Monday, December 20, 2010

Surgeonxmas Help Get Bugs Heart


months ago and certainly do not update and will remain, since someone has hacked your page and have lost a lot of pictures and post and have a bit discouraged.
I encourage all of you to participate in the Podiatry Arena forums.

I echo the news that I have been asked to provide, what exact words and can hit see the following link:

The College of Chiropodists of Madrid know the word go back. Has two months to learn.

The High Court of Justice in Madrid on November 29, 2010, etc. Seen by the sixth section

the Litigation Division this número589/09 tax appeal by the College of Podiatrists, etc. Dismiss the impossibility of implementation

backdate the actions of the electoral process at the moment .... etc.

THIS ROOM HAS SAID: We should reject and reject, etc. Against it by stating that no appeal lies, etc ....

( The entire statement I suppose that will provide the College, however you can ask my copy has 14 pages. A Salute: Thomas Urien)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Savannah Sampson Movies

Interesting study on injury prevention with plantar orthoses daily

Some time ago I did not publish any entries, and the truth is that it take to post more because there little desire and time, time I spend studying and gaining knowledge. Occasionally
hang important information so we can all think and learn of developments in our profession.

In this study, evidence level 1, has proven so in theory supposed and that the plantar orthoses AS, PATHOMECHANICS TREATING (I put it in capitals because I'm tired of seeing people called templates to all, that there are many misleading on this field) reduce injuries.
Therefore, if a patient comes to a chiropractic and biomechanical you detect any deficiencies that have not of symptoms, would be right for you to discuss this decision. Some will say that if you come to chiropractic as a sign of weakness biomechanics, maybe, but not always, or maybe several diseases together.

I would do a little reflection on the great progress we have made as a profession in recent years. We managed
prescription podiatric, surgical protocols have been made, information guides podiatric, courses and conventions of high quality surgery in Spain and abroad, degree in podiatry and access to specific PhD from Masters in podiatry, has ensured that some schools of podiatrists working in a very efficient which is to congratulate, in my mind I have basically the most know who are the Asturias and Galicia, who are doing a great job .
Aragon also congratulate you for the fantastic course to be held in January in Zaragoza and that I hope to see many of you there.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Watch Kutumb Episodes 20

Running vs

Yes, it is undeniable. This blog does not go through his prime. Creative stagnation, some will say. Disgusting, you say others. So I have come to believe. But do not weep for me. Lately I have been to run. Yeah yeah, run. Running every day, while listening to Bebe or Macaque (Macaco ! ) in the hulls. And crave that moment when I isolate myself from the world and stop thinking and just feel the sweat and physical exhaustion. Who I was going to say, two years ago when I was so engrossed in this blog, looking for reading that comment, to criticize plays and music to recommend.

Stuck creative? In an interview I read long ago, Günter Grass said that if being happy, not sit to write every day, eating pipes would be made so richly in the gate of his house. That was just the frustration, unhappiness (or lack of complete happiness) which made him a writer.

"Ennui? I also remember Terenci Moix .. Here in this blog, I wrote about "that time and that Death that wiped out everything, and that hope that gives only love" in a sort of post-oracle of my own life.

So do not worry too much, dear readers. There is no such as stagnation or boredom. It's just that life sometimes offers us better things to read go to the movies or get in front of a computer, and I'll give you permission to enjoy them. A big hug to everyone, and especially you, Pepa, because this blog started in your name, and you were the first in which he thought every time I wrote here.

PS: And yet, I resigned myself to tell you I'm with Delibes, and I could never imagine that Castilla would leave a magician of words and a picture of reality at the height of García Márquez (who is) .

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Girdles And Stocking For Women

Delibes. Monotheism

During the first two years, accompanied Nini Extremadura to clear the mountain of the valley and uproot the oak matos. Before Torrecillorigo did this in, but employees were now State devoted to the arduous task of reforestation. Reforestation was the obsession of the new men and when the war just twenty-four hours to explode, she organized volunteer brigades to convert the bare arid Castille in a lush forest. There was no task more pressing and worthy men said: "Trees regulate climate, attract rain and form humus, or soil. There is, therefore, to plant trees. We must make the revolution. Above the field! '. And all men of all peoples of the basin were scattered excited, hoe over his shoulder, on the inhospitable slopes. But August came and the sun burned the tender shoots and the hills followed Monde as skulls.
Guadalupe, the foreman of Extremadura, which, despite its name, was a tanned, muscular boy, with sudden and swift gestures of gypsy, told the lads input of the people in the tavern Malvino who came prepared to make Castilla in a garden. Pruden had smiled skeptically and Guadalupe said, "Do not you think?". And Pruden replied sadly: "Only God makes miracles."
The Extremadura began working for Donalcio roost in a few months motearon of blossoms, like a man's face pockmarked. But no sooner concluded, the relentless sun poured their fire on the hill and began emerging firs two weeks amustiarse and seventy percent of the transplanted seedlings were dried and click to step on them as firewood. The survivors fought a few weeks yet, but soon perished too charred and the face of the roost Donalcio again be as grim and gloomy as before to make their mark here in Extremadura. Crystallized gypsum shone on the edge of the clay pits, and Guadeloupe, the foreman, when he saw the twinkle of the hill from the low swore and said:
-still queer joke on him.
spoke bitterly of the hills, but, despite the sterile result did not slacken in the effort. Sometimes came to town engineer, who was an easygoing man but with the pallor that spread the pages of the books who has studied a lot and then met with the twelve Extremadura in the tavern Malvino and harangued them as general soldiers before the battle:
-Extremadura "he said, keep in mind that four centuries ago, a monkey came into Spain from Gibraltar to the Pyrenees could come leaping from branch to branch without touching the ground. With your enthusiasm, the country will be an immense forest. Pruden v
Malvino exchanged a knowing look. Following the visit of the engineer, who was drinking with them as a equal, Extremadura accretion efforts, deepened the basins of each bud to serve as a container to protect them and storm the Matacabras, but the rains did not appear and when they came in July, the bud was roasting in the pit as a chicken in its own juice.

Miguel Delibes, Rats

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pilote Card Reader Rb-539


POLICE: What position does the Academy in respect of monotheism, sister?
NUN: Now we investigate us?
POLICE: It's just a question.
NUN: The Academy is dedicated to follow the ways of the Gods and the Goddess Athena is our patron. However, we accept all kinds of religion, including belief in one God.
POLICE: are very tolerant. How many of your students practice monotheism?
NUN: know I can not answer that.
POLICE: Do not worry you, sister, that absolutist vision of the universe? What good and evil only be determined by an almighty and omnipotent whose trial can not be questioned and whose name can be the most horrendous punishment without appeal?

Caprica, pilot.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fluoride Receding Gums

Mesoamerica: the ranking

First of all, say that the thing comes down to Mexico (and yes, indeed, in Guatemala and below are the ruins even better, but it can not be all, quite 25 days I have been dancing around the country.) And I have not been to El Tajin in Veracruz, which, as I said a Mexican, "is so cute." Neither Cempoala Tula, and many other places. But there you have them: they are not all they are, but they are all that are sorted, in my humble opinion aztecamaníaco of 10 to 1.

10) Mitla
Mitla small thing. It is a visit which is usually arranged from Oaxaca because it falls around and because, after seeing Monte Alban, is most interesting about the area in terms of Mesoamerican anthropology. But there are several things that I think you less attractive. First, much of which could be plugged by the people of San Pablo de Mitla. Second, they are much more recent ruins than others, they are already Postclassic. Third, perhaps because of that, do not have that look so exotic that you usually wait Mayan ruins, but they seem to ruin most any European, whether Greek or Roman.

9) Bonampak
Bonampak is cool because it is in the middle of the jungle (with a warmth and moisture to die, but that's the fun of being an adventurer, right? ) and as a ruin in itself is not much, but worth seeing these cool Maya anywhere else you can see, and to take it over 1200 years and practically outdoors, are well preserved.

