began with the announcement of the web of 41 National Congress of Podiatry
"At today's date (15 February) we disclose to the blogs of podiatry, the official website of the National Congress of Podiatry 41
onwards and in the news section will be published promptly all realcionados.
with the event. " José Luis Fernández
Lake Secretary General
With the great work you are doing this school, I have no doubt that Congress will do a fine.
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As I have emphasized on many other occasions, and we continue to do so, plantar orthoses not only treat the foot.
Let's get a case of a patient with subtalar pronation (heel is between 6 and 10 ° of eversion) and collapse of the midtarsal joint with no sign of structures responsible resupinación takeoff.
When you try to step foot in pronation and the AMT collapsed, the take will be through a less efficient and more abrupt for the foot known as Low Gear that is oblique and occurs in the antero-lateral ft 3 º to 5 º MTT.
Let's get a case of a patient with subtalar pronation (heel is between 6 and 10 ° of eversion) and collapse of the midtarsal joint with no sign of structures responsible resupinación takeoff.
When you try to step foot in pronation and the AMT collapsed, the take will be through a less efficient and more abrupt for the foot known as Low Gear that is oblique and occurs in the antero-lateral ft 3 º to 5 º MTT.
This is because the tension that structures will not be performed with greater efficiency because in Low Gear resistance offered by the metatarsal heads is not perpendicular but oblique.
If the traction of the flexor muscles occurs longitudinally in the sagittal plane, it is possible to maintain the distal epiphysis of the MTT to the ground and promote the FD of MTPJ, however, if there is traction obliquely by ASA with ABD forefoot pronation, the tension in a transverse plane will be less effective, hence the appearance of the 5 th and 4 th adductus, varus and in some cases infraductus, and are affected in all three planes.
(But do not get to speak today on the High and Low gear, since it is more complex)
Get consistent unlock all joints from head to foot, is so destructive that can occur for a general reaction in the body.
An extreme example would be the cancer that can lead to destabilization of the body structures that alter the position of the head, shoulders, back, pelvis, hips, knees and feet.
This could alter the dynamic stability producing a domino effect that is dislodged a piece to the next. Therefore, an overload in the neck will tilt the shoulders, they turn the spine, pelvis, hips, knees, feet.
(In one recent case, a young girl with a subtalar pronation important due to a pathological joint morphology in the AMT allow excessive motion and instability that left foot as dead, the muscle was fine but later responded This caused the MI rotation, internal rotation to turn a anteriorization iliac wing and internal rotation, giving a false and misleading impression Dissymmetry turn the pelvis, caused a misalignment of the spine and shoulder, so had lateralized neck.
taping was with that foot to have the Plantar Orthoses and had no back pain but a lot of pain in the neck which was now almost straight.)
pain and discomfort in various parts of body often occur almost simultaneously.
The destabilization can be anywhere in the body from head to foot, so it is important to find the cause and treat it, if it's a mechanical reason or refer if for other reasons such as lack of sight, hearing loss, etc.
postural control is affected at times when we make a well-off, a job in the same position. For. eg. A skilled player will have more developed right leg than the left. A clerk will tend to be muscular contractions by subjecting the body to a position held and atrophy of muscles, biomechanics will not be the same and these people will go to consultation by saying that he has left a helomas, who never had that before to sport but now, using good shoes, etc etc.
Some stability mechanisms subtalar pronation as benign, nowadays, with smooth, hard surfaces of roads, walks, etc make the walk does not behave as it has been designed to act as our stand is made for irregularities, the mechanisms that enjoys, are not made for the modern world.
The intrinsic muscles of the foot that appears paralyzed and inactive in many patients as a result of disorientation and loss of proprioception, if it fails, we lose the prevention of collapse of the joint capsule and ligaments stretching causing great tension in the plantar fascia.
flexors Plantar overloaded soleus and posterior tibial when overloaded, it causes the calcaneus everts.
Shin splint (shin splints), stress fractures of both the tarsi and metatarsal injury talo-navicular ligament, Achilles tendonitis, heel spur syndrome des, medial calcaneal nerve irritation or entrapment, HAV, etc;
There relations diseases as a forefoot valgus or a radio 1, plantarflexion with the external rotators of the hip. External rotators, as part of the powerful gluteal region, in its superficial part, the member rotates "backwards" to rotate, in a desperate attempt to resupinate the foot.
Synergy resupinación normal foot in preparation for starting the propulsion phase of gait, the piriformis (pyramid) is the most important.
The problem begins when the foot's bone structure is abnormal.
Pronation produces internal rotation of the tibia and an eccentric external rotator downloads.
When the collapse of the ASA and AMT is large and prolonged, the muscle produces external rotation of the hip and surges due to the increase in origin-insertion distance, so it will be less effectively its eccentric and concentric contractions and will suffer damages and injuries.
