Monday, July 30, 2007

Mastrubation Home Lubricants

Dear Diary Top 4 things that piss me

Well I'm back.

- Make line to let you enter the cave "fashionable."
They have no fucking idea how I RECAGE that of the phyllite in the clubs. There are paradillos all as idiots in front of hands in a pitiful attempt by the chain-see you and miss you. To me the net gives me a lot Geva So if you are of those people who are begging to be let go to the cave "cool" with all due respect ... PENDEJO YOU ARE! No mamen, still a good fart is going to spend their wool to dive and catch up the ass get the suckers at the entrance. If it makes them a favor by going to your fucking cave fart, not they letting us go. That is why I avoid those damn places. I like going to clubs, I will not deny, but did not suck, I go to places where they do not become suckers, such as cantinuchas and tables .... hahaha, get totally cool the chaos.

- The Americas. Ahhhh
no mamen, click this shit team, the net and I dislike cheaters, arrogant, buying referees and televised. I drop like a stone into the liver. I love football, but I'm no fucking fan, not the ball club nacos those of the Americans who are more than petty vandals, marijuana and assholes. I think that I dislike of birth, that footballing speaking there has always been animosity between the once glorious amierdica and Tiburones Rojos of Veracruz, and I, as well jarocho I am, I follow the line. Although it makes me ill to the equipillo that comes from all over the country. Already I will say that the Americans will say they are big team and that team fucking shark boy and cock, but know that ...? 243.46 kilos worth my whistle. And as the song says, "
the America, Your Mother! UP THE SHARKS! ." No mames click Correa, how America might be suitable to the company?! hahaha.

- Sticking to the beach with clothes.
naco There is nothing else that does not suck. Simpre I'm on the beach there in Veracruz, never missing naquito who gets to water in shorts (denim many times) and shirt. If you are one of those, please close this window and politely ask you to go fuck his mother of my blog. No mamen, like so fucking hard to get a bathing suit, then I think you get into shirt panzota shame to teach, or perhaps nothing more for nacos. I have nothing more to say about these people.

- Spiders.
Well these fucking bugs that I do not know shit, I think I have rather they phobia, and you fucking laugh. Everyone knows that good men Men like me are entitled to having a phobia of something. The net did not even know that shit me, surely some trauma of boy or a fart and I do not know, the case is me shit, damn insects Patones and Ojon. Now, there are 2 kinds of spiders, 8-pin and 2 pin, hahaha, and both me shit. The 8-footed by Ponson and ugly, and the 2 legs, well, other than Ponson and ugly, then the wallet stolen haha, or fart. The fact is that spiders shit me, do not know why.

Now, step on the results of the 2nd click-poll. A total of 101 votes, which were distributed as follows:

What is your favorite sexual position?

41 votes (40.6%): Who the hell will kill Colosio?.
For if they find out, are not assholes and pass the gossip, right?. Do not go with the government that make me me are going to disappear.

19 votes (18.8%) of the pup.
Pssssss yummy, what little ?.... no

13 votes (12.9%): The Monkey.
Only 13 votes for the Monkey, this only proves that humanity is not yet ready to receive my greatest achievement. Maybe one day, mere mortals, are able to understand the majesty the Monkey.

12 votes (11.9%): Click Contreras make me yours now. For
pasenme addresses and right now I keep on making them see stars with a good Monkey hahaha.

9 votes (8.9%): The Missionary.
guardespaldas bahhh! that fucking bored, or has that joke.

7 votes (6.9%): 69.
to me it makes me pure blowjob with you, hahaha, "entienderon? "Pure blowjob" bone that ... Guardespaldas bahhh, forget.

I can leave here.

Pd .- For there are saying that the Click Contreras walks in love and that has already become rather corny and cock fucking and sucking so ques'que for a post that started the other day and now everyone is fucking. Nothing to do! I remain available girls! haha.

Friday, July 27, 2007

K610i How To Put Memory Card


is that I have had some problems ...


I simply (if I feel like) posting again.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

How Many Cigarettes Can You Get Out Of 12.5g

... Much care

"Just in case the sky Should Fall On Our Heads ... I love you."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

18 Masterbate Braazilian


This is true, gentlemen beware.

A new scheme in the parking lots of supermarkets is claiming many victims. I really came at a Sam's here Monterrey, but it can happen in any other department stores (Soriana, Gigante, Chedrahui, Wallmart, etc..). That's how it works:

2 girls dressed hostesses spectacular approach you while keeping your purchases in the trunk. Offered to help, then begin to clean your car parabirsas. Your breasts (theirs, not yours) was nearly out of their tiny outfits so it's almost impossible not to pay attention.

When finally, you offer them a tip but they reject it. Instead, please ask if you can take them to another warehouse in the city.

You agree and they are uploaded in the back of the car. When they go on the road, take off their clothes and begin to make love between them, then one of them goes into the front seat and begins performing oral sex while the other driver, taking advantage of the situation, he steals his wallet.

Please be very careful, I cheated me last Friday ... again on Saturday, Sunday 2 times, yesterday once more and see if I am.