8) Toniná
First they found a temple on top of a mountain, and began to dig. But much more had to dig because the temple was not on top of the mountain, but it was all over the mountain. ERA whole city built into the sky, which the centuries had covered with dirt and vegetation. Today, Toniná remains well covered by a very green grass and an occasional tree, but maybe that's what makes it cool.

7) The Temple
The Temple is the only thing left of the Mexica (commonly called Aztec) and the original buried Tenochtitlán in Mexico City. If you have no idea what they were prior to the Mesoamerican civilizations, soon you'll be interested, because only you will be able to see stone wall stone wall under a huge sinkhole just off the Zocalo in Mexico City . But if you are minimally started, it's worth, especially to see how the Aztecs had time to build one on another successive seven temples in little more than 100 years before the English arrived. The cross section of the ruin lets you view each of the stages, and everything turns to vertigo. As a curiosity, to say that for a long time it was thought that this temple could never be discovered because it was assumed that the English had planted just above the Christian cathedral. Until 1978 was not discovered that in fact the temple was never under the cathedral, but beneath the streets Guatemala and Argentina, less than 50 meters!

6) Teotihuacán
Teotihuacán is great, the impressive Pyramid of the Sun and the moon no less so. What happens is that the environment is the worst. You throw the entire visit chunda chunda listening to the surrounding restaurants put full throttle, and so crowded it is, it seems that instead of an ancient place of worship and pilgrimage (as it was for the Aztecs) 're at a rave.

5) Tulum
Tulum ruins is a complex and ultrachachi beach, full of fashionistas Italian-style Ibiza (Ibiza I do not know, but I find it to be a bit like that, yuck ...). Well, although this sounds a little beginning I did not like, really ruins the combination beach has its point. Because as you see the Mayan ruins, you realize the aesthetic experience goes far beyond the cultural. This is not to see the best preserved ruins, or to elucidate more about the Mayan civilization, but to enjoy the ruins and the environment, and of that nature after centuries gradually eats the stones, causing debris and vegetation from entering into a mystical symbiosis. This is especially Yaxchilan, but in the case of Tulum also has a point, albeit with a touch of Ibiza / new age than talking about earlier.

4) Monte Alban
What is special about Monte Alban is energy. So up to number four. And as this energy is very subjective, I take responsibility if any of you going there and not feel it. Yes I felt it, I can not tell otherwise. I loved it. Or maybe it was explained to us very well, with stories like that one of the buildings, the structure called J-shaped arrowhead, has with respect to other buildings the same slope as the Earth's axis . In other words, the Zapotec (the inhabitants of the mountain in question) by the V century BC knew more about astronomy than Western almost two thousand years later. Only this, it is to stay stoned.

3) Chichén-Itzá
Chichen Itza is one of the new wonders of the world. Palenque and Yaxchilan no. But I liked more. That's why Chichen is at number three. And that the pyramid is spectacular. And what of the appearance of the serpent Kukulkan at equinox leaves you speechless (if only for what you have, because it should be filly to go there and that is just the equinox, and also not cloudy). Ell ball game is also amazing, as a kind of Macaranas or Bernabéu at the time. Or the sound of : another pass. But there are other factors working against, as the mass tourism (and also the type of tourism, the Riviera Maya: all newlyweds American gordopilos undocumented or who do not know if what they are seeing was built in the 60's or 80's!) or the environment: in Chichen miss that jungle that eats everything, Yucatan, Chichen Itza where , is mostly flat and much less tropical, with a landscape more use and less exotic than expected.

2) Palenque
Log in Palenque, running into the Temple of Inscriptions and cortársete breath, all is one. I can not explain why, but I felt this temple and the ruins generally exceeded all my expectations. Ni the sweltering heat of the jungle, or dehydration, or the amount of tourists who crowded the place prevented Palenque was one of the most beautiful historical sites I've seen in my life, comparable only perhaps with Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Remember the Stendhal syndrome? Well I had it in Florence, but in Palenque. Or at least something very similar. As you enter and see the Temple of the Inscriptions on the right, I forgot to friends, guides and others, and I had to sit for ten minutes in front of the staircase, to contemplate the wonder enthralled. And if we add that after I could sneak into the sector C, which was closed to público, y que pude ver yo sólo esas ruinas infestadas de hojas y lianas; o que después de recorrer las ruinas nos adentramos por nuestra cuenta en la jungla hasta llegar a una cascada y perdernos, para salir una hora después por la zona de los aparcamientos (lo cual es prueba de que, si conoces el territorio, colarte sin pagar en Palenque no debe ser muy difícil); si a Palenque, como decía, le añades todo eso, la cosa ya no tiene parangón, y sólo Yaxchilán le puede hacer sombra.

1) Yaxchilán
Primero hay que dejar claro que el valor testimonial e histórico de Yaxchilán is much lower than Chichen Itza and Palenque. Yaxchilan is in the deepest jungle (on the border with Guatemala) and wild nature has invaded everything. There are trees on the steps and on the buildings, the roots, vines and grasses have swept away the stones, to the point that the buildings seem to crumble. But that is the grace of Yaxchilan, there is so nice. A Yaxchilan is reached only after an hour's boat on the Usumacinta River (which separates Mexico from Guatemala). I do not remember what day we were exactly, but apart from us, toucans and howler monkeys that did not stop yelling, no one else. Did not is that the dream of every tourist? To feel you're not a tourist but an adventurer? As well we are at Yaxchilan: the only Maya site of all we saw where we recover the romance of adventure film of the year 30 (or Indiana Jones, which is the same), when we thought that was impossible. The labyrinth, bats, giant spiders, the vines, the turkeys, the trees tourists, the sweltering heat and more rain storm and below I've been in my life, made this one of the most fun days I've been on every trip I've done in my life.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Games Of Torturing Ladies

For it is trite in a strange land

sometimes between straw are nuggets. Leo comments on the facebook, hypnotist absurd minds that we are becoming even more stupid than the Save me. And I find a poem that someone has posted Becquer. Trite, eh?. But suddenly, someone says, "Sometimes when you read Becquer believes it was all poetry written in their verses." I do not know if that comment comes from a true connoisseur of poetry or a Tolay anyone, but I realize he's right. Because Bécquer will sobadísimo, but in English literature there are few like him, with the ability to compile all previous tradition of breaking new ground for poetry that would follow (without Becquer, for example, Lorca had not been the same.) And in a language that reaches everyone, and the same folders used to fill teenagers to philosophize about existentialism romantic end of the century (nineteenth century, that is). Because as I said Pepa, rhyme about the swallows, "it's always served Bécquer for broken or tearing, but rarely poses as the memory of the fleeting and unrepeatable, time has not been recovered." And it is true, how easy would dismiss the poet from Seville, more difficult is to realize the true depths of their seemingly simple vital words.

Come to me, as my facebook friends, I also left one of Becquer. The wave, which I love:

giant waves that break with roaring
on deserted beaches and remote
enveloped in a sheet of foam,
away with you!

hurricane gusts snatch
high withered forest leaves,
drawn into the maelstrom blind,
away with you!

breaking storm clouds lightning and fire
detached ornáis the fringes,
caught between the dark mist,
away with you!

Take me out of pity to where vertigo
reason I start with the memory.
For pity's sake! I have
afraid to be alone with my pain!

Johniewalker Whisky Price

This month of August has left more work than expected and against my idea to avoid as far as possible brace Planting in summer, because this has been a month where I had to do more.

I have been encouraged to write this post after an investigation that I have been reading and referring to another study that did not convince me, which I agreed.
take to upload some photos of various plantar orthoses. At the end of the clinical cases presented the study cited.