With this picture, there are hip bursitis, piriformis syndrome, local muscle pain upper quadrant of the buttock syndrome, iliotibial band friction and retro-patellar pain.
is very common that the dysfunction is a key factor in the poor traction of the patella and displayed an inhibition of the vastus medialis oblique (seen in previous publication).
not only the lateral posterior compartment of the hip affects the knee and hip also a common cause of groin pain is excessive lateral rotation of the leg.
Suddenly the adductor is positioned as the first manager to perform hip flexion. This is achieved in a very aggressive and some consequences such as the mismatch that occurs in the pelvic muscles can cause tears.
A similar tension occurs in the plantar fascia is strained to its limits.
This stress can cause nerve entrapment and Achilles enthesitis and Sever in young people. (10-15 years).
When the problem is in the bottom of the lower limb dysfunction occurs with internal rotation and pelvic anteriorization or increase of lordosis and kyphosis causing the neck forward.
abdominal strength and endurance, it will be taken into account when presented with a pathological foot muscles as this will oppose movements that develop the pathological hip, pelvis, spine.
lumbar lordosis in the muscle appear contractures due to muscle shortening.
A plantar orthotic treatment by corrective and / or functional, aided by a muscular rehabilitation of the area it gives good results if it were only the muscular and postural re-education as the muscles tend to quickly return to initial state accommodating the disease. Often surgery in structures proximal to the foot, do not give good results because treating the biomechanical forces acting on such return destructuras modified structures that were already wealthy, again causing a continuous "around the room" and tissue damage.
is an open discussion, with much room to investigate, but the studies are there, the results also. Who wants to devote himself to biomechanics, I believe it is necessary to understand, treat and study the positive and negative effects that occur throughout the body.
I apologize for the poor coherence of some sentences, the reason is that in these articles, I have been more complicated than normal English translation on other occasions. -------------------------------------------------
------------ Who makes or prescribing plantar orthoses daily and want to correct, have you ever wondered if there is evidence that plantar orthoses correct? "Plantar orthotics align the body?
Studies about it is, contradict these questions, although it is true that there is evidence that some do, because they solve problems, but what do they do?.
Through clinical practice I have been doing (available soon) has made me rethink many things I had learned much theory and not in many cases corresponds to reality.
The forefoot varus and valgus say there, I've been taught twice in this theory and my personal opinion (without any scientific value nor demonstrated empirically) is that it is too subjective, depending on how we align the foot, depending on how neutralize the ASA, as in some cases is supinated or pronated as tibial torsion, we will give the forefoot is everted, inverted, or neutral.
If I agree to the supinated forefoot that is caused by muscle dysfunction capsuloligamentous accommodations due to a continued subtalar pronation and excessive.
If I agree to post and forefoot wedges to restructure, retrain a cause forefoot and midfoot and hindfoot effects.
But what most agree, is more modern theories of Root, as are those of Dannamberg, the foot works harder in the sagittal plane in the transverse plane, I also agree with Kirby, we assess the strengths and the center of pressure if they are more medialized or lateralized. That is subject to physical concepts, to vectors, magnitudes, force, pressure, kinematic and kinetic mostly, which is more objective, more measurable, "more demonstrably" more scientific.
There are different views on these issues, that is, opinions, worthless, and it is difficult to arrive at a common point because the studies do not give anyone reason removed. We further investigate
------------ Who makes or prescribing plantar orthoses daily and want to correct, have you ever wondered if there is evidence that plantar orthoses correct? "Plantar orthotics align the body?
Studies about it is, contradict these questions, although it is true that there is evidence that some do, because they solve problems, but what do they do?.
Through clinical practice I have been doing (available soon) has made me rethink many things I had learned much theory and not in many cases corresponds to reality.
The forefoot varus and valgus say there, I've been taught twice in this theory and my personal opinion (without any scientific value nor demonstrated empirically) is that it is too subjective, depending on how we align the foot, depending on how neutralize the ASA, as in some cases is supinated or pronated as tibial torsion, we will give the forefoot is everted, inverted, or neutral.
If I agree to the supinated forefoot that is caused by muscle dysfunction capsuloligamentous accommodations due to a continued subtalar pronation and excessive.
If I agree to post and forefoot wedges to restructure, retrain a cause forefoot and midfoot and hindfoot effects.
But what most agree, is more modern theories of Root, as are those of Dannamberg, the foot works harder in the sagittal plane in the transverse plane, I also agree with Kirby, we assess the strengths and the center of pressure if they are more medialized or lateralized. That is subject to physical concepts, to vectors, magnitudes, force, pressure, kinematic and kinetic mostly, which is more objective, more measurable, "more demonstrably" more scientific.
There are different views on these issues, that is, opinions, worthless, and it is difficult to arrive at a common point because the studies do not give anyone reason removed. We further investigate
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