I, the victim.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bally Bingo Pinball Sales

Rigor Sonnet

ateción Pay if you want to know
sad story with moral

in the bar where we drink

entered an old square basis.

was carrying a attached at the hip pants
and hung all the jelly.

Al chile I thought it was trucking

ay wey that ugliest fucking old!

Waiter, bring us more beer!

sonnets just starting my

I forgot I'm from the nobility

and she threw pispiretos eyes.

In this world there is no decency

pants as he went a green thong

and I in the twilight of my consciousness

the eye began to see happy.

When the beers were 15

that starts to dance reggaeton

then said "go fuck your mother!"

and to begin to pull up the shrimp.

I flirted with a brutal desempacho

I did and I use all my devotion

but I think I got really drunk

because at 20 I lost all reason.

We went to end the spree together

home from a guy

in that it puts me into a room

to boot your deadly onslaught.

When I woke up there was only one shot

curtain went and left me a bitter moral.

also left another surprise very shameless

was no curtain was her thong floss.

Sorry for this sad feat

swear I'm not going to lose control

if you want to know the moral: There

ugly person just lack of alcohol.

O me with this cat!

who raped me in a sly way.

daughter of his bloody mother!

also took my wallet.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Congratulating Someone With Their Moms Birthday

Most Wanted

Late Bulletin:

global security agencies have issued a list of the names of the 5 most wanted and dangerous criminals in the world. Precupado provided for their safety and well being, my dear stepchildren, now proceed to list the enemies number one worldwide.

(Note: The following subjects are extremely dangerous. If you hit one of them is not stupid and go for a cop, do not try deternelos yourself. I repeat, no approach
them are extremely dangerous).

Name: Margarito Perez Garcia Gerson
Alias: "
The Chompiras " Mara
Well this is mostly searched for crimes against public health. You do not suck, how can you be so naco?! That is certainly a kind of crime against public health. Use shirts with slogans like "The Gulf of Mexico" or "It hurts to be so handsome face" (pffff!) which increase naquez and the degree of dangerousness of the individual. It also makes a shitload of signs with
s hands as he suffered from epileptic seizures. There are strong rumors that the Chompiras is founder of the Mara but has not confirmed anything, what we do know is that Gerson Margarito, like all naco, is an American. He has been seen in public squares bothering decent ladies to de-Senton alike. Do not go near the subject is very dangerous and smells like Resistol 5000 and Thinner.

Name: Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Alias: " The C
horejas , " click bald asshole", " rat," "traitors ", etc ...
This dude if you know of terrorism and no airplanes crashing sucks to walk. He is wanted for committing the greatest genocide in world history. With its fiscal and political terrorism Ching Ju
nts to 100 million Mexicans for 6 years, and whenever he can he continues to do but from Europe. Expert on election fraud, disappearances and devaluations, it is believed that the U.S. government has recruited as a special agent to send the Iraqi government to end to give the mother to the country. Beware, the subject is highly dangerous Again, if you go away, move away and more confident TELL who have it (the PGR does not disappear because you me too).

Name: Eliud
Alias: " Chacho"
chachareros Dangerous sex maniac and the CFE. This pervert has a reputation of being well PEDOT, and since it is worker's lives Commission defrauding users. Is said to have rigged several tables which give all of a staple in exchange for them not to cut the chatter light. It is also a first-guevonzazo and tends to be an exhibitionist. He accuses
including co sas of molesting little old ladies and dogs in the parks. At the follow up to little old alleys dressed only in a black trench coat, then stand up against them and opening up the coat showing his miseries. The dogs are forced to have sex and later photographed. This subject is also highly dangerous. It is also good fart has been thrown on a stool and urine. If he does, go to the police for help and for the world is going to happen to bend over in front of him.

Name: Maribel Guardia and Latin Lover
Alias: "
Catwoman" and "Mr. Anabolic "
Sufferers of its powers mental. This pair of nacos up the organized crime ring's most dangerous country. Have taken the country by assault every Saturday taxing one of the most disgusting and nacos programs that have existed in the history of the world. They are accused of serious crimes against the country, to make a program as Piter and fill their heads with shit to the poor and gullible viewers who see it. It could think that this pair of nacos maintain a relationship
sentimental, but not the Latin Lover is fucking and Maribel Guardia holds a torrid affair years ago with Margarito Gerson criminal known as "the Chompiras" Perez Garcia. Are for each other, no doubt. Do not approach them, they spit a lot when speaking.

Name: Unknown
Alias: " The Chikis"
Another highly dangerous sex maniac. Usually uses the nickname "The Chikis." This dude is pretending to be women in chat rooms and is devoted to deceive and seduce cybernauts no social life, who falls in love and convinces them to send pictures of his cock or is around naked for
webcam, and then masturbating to the images obtained. Not to mention that the Chikis often upload photos of their victims to the Internet and burn them by showing off a fucking beating. If you are from these cybernauts be careful, the person in question is more dangerous than it seems.

If you have any information leading to the capture of these dangerous criminals, please contact us at 01-800 - PINCHECONTRERAS.

Thank you for your cooperation.