In this batch of plantar orthoses and insoles (center) will present each case:

1 ° 2 on the left. 65 year old, is on holiday here for 2 months.
takes 30 years running and playing golf regularly.
6 months ago no longer run by plantar fasciitis. I derive from the physiological biomechanical study. The study
biomechanical ankle dorsiflexion seen more than 10 ° (plantar fasciitis many are given by gastrocnemius equinus, this is not the case.)
joints and muscles are within normal parameters so that the cause is due to tissue stress or a variation of up to level.
The plantar pressure is on the right foot (the affected) a delay in the diversion of forces from 2 ° to 1 finger where it increases the timing at this point, but finally launch by on 1 radio, it does so late and inefficient.

I hesitated with the material to use but I finally decided on a less aggressive treatment because if in 30 years never had problems and the change was due to something very timely, changing the gear we must be proportionality is also very aggressive.
The material used: 1.9 podiaflex resins and reinforcement max 1.3 herflux ASA AMT herflux 1.2 mm.
A small change in the right foot level with a wedge lateral forefoot forefoot valgus forefoot valgus but not for speeding up and help the diversion of cargo from lateral to medial, left unlined that area if we have to correct this wedge. In this case it was not necessary.
In 10 days of treatment the symptoms have decreased a lot, feel slight discomfort when running it takes 30 minutes and very little when you get up in the morning.
Previously I've tried using Kinesiotaping, ultrasound, electrotherapy, stretching, cryotherapy, and oral NSAIDs.
has commissioned other plantar orthoses to have 2 pairs, these new is the will of poly-lined Lunasoft 2mms SLW, on the ground still doubt whether to use 2 materials technicians to help with the reactive forces from the ground or covered at all with Luna SL. A more focused brace to run with them. (End of post information about it)

2 º Palmillas stress of 1 and 5 th metatarsal. Do not want braces to measure, so I have adapted to the shoe insole has brought me.

3 º patients who came for a chiropody and presents flexible 1, Radio dorsiflexed. Please be advised of possible consequences that may suffer long-term (mechanical back pain). Voluntarily agrees to support plant and biomechanical study. Resins
1.9 + 1.2 + 1.2 ASA-midtarsal reinforcement. Podialene and faux fur lining.
gastrosoleo Stretches for horses, hamstrings and lower back area.

Athlete 32 years he played in 2 º B football. Gained weight.
Bring 7 months in physiotherapy treatment overload the soleus (new artificial turf).
biomechanical examination is seen in lower limb asymmetry and walking with a limp in his right leg.
you mind when using soccer boots and when it takes 20 minutes of running with tennis shoes.
On examination confirmed that the soleus is not the only one affected but the pain comes back almost all of the tibial (shin splints).
with taping and neuromuscular training gets no hassle but remove regains inconvenience.
As plantar orthoses are for use with football boots need the thickness and width are minimized. I opted for a 3-mm poly-lined retrocapital podialene and heel of viscotene.
Within a week the results: no pain for 3 days of training in 1 hour and a half continuous running exercise, changes of direction, etc., with tennis shoes and plantar orthoses.
With boots on right now for mismatching between plant and shoe orthotics. However, due to previous use of plantar orthoses gets to play all the time nearing the end of it with tolerable discomfort.
plantar orthosis is reviewed and adjusts to the boot since being a little wider was slightly reversed and prevented the decline from the arc.
important to note that when making molds, a material such as poly 3-mms can not go very well adjusted but annoy. Take the pan with neutral position of the foot and pronation passively force the ASA to achieve a decrease in dynamic range.

then the aforementioned case of 1 radio dorsiflexed:

dorsiflexed 1, radio (before siding plant)

This is a patient who has over 20 years with this iatrogenic.
is a patient living in another community so I referred to another colleague to see if you can do with this case. (Surgical)

About the study to which I referred at the beginning of the post, then hit the Abstract:

A case-series study to explore the Efficacy of foot orthoses in treating first metatarsophalangeal joint pain

Brian J Welsh1 * Anthony C Redmond2, Nachiappan Chockalingam3, Anne-
Maree Keenan2
Musculoskeletal and Rehabilitation Service, NHS Leeds Community Healthcare, St
Mary’s Hospital, Leeds, LS12 3QE, England
NIHR Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit and Section of
Musculoskeletal Disease, University of Leeds, 2nd Floor, Chapel Allerton Hospital,
Leeds LS7 4SA, England
Faculty of Health, Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent ST4 2DF, England

First metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint pain is a common foot complaint which is
often considered to be a consequence of altered mechanics. Foot orthoses are often
prescribed to reduce 1st MTP joint pain with the aim of altering dorsiflexion at
propulsion. This study explores changes in 1st MTP joint pain and kinematics
following the use of foot orthoses.
The effect of modified, pre-fabricated foot orthoses (X-line) were evaluated in
thirty-two patients with 1st MTP joint pain of mechanical origin. The primary
outcome was pain measured at baseline and 24 weeks using the pain subscale of the
foot function index (FFI). In a small sub-group of patients (n = 9), the relationship
between pain and kinematic variables was explored with and without their orthoses,
using an electromagnetic motion tracking (EMT) system.
A significant reduction in pain was observed between baseline (median = 48mm) and
the 24 week endpoint (median = 14.50mm, z = -4.88, p <>
analysis, we found no relationship between pain reduction and 1st MTP joint motion,
and no significant differences were found between the 1st MTP joint maximum
dorsiflexion or ankle/subtalar complex maximum eversion, with and without the
This observational study demonstrated a significant decrease in 1st MTP joint pain
associated with the use of foot orthoses. Change in pain was not shown to be
associated with 1st MTP joint dorsiflexion nor with altered ankle/subtalar complex
eversion. Further research into the effect of foot orthoses on foot function is

All patients were prescribed pre-fabricated, foot orthoses (X-line, Healthystep,
Mossley, UK). Sagittal and frontal plane pronatory control was increased using high
density (400kg/m3) ethyl-vinyl acetate wedged posting, adhered to the medial
underside of the foot orthoses.

En el estudio conducted have found that using orthotic planting reduces the pain of the 1 st MTP joint but in the subgroup you want to associate the use of orthotics plantar and hand kinematics have found no relative changes between the motion of the metatarsophalangeal, ankle, and ASA and without plantar orthoses.
As we return to the same dilemma as always if plantar orthoses and foot work by cinematic, or rather on kinetic and sensory receptors.

the study aside, what caught my attention is the following sentence:

modified, prefabricated orthotic device Used in this study is of a type That Is Being
Favoured increasingly over more expensive, due to casted devices
Evidence That There
May Be
little functional difference entre the two types of orthotic device

say the prefabricated orthoses in this study is of a type that is being used instead of the brace as it is cheaper and and the effects are very similar. This assertion is based on only 1 study and to which I have addressed quickly to try:

Contoured, prefabricated foot orthoses Demonstrate mechanical properties comparable to contoured, of customized foot orthoses: a plantar pressure study

Anthony C Redmond 1, 2 , Karl B Landorf 3, 4 and Anne-Maree Keenan 1 , 2

1 Section of Musculoskeletal Disease, University of Leeds, 2nd Floor, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Harehills Lane, Leeds LS7 4SA, UK

2 NIHR Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, University of Leeds, 2nd Floor, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Harehills Lane, Leeds LS7 4SA, UK

3 Department of Podiatry, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, 3086, Australia

4 Musculoskeletal Research Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, 3086, Australia



Foot orthoses have been demonstrated to be effective in the management of a range of conditions, but there is debate as to the benefits of customised foot orthoses over less expensive, prefabricated devices.


In a randomised, cross-over trial, 15 flat-footed participants aged between 18 and 45 years were provided with semi-rigid, customised orthoses and semi-rigid, contoured, prefabricated orthoses. Pressures and forces were measured using an in-shoe system with subjects wearing shoes alone, wearing customised orthoses, and again when wearing contoured prefabricated orthoses. Two weeks acclimatisation was included between cross-over of therapy. Repeated measures ANOVA models with post-hoc, pair-wise comparisons were used to test for differences.


