hunger, was not successful. ! But let acupuncture tied to the doctors! who do not study or know (in your resume does not exist, or taught in medical school, some have a short course of a few hours) and now have modifications such as acupuncture laser acupuncture, electronics etc.! That circus more interesting! That there is a point in your body, by inserting a needle of a specific material and a specific procedure is achieved healing is not an achievement of man is a gift of God, which is not rated but prostituted.


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