During the first two years, accompanied Nini Extremadura to clear the mountain of the valley and uproot the oak matos. Before Torrecillorigo did this in, but employees were now State devoted to the arduous task of reforestation. Reforestation was the obsession of the new men and when the war just twenty-four hours to explode, she organized volunteer brigades to convert the bare arid Castille in a lush forest. There was no task more pressing and worthy men said: "Trees regulate climate, attract rain and form humus, or soil. There is, therefore, to plant trees. We must make the revolution. Above the field! '. And all men of all peoples of the basin were scattered excited, hoe over his shoulder, on the inhospitable slopes. But August came and the sun burned the tender shoots and the hills followed Monde as skulls.
Guadalupe, the foreman of Extremadura, which, despite its name, was a tanned, muscular boy, with sudden and swift gestures of gypsy, told the lads input of the people in the tavern Malvino who came prepared to make Castilla in a garden. Pruden had smiled skeptically and Guadalupe said, "Do not you think?". And Pruden replied sadly: "Only God makes miracles."
The Extremadura began working for Donalcio roost in a few months motearon of blossoms, like a man's face pockmarked. But no sooner concluded, the relentless sun poured their fire on the hill and began emerging firs two weeks amustiarse and seventy percent of the transplanted seedlings were dried and click to step on them as firewood. The survivors fought a few weeks yet, but soon perished too charred and the face of the roost Donalcio again be as grim and gloomy as before to make their mark here in Extremadura. Crystallized gypsum shone on the edge of the clay pits, and Guadeloupe, the foreman, when he saw the twinkle of the hill from the low swore and said:
-still queer joke on him.
spoke bitterly of the hills, but, despite the sterile result did not slacken in the effort. Sometimes came to town engineer, who was an easygoing man but with the pallor that spread the pages of the books who has studied a lot and then met with the twelve Extremadura in the tavern Malvino and harangued them as general soldiers before the battle:
-Extremadura "he said, keep in mind that four centuries ago, a monkey came into Spain from Gibraltar to the Pyrenees could come leaping from branch to branch without touching the ground. With your enthusiasm, the country will be an immense forest. Pruden v
Malvino exchanged a knowing look. Following the visit of the engineer, who was drinking with them as a equal, Extremadura accretion efforts, deepened the basins of each bud to serve as a container to protect them and storm the Matacabras, but the rains did not appear and when they came in July, the bud was roasting in the pit as a chicken in its own juice.
Miguel Delibes, Rats
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