When compared to wearing shoes alone, wearing either the customised orthoses or the prefabricated orthoses was associated with increases in force and force time integrals in the midfoot region. Peak and maximum mean pressure and pressure-time, and force-time integrals were reduced in both the medial and lateral forefoot. There were, however, no significant differences between the customised orthoses and the prefabricated orthoses at any site.


There was a similar change in loading with both the semi-rigid customised and the semi-rigid prefabricated orthoses when compared to the shoe alone condition. However, while customised devices offered minor differences over prefabricated orthoses in some variables, these were not statistically significant. The results suggest that there may be only minor differences in the effects on plantar pressures between the customised and the less expensive prefabricated orthoses tested in this study, however further research is warranted.

Although the differences were not significant, the customised orthoses compared to the prefabricated devices produced decreased loading at the heel by up to 12% and increased the contact area of the midfoot (44% greater contact area than control for the customised orthoses, compared with 33% for the prefabricated devices) – Figure 2 . The loading characteristics of the foot in response to both types of device, however, were comparable Both at the midfoot (0.2% to 8% difference) and forefoot (0.2% to 3.7% difference).

Sample N = 15

plantar semi rigid orthoses used for "flat feet (flat feet put in quotes because I like to use this definition as a cause)

The results are that there is little difference between orthotics and bracing manufactured having a little effect on plantar pressure as orthoses.

And these are the braces used:

Customised orthoses

Prefabricated Orthoses

Pre-manufacture p reparation




Measurements for

individualised prescription



Characteristics of the d evice


Semi-rigid, 4mm polypropylene

Semi-rigid, 4mm polypropylene

Length of the device

10-15mm proximal to the metatarsal heads

10-15mm proximal to the metatarsal heads

Width of the device

Medial border – bisection of 1 st metatarsal.

Lateral border - lateral aspect of foot.

Medial border – bisection of 1 st metatarsal.

Lateral border - lateral aspect of foot.

Heel cup height

Approximately 12.0 mm

A pproximately 12.0 mm

Heel post

450kg/m 3 ethyl vinyl acetate

450kg/m 3 ethyl vinyl acetate

Contoured arch area




heel post



Polypropylene 4 mm in both and the rest is almost all the same, possibly the only difference is the more precise adaptation as plantar orthoses.

As we used poly 4mms, something that little is done in Spain, but in countries whites as England, Australia and the U.S. is something that if used more frequently. I do not know if the cop is equal 4mms we buy here than that used in other countries .

For the conclusion I have reached is that one can not extrapolate the findings of these braces plantar to the previous case, since it is a small sample, are different diseases and treatment would be different.

------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

I left the article a few days kept unpublished order add some more and the truth is that studying I found something interesting to say.

Robbins and coworkers proposed that athletic shoes cause negative effects in athletes by decreasing mechanical stability and compromising normal muscular activation necessary for dissipation of impact forces. They further suggest that athletic footwear has the potential to decrease the position sense of the foot. Conversely, foot orthoses can potentially enhance postural control. A variety of studies have been performed that shed light on the mechanism by which foot orthoses can enhance neuromuscular control over the ankle.

One of the new theories of biomechanics is the neuromuscular, proprioceptive (explaining the operation of Kinesio??) Is something that has time and talking to the effects that any brace that we put in the foot, whether the material they are, and work because they get a proprioceptive effect, mechanoreceptors that will make the muscles and joints work as we should, but we do not do the templates that purpose. It is an ignorance that has been helping us but many were or are aware of it.
In studies conducted by these authors, say that the running shoe can be detrimental to the person because when it provides plenty of cushioning, decreases the mechanical stability and normal muscle activation compromises necessary to dissipate the impact forces (on this subject, muscle activation is something I read in almost every article lately and it is impressive to see how important it is and we have no knowledge about it Biomechanical considerations of the lower limb.)
What if you break cruciate ligaments of the knee? "Increased instability? ¿2 endure so tiny ligaments the immense forces they are subjected? Or rather, is that the ligaments are activating receptors that help the vast corresponding feature extensive active?
Continuing with the preceding paragraph:
also suggest that athletic footwear has the potential to diminish the sense of foot position. On the contrary, the foot orthoses can potentially improve postural control. A variety of studies have been conducted to shed light on the mechanism by which foot orthoses may improve neuromuscular control over ankle.

is important not only read but also podiatry neuroscience, physiology, engineering movement, kinesiology for physical therapists, rehabilitation physicians, chiropractors, and other publications that enrich us and give us more points of view in order to make a more valid.

OBBINS SE, Gouw GJ: Athletic footwear: unsafe due to perceptual illusions. Med Sci Sports Exerc 23: 217, 1991.

ROBBINS S, WAKED E: Balance and vertical impact in sports: role of shoe sole materials. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 78: 463, 1997

  • ROBBINS S, WAKED E, GOUW GJ, ET AL: Athletic footwear affects balance in men. Br J Sports Med 28: 117, 1994.[Abstract/Free Full Text]

  • ROBBINS S, WAKED E, ALLARD P, ET AL: Foot position awareness in Young and Older Men: The Influence of footwear sole properties. J Am Geriatr Soc 45: 61, 1997.

For today I think that is enough information. A reflection I ask is that I would like to see more publications on biomechanics, quality and new issues at the national level and we always have to go abroad to catch up. And it's not enough to present clinical cases, literature reviews should be done providing conclusions from reading numerous articles (many of them accessible to people who are at great distances from a university). Now with the bachelor's degree and doctorate think it's a moral responsibility to conduct studies. At the moment it is early but in 5 to 10 years should be growing exponentially.

dejaseis I would like constructive criticism, comments, information to which access, in that you do not agree and showing why in studies (again read and give my opinion if I was wrong.) So you can make this more interactive and what we can all learn (wrong we learning) and up to date, as not only good for us but for the profession.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mount Blade Fire Sword English

Away from home is always a lot more eyes open, because everything is new. But you realize what that leads closed at home. A few days ago, at the Arts Institute of Chicago, I let myself be enveloped by the colors and landscapes of the Impressionists ever happened to me. I had been to the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, but should not be mature enough yet, because I remember the exhilaration of light, color and brush strokes (those of Monet, Renoir and Van Gogh) yes I gave in Chicago. In particular, with the box above, the Lunch at Fournaise (not as well known as other Luncheon of the Boating that of Amélie ), which absorbed me greatly. Fuentes

then, between painting and painting, her eyes wide, more than seven thousand miles from home, I got to thinking that took ten years living in Madrid, and I have not yet gone to Thyssen. Very strong as mine. Many Sometimes one has to go to foreign lands to realize that we lose at home. ***

and over, when I get home, I am in the refrigerator, in the form of magnet, the girl's face Kirchner green that I like, holding a note of appreciation by Mariola having left the house to visit Madrid this summer. Mariola, who lives in Seville, has seen in person, and I liked it so much as I like that picture with that girl Lorca's green face, did not even know it was practically under my house. As I said, very strong as mine.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why Did John Cena Change His Hand Signal

studying variation in the length of lower limbs, what does the evidence?

I decided to stick with the literature reviews but this time directed to another issue that has been debate recently on this blog and personally I have still some gaps. I thank also the voice of experience has given its opinion, totally agree with her and that made me think and see what that tells us the evidence.

studies consulted are all in English, obtained from various databases: Medline, Cochrane, Evidenciaclinica, etc.

The keywords used were: "leg length discrepancy" is also used "asymmetry" "asymmetry" but without results concerning the issue at hand.
In this review, I found great articles and others with a lower level of evidence due to the small sample size or weaknesses in their methodology.

I decided to put the abstract of each as it provides a good summary of the article, because if I put the whole article would be very cumbersome and no one will read the input. Always have the possibility to go to a university library and believe it will download the articles interesting.

