This is a plant helomas head of 5 MTT, caught my attention because it is the biggest I've removed, 1.2 inches deep by 2.2 inches wide. Every 3 months you have to remove it again. These helomas are easier to remove, and it has left a piece, with great patience, tweezers and scalpel.
Turning now squarely in biomechanics, this season has been very interesting with several cases that time I hope to post some of the most illustrative.
I have increased the quality of biomechanical analysis using a pressure platform, which both have criticized years ago, because the goal was very commercial, marketing, but due to the gradual incorporation of new theories of biomechanics, the study of kinetics, the CoP, studies postural proprioceptive studies are much needed in addition to the biomechanical study.
I'm trying something new (if not already done but I still have not seen).
In asymmetries have tried to assess the compensation necessary for the equitable distribution of weight between the two extremities.
As you can see in the image below down on both sides put all the weight in kgs supporting each foot, which you see a difference.

Every day I trust less than scans made with a tape measure asymmetries and accommodations that are often postural contracture of the quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas, joint capsule contractures, and others can lead us to delusion.
Telemetry is essential.
The following is a case of a 65 year old patient with a longstanding dissymmetry and herniated disc. It is important to know that a shaft with little mobility, to apply a higher compression can occur more on the site and cause problems so you have to be careful when putting something in these patients.

By the above method, decompression table of pelvic and hip muscles, without manual tape measure, only valuing malleoli, Pronatura of ups and finally the study of pressure for the weight to be distributed. In this case the exact variation was not available, but it is the most stable of all non-hipercorreciones cause.
(It would be interesting to study're evaluating methods measuring whether they are reliable or not, because the sample can be achieved in consultation is very small compared to what can be obtained from university clinics where if you can make these types of studies).

and this is the conclusion I have reached a leg why broken and some not. The fact is that if you rotate the two members. When one leg is bigger than another, what the pelvis is a anteversion and internal rotation of the flow direction and the opposite iliac spine in the other member. In this case, the right leg which is the largest internally rotated, although it is common that internally rotate the shorter leg, in this case because the degree of lumbar arthritis and muscle spasms, occurs when the left leg backwards and more short externally rotated to increase, so we have two different rotations and gives the appearance of a straight ball and a divergent dynamics, not in charge they are both equally divergent.
The pelvis various movements in 3 planes that we know and do not always behave the same way. I am aware that I have gaps on it yet, and this was a case that I noticed.
that scoliosis is structured or not affect the pelvis to compensate or not there that behave differently.

Las ortesis plantares están hechas de polipropileno de 3 mms
Solo presenta patología en un pie. El HAV presenta una limitación a la flexión dorsal en la AMTF pero si tiene movilidad en el 1º radio de ahí que me decida por un alargo del 1º con un material semiblando de dureza shore A 30. Material técnico de amortiguación en 2º a 5º cabezas mtt, cuña en zona medial del retropié no para corregir, sino para evitar que descienda la A Astrágalo escafoidea a un ritmo tan rápido.

This is a case mentioned above. Femina patient 12. She consults for claw toes and distal phalanges deviation transverse plane. The passivity of the professionals who attended were made silicones, and orthotics due to add up in the right foot of unknown origin and had no or MTT adductus or femoral anteversion or any other disease, except a dissymmetry.

level 57, 3%, measured as shown I asked, but I've done the math on it by rule 3. The difference in total length of 1.1 1.2 cm and was applied up to 5 mm.
In this case the shorter leg is the one with the pelvic anteriorization try searching the ground.
A similar example would be:
We stand with straight shoulder girdle. Trying to get a glass off a table. To approach what we do is anteriorizar that side of the shoulder girdle in order to approach forward.
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Another case that have not got any photos is produced by a herniated spinal vertebral column with dysesthesias, paresthesias in the back of the foot and toes with swelling in the sinus tarsi area. (peroneal nerve pathway) The pain and leg radiation travel laterally and posterior thigh. The multidisciplinary treatment to realize is, it has been sent to the orthopedic surgeon to be able to assess any improvement, a physical therapist to restore muscle function and my leg muscles to work the leg and foot proprioception in, symptomatic treatment of pain and whether it can last term biomechanical stability. I think
foot symptoms are radiculopathy and distal low level We can improve and that does not respond to NSAIDs or cryotherapy or other measures indicated. -------------------------------------------------
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had prepared interesting information about biomechanics but I forgot.
As you know, in the late innings every time I mentioned that I use denominations less valgus or varus forefoot pathologies but as defining positional states.
I recommend you read the 1 st book of kirby and the following articles:
"Changes in Plantar Foot Pressure with In-Shoe Varus or valgus wedging"
"Effect of 7-Degree Rearfoot Varus and valgus wedging on Rearfoot Kinematics and Kinetics During The Stance Phase of Walking "
" The Effect of 5-Degree Valgus and Varus Rearfoot wedging on Peak Hallux Dorsiflexion Düring Gait.
"The Past, present, and future of podiatric Biomechanics"
There are also studies which show that an angle Q increased and decreased height of the scaphoid does not create as much pathology as one of two high and low contrast, so many times if we try to "align" can cause stress in one of those 2 areas.
I see that is most important proprioceptive issue when applying a plant stand as the body is covered with sensors that alert the body when to act, especially the muscles, that receive voltage signals their tendons or ligaments, act to prevent excessive movement. Many times the minimal time delay may take to reach a muscle can be the cause of pathological movements that create stress in tissues.
also each time I like to use the word less pronation as pathology, since everything we see much prone disease and is not doing well.
tissues when they exceed beyond what they can afford physiologically, there is a stress that damages tissue and creates the condition, but the disease may have already had, or just that because there was no stress?
's see if I find a great article phenomenally good that explains this issue.
know that there are still many important things in the pipeline, but no more time today. Good summer
comrades s.
PD's see if video works. It's the same foot in a girl of 12 years using dancers and the other barefoot. Rate the hallux limitus potential that can be created and that time has left her with onycholysis.
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