Born in Cuba Libre, in the state of intoxication. His parents were Don Pedro and the widow of Romero. It was the second bottle tomandante inflantería, but his goal has always been to be President.
holds a BS in recreation and use of leisure time, which no doubt wasted contemplating engaging in erotic films and the manufacture of jackets. That was in Europe recently, where he visited the Italian cities of Sebino Donna and Piccola Sobretti; in France was in E. Chart Blanqué and Le Cheri L'Avent. Being over there was to learn German and all I learned was to say in German rape: "Desvirgensen." Tried his luck in football, but an injury left him out of the question, so the medicines prescribed for Pitolina Mecolato Intrapiernoso and Tentramitilín . They waited to heal but to no avail. Was returned to Mexico, where he continued his studies in criminology and human anatomy class has learned many penis veins (seven hundred) has few nerves buttocks (thousand plus), and in many parts divide the back (loin, tenderloin and mine). Well that's it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Turning to other issues no interest for you, was closed the first Click-survey with some success ... (NAAA that yard). 101 votes were recorded and the results were as follows:
"Do you like the new look of the Blog?"
- Pss I I think I fart when I shot a Elba Esther: 27 votes (26.7%)
Here it is clear that we have a high index of past cock. No mamen! these if they are as disgusting, even if I were walking and super pedisimo (and stating that I have been) made him the small favor that ascooooo, surely podriría me and my amigototote that mother would never forgive me. Fucking sick sexual perverts.
- All of the above: 27 votes (26.7%)
Chingada madreeee told them not to vote for this option, your fucking fault my poll has a high degree of error, while there was a tie in the first place.
- No: 16 votes (15.8%)
obviously were more honest than 16 people participated in the survey. No way.
- Click Contreras I love you (I am a man): 14 votes (13.9%)
Well we have had 14 voters putos jajaja.
- Yes: 10 votes (9.9%)
Here it is clear that we have 10 lameguevos who just want to look good to me.
- Click Contreras I love you (I am a woman): 7 votes (6.9%)
Fortunately there are still women who know a good thing when they see it, but few persons, but no fart, quality over quantity. Congratulations girls! Click Contreras there for everyone.
* Courtesy of my buddy Eliud.