[Limb-Length Measurements using wooden boards: an Accurate and experience-independent method]

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the accuracy and reliability of the indirect limb-length Measurement, and the inter-observer variance entre doctors differing in level of experience. DESIGN: Descriptive. METHOD: Indirect limb-length measurement by placing 0.5 cm-thick wooden boards under the foot of the shorter leg until the difference in length was corrected, was performed by 3 observers differing in experience (medical student, resident and orthopaedic surgeon) on 66 patients with unilateral femoral-shaft fractures treated with a femoral nail. The group of patients consisted of 51 men and 15 women with a median age of 30 years (range: 18-90). In total 17 observers participated and 177 limb-length measurements were performed. The measurements obtained were compared with limb-length measurements obtained by orthoradiograms of the entire leg. RESULTS: Of the 177 indirect limb-length measurements, 144 (81%) differed by 0-1.0 cm compared with the limb length obtained by orthoradiogram. There was no statistically significant difference in the limb-length measurements obtained by the three groups of observers with different experience levels. There was a certain degree of correlation between values measured by medical students and residents (r = 0.7). When comparing the measurements carried out by staff members with those of residents and medical students, respectively, a lower degree of correlation was found (r = 0.6 and 0.5, respectively). CONCLUSION: Indirect limb-length measurement with wooden boards was accurate. Experience did not play an essential role.

Pacientes con fracturas de fémur que fueron medidos por 3 tipos diferentes de profesionales (estudiantes medicina, residentes y cirujanos ortopedas). Se pone un wooden block under the shorter leg. Rx has been made to see the real and the indirect measurement by the 3 groups using wooden blocks. The results have been very accurate and the examiner's experience has not been very significant since there is very little variation among the 3 groups.

With this study we can conclude that the measurement made indirectly through block test is effective when compared with the Rx and that experience is a big handicap not to be taken into account.

Limb length inequality: clinical Implications for Assessment and intervention.


The purpose of this paper is to review relevant literature concerning limb length inequalities in adults and to make recommendations for assessment and intervention based on the literature and our own clinical experience. Literature searches were conducted in the MEDLINE, PubMed, and CINAHL databases. Limb length inequality and common classification criteria are defined and etiological factors are presented. Common methods of detecting limb length inequality include direct (tape measure methods), indirect (pelvic leveling), and radiological techniques. Interventions include shoe inserts or external shoe lift therapy for mild cases. Surgery may be appropriate in severe cases. Little agreement exists regarding the prevalence of limb length inequality, the degree of limb length inequality that is considered clinically significant, and the reliability and validity of assessment methods. Based on correlational studies, the relationship between limb length inequality and orthopaedic pathologies is questionable. Stronger support for the link between low back pain (LBP) and limb length inequality is provided by intervention studies . Methods involving palpation of pelvic landmarks with block correction have the most support for clinical assessment of limb length inequality. Standing radiographs are suggested when clinical assessment methods are unsatisfactory. Clinicians should exercise caution when undertaking intervention strategies for limb length inequality of less than 5 mm when limb length inequality has been identified with clinical techniques. Are Provided recommendations regarding intervention strategies.

In this review, the authors note that the differences in length and its relationship to orthopedic diseases is questionable. But if you say that there is strong correlation between the asymmetries and LBP. The methods used are pelvic tenderness and blocks are corrected. Rx intends to use when clinical methods are unsatisfactory.

[A new procedure for Determining Leg Length Inequality and leg length using ultrasound. II: Comparison of ultrasound, and 2 clinical teleradiography Procedures in 50 Patients]


The clinical methods still in common use for measuring leg length and leg length discrepancy (LLD) cannot always meet the demands of precision and accuracy. A method using ultrasound is presented and shown to be a standardized, non-invasive method allowing accurate determination of leg length and LLD. Once the validity had been proved experimentally, practical handling, precision and accuracy of this method were tested on 50 patients in whom teleradiography of the lower extremity was performed for different reasons. The sonographically determined measures of LLD were compared with the radiographic measurements and in addition clinical measurements were taken by direct (tape measure) and indirect methods ("lengthening" of the shorter leg by wooden blocks of known thickness). Adjustments to the ventral hip joint and to the medial knee joint served as standardized, easily reproducible sonographic reference points. The mean variance of repeated sonographic measurements as a reflection of precision amounted to 3.5 mm2 for leg length measurement, with a maximum of 13.5 mm2. In the case of LLD the mean divergence between sonographically and radiographically determined LLD was 0.9 +/- 2.7 mm, with a maximum of 6.4 mm. The clinical methods with mean divergence of -1.2 +/- 9.6 mm (direct method) and -1.0 +/- 6.1 mm (indirect method) proved to be less accurate. The method examined for measuring leg lengths and LLD by means of ultrasound is easy to manage and non-invasive. Its precision and accuracy make it superior to clinical events Measuring Methods and Could Make Some radiographical Examinations superfluous.

Here we present the reliability of ultrasound measurements and have proven to be more effective than direct and indirect method.

Leg length discrepancy

assessment: accuracv and precision in five clinical Methods of evaluation *.


clinical Five Methods of leg length discrepancy Assessment Against One Another Were tested for Their relative accuracy and precision compared to exact anatomical standards as Determined by Radiographer. Five Normal Subjects, one with a discrepancy Known of 1.3 cm, were evaluated by twenty physical therapists each using every method of assessment. T-tests and F-tests (a = 0.05) were used to determine statistical accuracy and precision among methods. Absolute values of mean differences, standard deviations, and ranges were used to determine clinical significance. The indirect method, which employed lift blocks under a foot with a subject in the standing position, proved to be the most accurate and precise method of any tested. Of the direct methods tested, which employ a tape measure between various anatomical landmarks, the technique shown to be the most accurate and precise utilized the landmarks of the anterior superior iliac spine and the lateral malleolus of the fibula.J Orthop Sports Phys 1984;5(5):230-239.

5 methods are tested to assess the accuracy of the measurements in asymmetry. The sample is very small. N = 5. Indirect measures are more precise elevations using the shorter leg. Indirect methods using tape measure, the more accurate is made from the anterior iliac spine to the peroneal malleolus. Which contradicts my knowledge previously acquired, because it has taught us that the measurement must go to the medial malleolus.

Measuring leg-length discrepancy by the "Iliac crest palpation and book correction" method: reliability and validity.


OBJECTIVE: To determine the reliability and validity of a clinical measurement of leg-length discrepancy (LLD), by using the iliac crest palpation and book correction (ICPBC) method. DESIGN: Intra- and interrater reliability and validity determinations. SETTING: Rehabilitation center. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-four healthy subjects, none of whom had an apparent LLD, as determined by iliac crest palpation. INTERVENTIONS: We induced a simulated LLD (7-53 mm) for each subject. To measure the LLD, the examiner performed the ICPBC method by palpating the iliac crests and correcting identified differences with a book opened to the required number of pages. The thickness of the book correction was measured. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Reliability LLD measurement (n = 20), by using the ICPBC method to measure the LLD; construct validity (n = 34), comparing ICPBC measurement with the extent of the induced LLD; and concurrent validity (n = 14), the difference in heights of the superior aspect of the femoral heads from standing radiographs. RESULTS: The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the intrarater and interrater reliabilities were.98 and.91, respectively. The ICCs for the construct and concurrent validities were.62 and.76, respectively. The ICPBC method underestimated the induced LLD by a mean difference +/- standard deviation of 3.8 +/- 10.3mm (p =.055) and the radiologic measure by 5.1 +/- 8.6 mm (p =.043). CONCLUSIONS: The ICPBC technique for measuring LLD is highly reliable and moderately valid. When there is no history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be readily palpated, we recommend using iliac crest palpation to detect LLD, and the book correction to quantify it. Copyright 2001 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Método para valorar la discrepancia de longitud de MMII usando la palpación de la cresta iliaca y utilizando un libro para elevar la pierna más corta. N=34, sanos y sin conocimiento de tener LLD (leg length discrepancy). Se usa el libro abierto por una página y luego measured. Is a safe and moderate validity. So far we have seen that almost all techniques rely on tenderness and elevation of the iliac shorter with some support, the most common wood blocks measured previously. We can see that these methods are used very common and very reliable giving results very similar to the radiographs. Rx only comment when using clinical measures are vague, the differences in length are under 5mms or have questions. (All in the previous articles)

Measurement of limb length inequality. Comparison of clinical methods with orthoradiography in 190 children.


