Saturday, May 22, 2010

How To Wax Private Are

Grammar Writer: classic and content

After seeing The Ghost Writer of Polanski has given me to think about whether the classical is something that every author wants or if the contrary is the result of a default aesthetic stance. In the case of this movie, that even though on some twenty minutes, is clearly a classic, I think it's more the latter. Because the air flowing with the film classic drink a lot of contention. But containment is not as the absence of style, but clearly intentional containment: the attitude of the players, the slow assembly in the subtle humor in the absence of such cheap transcendentalism common today.

I've never been a follower of Polanski, and do not know if this is the general trend in his films. But The Ghost Writer is the first fully plane hitchkockiano chair feel what the viewer has to wait, and mark that position will deliberate on how to tell the story. A Polanki position that, fortunately, is faithful to the end of the tape.


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