Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How To Make Ballet Shoes Out Of Ready Icing

is time to help ideas to immortalize my name in the history of shit post

- Idea 1: New language

was I who invented the language that wave of "F" for some time now. Everyone knew how to talk and became very popular throughout Mexico. Now to continue my contributions have created a new and eloquent language that I'm sure with the help of all we popularize it and make it fashionable. It is neither more nor less than the language of the "cock." It is insert the word "cock" between sentences, placing it immediately after each word we use.

For example the sentence:

"The other day I thought I had left a third balls but there were the remains of my unborn twin."

would read as follows:

"The other dick dick dick that day I thought dick dick dick my dick had gone a yard third dick dick dick balls but no cock cock, the cock remains were dick dick dick my dick twin born dick dick dick no. "

- Idea 2: Health fucking "Placerex 2000"

Given the recent spate of fucking us from all sides and aware of their needs, I decided to invent a unique health for fucking, which has the patented clean-ass system Placerex 2000: "To make each one prufunda crap experience." The system consists of an ingenious mechanical finger which is inserted after shit in the ass to take the place of toilet paper and at the same time provide the necessary leisure to make each cagada an unforgettable experience. This is the sketch:

* The excessive consumption of this product is harmful to heterosexuals.

- Idea 3: Saving the world caries, or join the squadron of Captain Shield , whichever is easier.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Recurve Bow Arrow Rests

A Reconsideration of Physics


Coming soon: "Pura cock post"

Monday, October 15, 2007

How Can I Defrost Sausage Fast

1 .- In a 8000 meter race Maradona took Sophia 200 meters and 290 meters on Isabel. If Sophia and Elizabeth continue running at the same average speed up the goal, determine
A) In what will cheat km Roberto Madrazo?
B) How many lines of cocaine Maradona went on to win the race?
C) What do you think are the reasons for Sophie to run the race? 2 .- Pablo

fires a projectile horizontally from a cannon located at 45.3 m on a horizontal plane with a speed at the muzzle of 250 m / s.
A) At what Paul gang member?
B) Explain the Socio-political conditions that led Paul to be part of a gang.

3 .- A student wants to determine the coefficients of static and kinetic friction between a box and a plank. Place the box on plank and gradually elevates one end of the plank. When the tilt angle to the horizontal reaches 28.0 degrees, the box starts to slip and down the plank 2.53m in 3.92s.
A) Assuming that Feuerbach is right, how the board affects the Marxist doctrine of mid-century?

4 .- A skater with a mass of 70 Kilos moves on an imaginary frictionless linear path at an initial speed of 3.2 m / s, hitting one second skater of unknown mass and at rest. After the collision, the first skater continuing its original direction and 0.66 m / s. Determine
A) Does that hurt skater but he putazo?
B) If you had seen the hit, how long you cagarias of laughter?
Extra Credit:
C) Determine the philosophical nature of the way imagination and metaphor to life.

5 .- Erika's mom weighs 42 kilos more than Erika, if the two together weigh 138 kilos:
A) How is Erika titties? 6 .-

in astronomy observatory on earth is watching the approach of a meteorite. In a moment has the following information: The mass of the meteorite is estimated to be 15 x 120 ^ 10 kg, and speed of 1300.0 km / s. Determine
A) How long will it take Bruce Willis to blow up the meteor and save the earth?
B) List of possible names that can give the meteorite.
Extra Credit:
C) Write a brief romance between astronomy and Bruce Willis.

7 - The earth has a mass of 5.98x10 ^ 24 kg. The average mass of atoms on the surface of the earth is 40 u.
A) What do you think of that?
B) Greenpeace protest against the atoms?

Friday, October 5, 2007

Brent Everett Bottom Blog

The other day I went to a wedding

No it does not suck the other day I walked assaulting and kicking well tap in the street homeless homeless haha \u200b\u200bdamn things then loaded chidas and why I find my buddy the Griffey While lying on the sidewalk chemo and now after steal the 50 bucks that was in the bag I woke him up and tells me I have a wee look to a wedding invitation that you pull or fart? envelopes and I then left na'ma am going to get decent clothes because I'm good bit and I'm gone to put my yins Livais, Comex holed my shirt, my hat "Salinas for President" and my tennis Ribuk, chingón well that I die before becoming easier.

already grabbed the truck and my buddy tells me the mother wee pal truck lend me because I was bringing 50 bucks in the bag and who knows where they were, fucking assholes can no longer walk on chemo no mames streets, and I envelopes I invite you, I will bring wool haha. And after taking the truck and 3 carts arrived at the party, was in a small town near Veracruz beyond, had closed the street and had placed a carp of the Coca-Cola with tables and chairs for the Crown was to be done bodorrio. But do not suck dick to have known better bring me my shirt Nacautica, Jet Set all the people were present, pure fucking gargantudo invited the jaig sosayiti, imagine na'mas were the Nicanor, successful business owner of the only butcher the village, the trek, ex-tycoon wetback largest cattle owner in the region with 3 mules and an old cow and there was the Silverio, H. Village mayor. Nonono no mamen, was net year's event, to tell them that the wedding transmitted via live satellite to 30 cities, with correspondents in Cuichapa, Chinameca and ejido Santa Rosita. All good fucking strawberries, nothing more than not suck, I gave my guy worth going to the griffey, that wee never going to shine in society ', he asked the waiter charanda on the rocks, click naco, that cock does not know that these events are asked loggerhead cache or what? But hey.

Total already given a starter broth of cassava and taro tasty salad garnished with epazote frejjjjjjjco quelite and brought direct from the best dealers in the market. Had tepache drinking and those who take no alcohol served horchata and pozol in those paper cones. Look na'mas the event class instead of the traditional tuna and egg hambigú gave Polish meat and lots of pa to surrender with crackers and pineapple chunks pa the lineage. Nonono no mamen fieston click crazy, threw the ranch for the window to play in the party led twice chicoche, and the toasts were given seven males, the best of the best. And at the climax of the wedding party danced the waltz to "mark is not no and no" beautiful piece of music and closed with the sheriff of chocolate. " Well they looked flirtatious grooms, the bandanna on your head, the tattoo on the chest of the chamber 8 and his shirt open and her with her wedding dress fabric and carpet industry of palm leaves and acuyo.

Al chile chida party was fine. Good fart finished dancing with the peppers from the market and lying on the sidewalk griffey well chemo.

And leaving me so much bullshit, no mamen, as time passes, 1 year ago today I started writing this blog ... The time spent on it.