We studied the agreement in measuring limb length inequality with orthoradiograms and clinical methods. In 190 children attending our Limb Length Clinic for the first time, 95% of the measurements with wooden boards was within -1.4 and +1.6 cm of the results of the orthoradiograms. A tape measure had significantly less agreement. The predictive value of a localization of the main limb length inequality above the knee, as found with a tape measure, was 64% and for a localization of the main limb length inequality below the knee 75%. A Wooden Board Reliability Graph is presented, Which Can Be helpful in the decision to Perform orthoradiographic Inequality Measurements of limb length in, eg, evaluation of impairment.

Another study of N = 90 Rx comparing measurements with measuring tape and wooden blocks. The results are very similar to previous studies, the wood blocks are reliable and not so much tape.

Relationship of Functional Leg-Length Discrepancy to Abnormal Pronation

The Objective of this study to determine whether WAS a correlation exists

between abnormal pronation and functional leg-length discrepancies. Vi

sual assessment and a pelvic thrust maneuver were used to identify the

functionally short leg in 56 indigenous Mexicans (20 males and 36 females;

mean age, 33 years; mean weight, 59 kg; and mean height, 1.60 m). The

Foot Posture Index was used with a modified stance position to identify

the more pronated foot. The posterosuperior iliac spines were used to

identify the “relative” position of the innominate bones. The raw data ob

tained from this study were evaluated using the McNemar test for paired

proportions. A significant positive correlation was found between abnor

mal pronation and hip position and between hip position and functional

leg-length discrepancy. These results are consistent with a theoretical

ascending dysfunctional pelvic model: Abnormal pronation pulls the in

nominate bones anteriorly (forward); anterior rotation of the innominate

shifts the acetabular bones posteriorly and cephalad (backward and up

ward), and this shift in the acetabular hyperextends the knees and short

ens the legs, with the shortest leg Corresponding to the MOST pronated

foot. (J Am Podiatric Med Assoc 96 (6): 499-507, 2006).

Value of a functional asymmetry with abnormal pronation. N = 56. FPI is used to assess foot position. Posterior iliac spines were used to identify the relative position. We found a correlation between abnormal pronation and hip position and between hip position and functional asymmetry. The results are consistent with the theory of pelvic dysfunction model ascending pathological pronation pulls the innominate above, anterior rotation of the acetabulum bone moves back and head (back and up), this change in the acetabulum occurs and knee hyperextension shortening of the legs, with the shorter leg corresponds more pronated foot.

Here is a false asymmetry or a functional asymmetry that we must be careful not to be confused with a structural and put up. In these cases, when we send the patient to a physiotherapist or osteopath and we can really help, but if the problem is abnormal pronation or pelvic dysfunction, the treatment will begin with a functional brace plantar and see the progress before returning to act . (Here comes the decision of the professional game, but on a common theoretical base, there may be 3 ways of acting and 3 to be correct).

Base de datos Cochrane:

Abstract Visual leg length insufficiency detection and correction is compared with established radiographic procedures on 41 consecutive patients presenting to a chiropractic clinic with low back pain. It is commonly accepted that the most accurate procedure of short leg demonstration is the standing X ray. Visual correction, as described by Rene Cailliet, uses three anatomical points of reference: a) iliac crest levelness, b) vertical appraisal of the spine from the sacral base (the spine should be perpendicular to the sacral base) and c) levelness of the posterosuperior iliac spine (PSIS) dimples. Lifts of varying thickness were placed under the foot of the short leg in both leg length corrective procedures. This study found that the visual method of measurement did not differ significantly from the X-ray method of measurement for leg length insufficiency. Further, it was found that when comparing those in which the visual measure was less than the X-ray measure and those in which the visual measure was greater, there was a significant relationship between visual and X-ray measures. Eta (eta 2) demonstrates that there is a very strong relationship between visual and X-ray methods of measurement. A review of the literature is presented regarding the correlation of leg length insufficiency and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as the discrepancy required to alter biomechanical properties of the trunk and lower extremity.

display and correction of LLD vs radiographs.
are accounted for 3 points: 1 horizontality of the iliac crest. 2 º vertical evaluation of the spine from the base of the sacrum (the column should be perpendicular to the base of the sacrum) 3 º Leveling the posterosuperior iliac spine, dimples.
increases were put in the shorter leg.
The study showed that the visual method does not differ significantly on the Rx in the methods of measurement.
Confirms there is a strong visual relationship to the extent vs radiographs.
LLD also confirms that produce an altered biomechanics of the spine and lower limbs.

Abstract We hypothesized That leg-length Discrepancies of as little as 1cm Would induces postural shift and Significant Increase the Extent of postural sway. We had normal 14 Volunteers stand on a force platform With their feet in a standard position. Center-of-pressure data Were Recorded at 100Hz for 20 seconds while the barefoot Stood Subjects with no lifts or (in random order) with lifts of 1, 2, 3, and 4cm under their left and right feet. From these data we derived the mean center-of-pressure position and the extent of postural sway. Lifts of as little as 1cm shifted the mean center-of-pressure toward the longer leg to a statistically significant extent (p less than 0.001), the mean difference compared with the barefoot condition being 6.1% of the distance between the feet; increasing the discrepancy did not proportionately increase the effect. The postural sway (total travel of the center-of-pressure) in a mediolateral direction increased significantly with a 1cm discrepancy (p less than 0.01), and continued to increase in proportion to the magnitude of the discrepancy. There Were no effects on anteroposterior position or sway and no influence of left-right dominance. These results support our hypothesis That a leg-length discrepancy of as little as 1cm May Be biomechanically important.

This study hypothesizes may vary significantly if 1cm biomechanics. They use healthy people who put in a pressure platform and blocks are added inches and 1-2-3-4 record for 20 seconds at 100Hz to assess if there is deviation from the center of gravity both anteroposterior and mediolateral.
The result is that 1 cm change significantly if the center of gravity but only medial-lateral no antero-posterior y que la diferencia de longitud de 1 cm debería producir biomecánicamente un cambio importante.

Chronic low back pain in older adults: prevalence, reliability, and validity of physical examination findings.

Autor(es): Weiner DK; Sakamoto S; Perera S; Breuer P
[CENTRAL-Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Clinicos Controlados. In: The Cochrane Library ID: 00554355 ]
OBJECTIVES: To develop a structured physical examination protocol that identifies common biomechanical and soft-tissue abnormalities for older adults with chronic low back pain (CLBP) that can be used as a triage tool for healthcare providers and to test the interobserver reliability and discriminant validity of this protocol. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey and examination. SETTING: Older adult pain clinic. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred eleven community-dwelling adults aged 60 and older with CLBP and 20 who were pain-free. MEASUREMENTS: Clinical history for demographics, pain duration, previous lumbar surgery or advanced imaging, neurogenic claudication, and imaging clinically serious symptoms. Physical examination for scoliosis, functional leg length discrepancy, pain with lumbar movement, myofascial pain (paralumbar, piriformis, tensor fasciae latae (TFL)), regional bone pain (sacroiliac joint (SIJ), hip, vertebral body), and fibromyalgia. RESULTS: Scoliosis was prevalent In Those with (77.5%) and Without pain (60.0%), pero Prevalence of SIJ pain (84% vs 5%), fibromyalgia tender points (19% vs 0%), myofascial pain (96% vs 10%), and hip pain (48% vs 0%) WAS Significantly Different Between groups (P < .001). Interrater reliability was excellent for SIJ pain (0.81), number of fibromyalgia tender points (0.84), and TFL pain (0.81); good for scoliosis (0.43), kyphosis (0.66), lumbar movement pain (0.75), piriformis pain (0.71), and hip disease by internal rotation (0.56); and marginal for leg length (0.00) and paravertebral pain (0.39). CONCLUSION: Biomechanical and soft tissue pathologies are common in older adults with CLBP, and many can be assessed reliably using a brief physical examination. Their recognition may save unnecessary healthcare expenditure and patient suffering.

