High Pressure
There are many factors involved in high pressure, publishes this topic because someone said it was his illness, but to understand what is natural medicine must first sort out the causes and effects.
In this case, high blood pressure is an effect, not a cause. We
technique used by allopathic (common medicine) to treat the symptoms with drugs that control the effect without understanding that, in this case the symptom, not the disease itself and thus we believe, when we do not feel the symptom , which are cured or that everything is under control. Nothing is further from the truth. We must understand that to upset the fine balance between the multiple substance flowing in our body, we are attracting new conditions (side effects), usually prescribed chemical drugs to reduce blood pressure adversely affect our kidneys, further complicating the problem, this I can see referring to the PDR (Physician Desk Reference ) medical reference book or publication that accompanies each drug attachment with recommendations for use and signs of side effects, warnings and contraindications.
The casus for hypertension, high blood pressure can be varied and in some cases more than one at a time, point out some of them.
1-Malfunction kidney, mainly the left kidney. This is so because the left kidney is on the same side of the heart and although allopathic medicine has not discovered or did not bring the body has polarity and for that reason a malfunction of the left kidney can affect the heart more than if outside the law. The kidney is affected by the soft, high consumption of salt, tomato, spinach, chard, watercress, peanuts, car harness, shock etc.
2 - Obstruction of the circulatory system, if the arteries, veins and capillaries do not have adequate lighting (interior space), heart pressure increase in compensation. So all you can cause obstructions such aggravating the condition of hypertension. Some causes of obstruction are dairy, inorganic minerals, lack of adequate blood viscosity, lack of nutrients, disturbances in the assimilation of mineral deficiencies in the digestive system, everything that would alter the liver and cheese, alcohol, avocados, among others.
3 - Glass contrition, the blood vessels to constrict, a major cause as coffee, which also attacks the heart muscle.
4-Fears, fears require a whole separate article, but for this purpose I will split in two. The conscious and unconscious. If you live constantly worried about something that could happen, if you can not live day to day based on a belief that God watches over you and only the best will happen, if you have feelings of guilt that makes him vulnerable among others. These fears will stimulate secretion of adrenaline, glucose etc. which triggered the blood pumping.
5 - Amalgam, dental work were made with silver and mercury. These pollutants have been to your body creating an imbalance or disequilibrium, causing various symptoms that can include high blood pressure.
6 - Excessive use of salt in the diet
7 - Taking the well water that has a high content of mineral salts
8-Eating foods tainted with chemical additives
9 - Exposure to magnetic fields such as computers, high voltage cables, scanners.
10-hidden psychological disorders such as inappropriate self-image, lack of adaptation to society or to changes in states critical awareness of self, sexual dissatisfaction or frustration. It is much the material to be deposited here at one time, if someone wants to flesh out some of the topics exposed gladly I will.
As natural resource to reduce hypertension as a symptom without considering the causes is used as follows:
garlic 2. the passion fruit (passion fruit)
parsley 4. crategus
5 - all vegetable diuretic such like, cauliflower, asparagus, celery (celery), onion, beard of corn, squash etc.
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