This study of older people, with a sample of N = 111, assesses the conditions presented by each subject with back pain.
The conclusion is that the biomechanics and soft tissue pathology (in many cases is not adequately separated since they are related) are common in elderly patients with chronic low back pain.

Effects of limb-length discrepancy on gait economy and lower-extremity muscle activity in older adults.

Autor(es): Gurney B; Mermier C; Robergs R; Gibson A; Rivero D
[CENTRAL-Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Clinicos Controlados. In: The Cochrane Library ID: 00456160 ]
BACKGROUND: The amount of limb-length discrepancy necessary to adversely affect gait parameters in older adults is unknown, with information being largely anecdotal. This investigation was conducted to determine the effects of limb-length discrepancy on gait economy and lower-extremity muscle activity in older adults. METHODS: Forty-four men and women ranging in age from fifty-five to eighty-six years with no evidence of limb-length discrepancy of >1 cm participated in the study. Subjects walked on a treadmill at a self-selected normal walking pace with artificial limb-length discrepancies of 0, 2, 3, and 4 cm applied in a randomly selected order. Indirect calorimetry was used to measure oxygen consumption and minute ventilation. Electromyography was used to measure muscle activity of the right and left quadriceps femoris, plantar flexors, gluteus maximus, and gluteus medius. Heart rate, the rating of perceived exertion, and frequency of gait compensation patterns were also measured. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in oxygen consumption and the rating of perceived exertion with 2, 3, and 4-cm artificial limb-length discrepancies; a significant increase in heart rate, minute ventilation, and quadriceps activity in the longer limb with 3 and 4-cm artificial limb-length discrepancies; and a significant increase in plantar flexor activity in the shorter limb with a 4-cm artificial limb-length discrepancy compared with the same parameters with no artificial limb-length discrepancy. CONCLUSIONS: Both oxygen consumption and the rating of perceived exertion were greater with a 2-cm artificial limb-length discrepancy than they were with no artificial limb-length discrepancy. There appears to be a breakpoint between 2 and 3 cm of artificial limb-length discrepancy in older adults with regard to the effects on most other physiological parameters. A 3-cm artificial limb-length discrepancy is likely to induce significant quadriceps fatigue in the longer limb. Elderly patients with Substantial pulmonary, cardiac, or neuromuscular disease May Have Difficulty walking with a limb-length discrepancy as small as 2 cm.

A study in the elderly with a sample of N = 44, which presented the hypothesis of the effects that an LLD in energy expenditure of gait altered.
, with higher oxygen consumption and the rate of effort produced with 2-3 and 4 cm difference in length. Significant increases in heart rate, minute ventilation and activity of the quadriceps in the longer leg with 3 and 4 cm. Significant increase in activity in the leg plantarflexor cut to 4 cm LLD.
with 2 cm of LLD significantly increased oxygen consumption.
With 3 cms induces quadriceps fatigue in the leg larger.
The conclusion is that elderly patients with asymmetries of at least 2 cms with heart, lung and / or neuromuscular should have difficulty walking.
If these patients can not walk, systemic problems will worsen.

Joint moments in minor limb length discrepancy: a pilot study.

Autor(es): Goel A; Loudon J; Nazare A; Rondinelli R; Hassanein K
[CENTRAL-Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Clinicos Controlados. In: The Cochrane Library ID: 00146329 ]
A biomechanical analysis was performed to determine if a minor limb length discrepancy alters lower extremity joint mechanics significantly and in a manner that could contribute to the development of joint abnormalities. Ten healthy subjects with equal limb lengths were recruited. Gait analysis was performed for both left and right sides to determine the maximum moments at the hip, knee, and ankle joints. A minor limb length discrepancy was simulated by adding a shoe lift of 1.25 cm to the left leg. After a period of acclimation, the gait was reanalyzed. Differences for maximum joint moments at the hip, knee, and ankle before and after simulation were nonsignificant. An additional 10 healthy, asymptomatic patients with actual limb length discrepancies ranging from 1 cm to 2 cm were also recruited. Gait analysis for maximum joint moments before and after correction of the limb length discrepancy was performed. Side-to-side differences in joint moments before correction were nonsignificant. After correction of the limb length discrepancy, side-to-side joint moment differences were significantly increased (P = 0.02) and may suggest acute overcompensation to the presence of the corrective shoe lift. Consequently, Not this study did find an association entre Discrepancies minor limb length and Predictable Changes in lower extremity joint kinetics Potentially That Might lead to joint Abnormalities.

Studio with a sample in which the hypothesis is to assess the joint moments of hip, knee and ankle in patients with LLD.
First pick healthy people and make measurements before and after using some increases of 1.25 cm in these people without LLD. The differences were not significant.
then a sample with LLD of 1 to 2 cm was also analyzed before and after the use compensatory gains.
After correction saw a different joint moment was significantly increased possibly by overcorrection.
The conclusion is that the study found no association between the shorter leg and changes in the lower extremity that can cause abnormalities.
Personally, I like to study, not the result but also the type of sample as small, the methodology used. I think that there should be more long term and that a LLD muscle shortening occurs at multiple points in the chain and if you do not have time to go away without treatment releasing or physiotherapy, osteopath in minutes not evident changes occur.

conservative Correction of leg-length discrepancies of 10mm or less for the Relief of Chronic low back pain.

Author (s): Defrin R; Well Benyamin S; Aldubi RD, Pick CG
[Central-Record Cochrane Controlled Trials. In: The Cochrane Library ID: 00531736 ]
Objective: To study Whether conservative Correction in a leg-length discrepancy (LLD) of 10mm or less in Patient with Chronic low back pain (CLBP) dog relieve pain. Design: Randomized, Controlled Intervention Study, with a mean follow-up duration of 10 weeks. Setting: Physical Therapy Clinic of the national health services. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-three patients with CLBP were screened for an LLD of 10mm or less, which was measured with ultrasound. Patients were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. INTERVENTION: In 22 patients, LLD was corrected by applying individually fitted shoe inserts. In 11 patients, LLD was not corrected. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Chronic pain intensity (visual analog scale) and disability score (Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire). RESULTS: Shoe inserts significantly reduced both pain intensity (P <.001) and disability (P<.05). A moderate positive correlation was found between LLD and the degree of pain relief after wearing shoe inserts (r=.47). CONCLUSIONS: Shoe inserts appear to reduce CLBP and functional disability in patients with LLDs of 10mm or less. Shoe inserts are simple, noninvasive, and inexpensive therapeutic means that can be added to the treatment of CLBP.

Relación entre lumbalgia crónica y LLD de menos de 1cm, esa es la hipótesis.
Tracking 10 weeks. N = 33 pre-selected by their asymmetries.
templates in 22 patients by filling LLD was corrected in 11 no.
scale was used to quantify pain visual.
Results: Patients with inserts inside were reduced pain and disability. A moderate positive correlation after using these "highs" and pain relief.
The treatment has been effective in less than 1 cm asymmetries to reduce pain and disability.

Pelvic unlevelness in chronic low back pain patients - Biomechanics and EMG time-frequency analyses

Autor(es): Aleksiev A; Pope MH; Hooper DM; Wilder D; Magnusson M; Goel VK; Weinstein J; Spratt K; Lee S
[CENTRAL-Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Clinicos Controlados. In: The Cochrane Library ID: 00183632 ]
Background and significance: A controversy persists about the role of pelvic unlevelness and leg length inequality (LLI) as etiologic and aggravating factors in low back pain (LBP), and the diagnostic approach to the use of heel lifts. A question arises: does LLI causes LBP, or is pelvic unlevelness a result of LBP? If the latter, why would we try to change the posture by unilateral heel lift, presumably to something more painful in LBP patients? Purpose: The aims of this study was: a) to investigate the external forces by means of force plate analysis, and the internal forces of the spine by erector spine surface EMG during isometric contraction and sudden load, and b) to define how these responses were modified with or without expectancy and before and after fatigue, when artificial LLI was created in normals and in chronic LBP patients. Subjects and methods: In the first study, 10 patients with chronic LBP (age 41.4, SD 9.6) and 10 matched healthy subjects (age 41.1, SD 9.4) were investigated. The patients participated in a well established 2-week rehabilitation program. The pain degree was quantified by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The subjects stood on a force platform with extended knees, their arms along the body and pelvis against a board to push off. In this position they extended their back against a mechanical resistance at 20% of the individual maximum voluntary contraction MVC for 4 s. Surface EMG activity of the multifidus and longissimus were recorded. An artificial LLI was created by placing different boards of 12 mm and 25 mm respectively under the left and right foot in random order. After the 2-week rehabilitation course the same investigation was repeated for the LBP patients. The same procedures were repeated for the controls after 2 weeks. In the second study, 11 chronic LBP patients (7 males 38.4 years SD 9.8, and 4 females 37.2 years SD 3.6) and 11 age and sex matched controls (7 males with mean age 39.5 SD 9.8, and 4 females with mean age 36.2 SD 3.7) were recruited. The experimental setup was the same as in the first study. Expected and unexpected load and unloads were applied before and after fatigue at the level of T4 by weight of 2 kg attached via a load cell to a harness around the subject's shoulder. The weight was dropped from a height of 45 cm, applying a sudden forward bending moment. Results: The results from the first study showed that in healthy subjects EMG activity increased proportionally on the side with a board and decreased correspondingly on the contralateral side. In LBP patients the EMG increment is higher when the artificially elongated leg corresponds to the more painful side. In healthy subjects COP is close to the middle line, and shifts proportionally away from the longer leg side. In LBP patients COP is shifted initially away from the more painful side even without artificial LLI. COP shifts significantly more in patients when the longer leg corresponds to the more painful side. The displacement of COP is significantly smaller at the end of the rehabilitation program for chronic LBP. The healthy subjects did not show electrophysiologic signs of muscle fatigue, detected by median frequency shift, after 45 s of isometric contraction at 20% MVC. The LBP patients not only were fatigued under the same conditions, but showed asymmetric erector spine fatigue, higher on the side corresponding to the longer leg. The fatigue index decreased significantly after the rehabilitation program. The most fascinating result in the second study was a 5-level interaction of LId together with expectation, fatigue, group, and axis, defined from the force plate parameters. The results of the EMG reaction time and magnitude to sudden load were expressed mostly by a 3-level interaction of LLI together with expectation and group. An obvious discrepancy between the ground reaction forces (expressing the external forces) and the EMG activity (showing the internal forces) comparing normals versus LBP patients were found. The EMG magnitude to sudden load was smaller but the magnitude of the ground reaction forces were larger in LBP patients versus normals. EMG reaction time was slower but the latency of the ground reaction forces are faster in LBP patients versus normals. This internal/external force discrepancy increased after placing a heel lift under the foot, corresponding to the painful side in LBP patients. Conclusion: This study proved only the short term beneficial effect of this frontal plane postural correction in chronic LBP patients. Further studies are necessary to verify a longer term effect of monitored frontal plane posture correction in chronic LBP. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B. V., Amsterdam. All Rights Reserved.

Finally the last, after hours to several days.

Uneven pelvic pain in patients with chronic lower back (CLBP). Biomechanics and electromyography.
As discussed in another study, here also say that there is controversy in the pelvic unevenness and the relationship with LLD (leg length discrepancy).
I like this study because it offers interesting questions.
The authors ask: Do the LLD cause chronic low back pain? Or is the unevenness pelvic the result of chronic low back pain?
In the latter case, then why should we change our posture unilaterally? presumably more painful in patients with chronic low back pain.
These are the questions that I have to use up time, the possible effects on older patients may aggravate the picture.

(An aside: discussed using heel lifts for asymmetries, I am among those who share that price increases should be complete front to back, but for reasons of shoes that I usually do is reduce MTT thickness under heads, 1 or 2 mm and distal to the metatarsal heads in some cases not put anything else, or continue but with a smaller thickness, simply to avoid the leap of the brace on the rise. Because of this problem if the asymmetry is significant, I prefer to use only full boost and not be associated with plantar support (cases exaggerated plantar added to shoes) each partner actually does in one way or another, because in the literature is reflected that all are valid even if the retraction of twins is a problem in children by using only skirts, so try to make the upward tilt of at least the foot, although less bulk under the heads MTT, the angle between the fibula and 5 MTT should be 90 º approx. as it descends to a minimum. In a study previously consulted had shown that up to 3 mm heel for 3 months did not influence the shortening of the gastrocnemius. Hence each remove their way of working)

After continuous paragraph: The objectives were:
a) investigate the external forces using force plates and internal forces from the column by EMG during isometric contraction.
b) define how are you answers were amended with or without expectations before and after the fatigue when you put the rise in healthy patients with chronic low back pain.
increases have been proven to cause artificial asymmetries and value the relief of symptoms, no treatment of LLD.

I will not comment on the methodology but would interesting that you read.

Conclusions: We demonstrated short-term beneficial effects of increases in use (they wore skirts) for the treatment of back pain by correcting the position in the frontal plane.
More studies are needed to assess these long-term effects.

The summary would be: healthy group (control) and pathology group with chronic low back pain are put through a series of biomechanical tests and EMG and without an increase to create an artificial dissymmetry and assess the pain relief or increased pain visual scale.
With several weeks of treatment, examination and assessment back.

This is something I had thought and I had not yet dared to try. Change the biomechanics of how it is to make profits, but the problem is compensation or other parties are going to hurt.
One of the tests I've done has been a patient of 32 years with chronic back pain. The only problem biomechanical observed is that small had a problem with the growth cartilage of the knee where he had an outbreak of Tuberculosis and therefore a delay in the growth of the lateral side, causing a mild worth, a deformity in the frontal plane.
Using several tests and scans came to the conclusion that the leg needed to descend to reach the ground and not down as linear as the other leg, the example would be: a straight line comes before a curved line the ground if they both have the same length.
After several tests were put up in thickness obtained by the measurements.
6 months later the result is that lower back pain and muscle fatigue have been reduced to almost abolished.
I've also done the same procedure on a family member with chronic low back pain and postural asymmetry with a poor outcome, leading to an exacerbation of symptoms, so it was removed immediately.
is an area where there are no uniform criteria for each patient is different and not as accurate diagnoses, as well as adaptations may be multiple, too many factors come into play.

A collective summary of everything seen in this field are: 1 that my English is not good but with work and daily basis to read articles in that language each time it costs less.

2 º The measurements by numbered blocks and pelvic tenderness is a very effective method to assess lower limb asymmetries.
3 ° asymmetries or biomechanical and LLD cause back pain.
4 th Rate it if we have a functional asymmetry by pronation, dysfunction of the pelvis, etc or to a structural, physical therapists and / or radiographs osteopaths with a doubt if we will help.

have a good time without ever publish anything.
In this article I hope to have clarified doubts anyone.
comentármelo If you detect an error to correct because the speed at which I've done it is impossible not to commit any.
Happy holidays to you to enjoy them.